To contrast the fact of metachemistry
with the fiction of pseudo-chemistry on the female (primary) side of the
state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis stretching from the northwest to the
southeast points of the intercardinal axial compass,
as one would contrast vanity with justice, or barbarity with civility, or
clearness with unclearness, or, indeed, drama (wilfully active theatre) with
fictitious literature (novelistic long prose).
To contrast the pseudo-falsity of pseudo-metaphysics with the pseudo-truth of
physics on the male (secondary) side of the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate
axis stretching, as above, from the northwest to the southeast points of the intercardinal axial compass, as one would contrast
pseudo-meekness with pseudo-righteousness, or pseudo-philistinism with
pseudo-culture, or pseudo-unholiness with
pseudo-holiness or, indeed, pseudo-poetry (stanza divisible verse) with
pseudo-philosophy (essayistic in its long-prose-like prolixity).
Hence the co-existence on the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis of fact
with pseudo-falsity (metachemical/pseudo-metaphysical
northwest) and of pseudo-truth with fiction (physical/pseudo-chemical
southeast) - fact and fiction no less polar on the female side of this axis
than pseudo-falsity and pseudo-truth are such on its male, or secondary, side.
Contrariwise, to contrast the truth of metaphysics with the falsity of
pseudo-physics on the male (primary) side of the
church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis stretching from the northeast to the
southwest points of the intercardinal axial compass,
as one would contrast righteousness with meekness, or culture with
philistinism, or holiness with unholiness or, indeed,
philosophy (aphoristic in its noumenal concision)
with poetry (indivisible block-like verse).
To contrast the pseudo-fiction of pseudo-metachemistry
with the pseudo-fact of chemistry on the female side (secondary) of the
church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis stretching, as above, from the
northeast to the southwest points of the intercardinal
axial compass, as one would contrast pseudo-justice with pseudo-vanity, or
pseudo-civility with pseudo-barbarity, or pseudo-unclearness with
pseudo-clearness or, indeed, pseudo-literature (fictitious short prose) with
pseudo-drama (speech-oriented theatre that is accordingly more spirit than
Hence the co-existence on the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis of truth
with pseudo-fiction (metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical
northeast) and of pseudo-fact with falsity (chemical/pseudo-physical southwest)
- truth and falsity no less polar on the male side of this axis than
pseudo-fiction and pseudo-fact on its female, or secondary, side.
Fact and truth are the alpha and omega of things hegemonically
noumenal; pseudo-falsity and pseudo-fiction the
pseudo-omega and pseudo-alpha of things subordinately noumenal,
as in relation to pseudo-metaphysics under metachemistry
and pseudo-metachemistry under metaphysics.
Pseudo-fact and pseudo-truth are the alpha and omega of things hegemonically phenomenal; falsity and fiction the pseudo-omega
and pseudo-alpha of things subordinately phenomenal, as in relation to
pseudo-physics under chemistry and pseudo-chemistry under physics.
Hence the absolute distinction between metachemistry
and metaphysics in relation to the alpha and omega of the hegemonic noumenal positions has to be contrasted with the
pseudo-absolute distinction between pseudo-metaphysics and pseudo-metachemistry in relation to the pseudo-omega and
pseudo-alpha of the subordinate noumenal positions.
Hence, too, the relative distinction between chemistry and physics in relation
to the alpha and omega of the hegemonic phenomenal positions has to be
contrasted with the pseudo-relative distinction between pseudo-physics and
pseudo-chemistry in relation to the pseudo-omega and pseudo-alpha of the
subordinate phenomenal positions.
In terms of axial polarity, the clearness of space in the space of clearness
vis-à-vis the unclearness of pseudo-volume in the pseudo-volume of unclearness
has to be contrasted with the pseudo-unholiness of
pseudo-time in the pseudo-time of pseudo-unholiness
vis-à-vis the pseudo-holiness of mass in the mass of pseudo-holiness on the
state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis stretching from the northwest to the
southeast points of the intercardinal axial compass.
Again, in terms of axial polarity, the holiness of time in the time of holiness
vis-à-vis the unholiness of pseudo-mass in the
pseudo-mass of unholiness has to be contrasted with
the pseudo-unclearness of pseudo-space in the pseudo-space of pseudo-unclearness
vis-à-vis the pseudo-clearness of volume in the volume of pseudo-clearness on
the church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis stretching from the northeast to
the southwest points of the intercardinal axial