To distinguish the first-rate will of beauty in metachemical free soma from the first-rate pseudo-will of pseudo-truth in pseudo-metaphysical free soma, as one would distinguish Devil the Mother from the Pseudo-Son of Pseudo-God.


To distinguish the second-rate will of strength in chemical free soma from the second-rate pseudo-will of pseudo-knowledge in pseudo-physical free soma, as one would distinguish Woman the Mother from the Pseudo-Son of Pseudo-Man.


To distinguish the third-rate will of ignorance in physical bound soma from the third-rate pseudo-will of pseudo-weakness in pseudo-chemical bound soma, as one would distinguish the Son of Man from Pseudo-Woman the Pseudo-Mother.


To distinguish the fourth-rate will of illusion in metaphysical bound soma from the fourth-rate pseudo-will of pseudo-ugliness in pseudo-metachemical bound soma, as one would distinguish the Son of God from Pseudo-Devil the Pseudo-Mother.


Thus first-rate will, being metachemically free, is beautiful; second-rate will, being chemically free, is strong; third-rate will, being physically bound, is ignorant; and fourth-rate will, being metaphysically bound, is illusory – the former alternatives positively female (motherly) and the latter alternatives negatively male (pseudo-sonful).


Thus first-rate pseudo-will, being pseudo-metaphysically free, is pseudo-truthful; second-rate pseudo-will, being pseudo-physically free, is pseudo-knowledgeable; third-rate pseudo-will, being pseudo-chemically bound, is pseudo-weak; and fourth-rate pseudo-will, being pseudo-metachemically bound, is pseudo-ugly – the former alternatives positively pseudo-male (pseudo-sonful) and the latter alternatives negatively pseudo-female (pseudo-motherly).


From the most wilful alpha of beauty to the least wilful alpha of illusion via the more (relative to most) wilful alpha of strength and the less (relative to least) wilful alpha of ignorance is significant of a descending scale of will from positive female to negative male.


From the most pseudo-wilful alpha of pseudo-truth to the least pseudo-wilful alpha of pseudo-ugliness via the more (relative to most) pseudo-wilful alpha of pseudo-knowledge and the less (relative to least) pseudo-wilful alpha of pseudo-weakness is significant of a descending scale of pseudo-will from positive pseudo-male to negative pseudo-female.


I have now dealt with all the positions, from soul and ego to spirit and will, pseudo-soul and pseudo-ego to pseudo-spirit and pseudo-will, that could be categorized in such fashions, thereby bringing this series of weblogs to a successful conclusion.