The Being of Soul, which is metaphysically joyful, is positively blessed with the Soul of Being, which is psychically free; the Taking of Soul, which is metaphysically truthful, is positively blessed with the Soul of Taking, which is psychically free; the Giving of Soul, which is metaphysically woeful, is negatively blessed with the Soul of Giving, which is somatically bound; the Doing of Soul, which is metaphysically illusory, is negatively blessed with the Soul of Doing, which is somatically bound.


The Taking of Ego, which is physically knowing, is positively counter-blessed with the Ego of Taking, which is psychically free; the Being of Ego, which is physically pleasurable, is positively counter-blessed with the Ego of Being, which is psychically free; the Doing of Ego, which is physically ignorant, is negatively counter-blessed with the Ego of Doing, which is somatically bound; the Giving of Ego, which is physically painful, is negatively counter-blessed with the Ego of Giving, which is somatically bound.


The Giving of Spirit, which is chemically proud, is positively counter-uncursed with the Spirit of Giving, which is somatically free; the Doing of Spirit, which is chemically strong, is positively counter-uncursed with the Spirit of Doing, which is somatically free; the Being of Spirit, which is chemically humble, is negatively counter-uncursed with the Spirit of Being, which is psychically bound; the Taking of Spirit, which is chemically weak, is negatively counter-uncursed with the Spirit of Taking, which is psychically bound.


The Doing of Will, which is metachemically beautiful, is positively uncursed with the Will of Doing, which is somatically free; the Giving of Will, which is metachemically loving, is positively uncursed with the Will of Giving, which is somatically free; the Taking of Will, which is metachemically ugly, is negatively uncursed with the Will of Taking, which is psychically bound; the Being of Will, which is metachemically hateful, is negatively uncursed with the Will of Being, which is psychically bound.


The Pseudo-Being of Pseudo-Soul, which is pseudo-metaphysically pseudo-woeful, is negatively counter-unblessed with the Pseudo-Soul of Pseudo-Being, which is psychically bound; the Pseudo-Taking of Pseudo-Soul, which is pseudo-metaphysically pseudo-illusory, is negatively counter-unblessed with the Pseudo-Soul of Pseudo-Taking, which is psychically bound; the Pseudo-Giving of Pseudo-Soul, which is pseudo-metaphysically pseudo-joyful, is positively counter-unblessed with the Pseudo-Soul of Pseudo-Giving, which is somatically free; the Pseudo-Doing of Pseudo-Soul, which is pseudo-metaphysically pseudo-truthful, is positively counter-unblessed with the Pseudo-Soul of Pseudo-Doing, which is somatically free.


The Pseudo-Taking of Pseudo-Ego, which is pseudo-physically pseudo-ignorant, is negatively unblessed with the Pseudo-Ego of Pseudo-Taking, which is psychically bound; the Pseudo-Being of Pseudo-Ego, which is pseudo-physically pseudo-painful, is negatively unblessed with the Pseudo-Ego of Pseudo-Being, which is psychically bound; the Pseudo-Doing of Pseudo-Ego, which is pseudo-physically pseudo-knowing, is positively unblessed with the Pseudo-Ego of Pseudo-Doing, which is somatically free; the Pseudo-Giving of Pseudo-Ego, which is pseudo-physically pseudo-pleasurable, is positively unblessed with the Pseudo-Ego of Pseudo-Giving, which is somatically free.


The Pseudo-Giving of Pseudo-Spirit, which is pseudo-chemically pseudo-humble, is negatively cursed with the Pseudo-Spirit of Pseudo-Giving, which is somatically bound; the Pseudo-Doing of Pseudo-Spirit, which is pseudo-chemically pseudo-weak, is negatively cursed with the Pseudo-Spirit of Pseudo-Doing, which is somatically bound; the Pseudo-Being of Pseudo-Spirit, which is pseudo-chemically pseudo-proud, is positively cursed with the Pseudo-Spirit of Pseudo-Being, which is psychically free; the Pseudo-Taking of Pseudo-Spirit, which is pseudo-chemically pseudo-strong, is positively cursed with the Pseudo-Spirit of Pseudo-Taking, which is psychically free.


The Pseudo-Doing of Pseudo-Will, which is pseudo-metachemically pseudo-ugly, is negatively counter-cursed with the Pseudo-Will of Pseudo-Doing, which is somatically bound; the Pseudo-Giving of Pseudo-Will, which is pseudo-metachemically pseudo-hateful, is negatively counter-cursed with the Pseudo-Will of Pseudo-Giving, which is somatically bound; the Pseudo-Taking of Pseudo-Will, which is pseudo-metachemically pseudo-beautiful, is positively counter-cursed with the Pseudo-Will of Pseudo-Taking, which is psychically free; the Pseudo-Being of Pseudo-Will, which is pseudo-metachemically pseudo-loving, is positively counter-cursed with the Pseudo-Will of Pseudo-Being, which is psychically free.