Just as the vain are unequivocally hegemonic over the pseudo-meek at the northwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, so it could be said that the former correspond to whores and the latter to pseudo-demons, in keeping with a metachemical/pseudo-metaphysical distinction analogous to that between drama and pseudo-poetry or fact and pseudo-falsity.

Just as the pseudo-righteous are equivocally hegemonic over the just at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, so it could be said that the former correspond to pseudo-saints and the latter to angels, in keeping with a physical/pseudo-chemical distinction analogous to that between pseudo-philosophy and novelistic literature or pseudo-truth and fiction.

Thus whores and angels would be in polarity on primary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, with pseudo-demons and pseudo-saints their polar counterparts on secondary state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, as germane, to males.

Conversely, just as the righteous are unequivocally hegemonic over the pseudo-just at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, so it could be said that the former correspond to saints and the latter to pseudo-angels, in keeping with a metaphysical/pseudo-metachemical distinction analogous to that between philosophy and pseudo-literature or truth and pseudo-fiction.

Just as the pseudo-vain are equivocally hegemonic over the meek at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass, so it could be said that the former correspond to pseudo-whores and the latter to demons, in keeping with a chemical/pseudo-physical distinction analogous to that between pseudo-drama and poetry or pseudo-fact and falsity.

Thus saints and demons would be in polarity on primary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, with pseudo-angels and pseudo-whores their polar counterparts on secondary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, as germane to females.

The demonic 'last' shall be saintly 'first' in the salvation of the meek to righteousness, as from phenomenal underplane pseudo-physics to noumenal overplane metaphysics.

Conversely, the pseudo-whorish 'first' shall be pseudo-angelic 'last' in the counter-damnation of the pseudo-vain to pseudo-justice, as from phenomenal overplane chemistry to noumenal underplane pseudo-metachemistry.

The whorish 'first' shall be angelic 'last' in the damnation of the vain to justice, as from noumenal overplane metachemistry to phenomenal underplane pseudo-chemistry.

Conversely, the pseudo-demonic 'last' shall be pseudo-saintly 'first' in the counter-salvation of the pseudo-meek to pseudo-righteousness, as from noumenal underplane pseudo-metaphysics to phenomenal overplane physics.

Be that as it may, this should be only a temporary situation pending, I shall contend, the axial transference of the original physical and pseudo-chemical, pseudo-righteous and just, to the middle tier of my projected triadic Beyond under the metaphysical righteous and pseudo-metachemical pseudo-just, but over the last-to-be-transferred neo-chemical and neo-pseudo-physical (those who had been metachemical and pseudo-metaphysical), who will take up bottom tier positions in the overall ethnic pluralism of the said Beyond ... of what should be a 'resurrected' church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axis earmarked for gradual upwards-tending centro-complexification as and when 'the Centre', or overall arrangement of triadic Beyond and administrative aside, gravitates from earth to space in space-centre apotheosis - a point in Eternity and pseudo-Infinity when only metaphysics and pseudo-metachemistry, righteousness and pseudo-justice, saints and pseudo-angels, would have any relevance, given the time/pseudo-space heights of the context in question.

All such eschatological speculation may seem a little farfetched at present, but I can see the logic of it and am convinced of its moral desirability ... if undesirable alternatives are to be systematically avoided. If this is a kind of blueprint for 'Kingdom Come', or a society characterized by the dominance of an ultimate evolutionary stage (cyborgistic) of metaphysics ... in which what in the past I have called 'religious sovereignty' will be the general rule, then such a blueprint, based in sound sustainable logic, should be possible both to implement and bring to practical fruition for the sake of those who would otherwise continue to fall victim to whores and pseudo-demons whose polarities merely co-exist with them in an axial partnership aimed at the financial exploitation and cultural degradation of the pseudo-whorish pseudo-vain and demonic meek, the latter of whom may have inherited a pseudo-earth under purgatory, but will not inherit a heaven over pseudo-hell until they have been saved to righteousness and their female counterparts counter-damned to pseudo-justice, neither of which can - nor ever should - exist independently of the other.