The 3:1 ratio of free soma (body) to bound psyche (mind) in metachemistry, a noumenally objective element (protonic), could be described in terms of the super-predominance (superdominance) of free soma over the sub-preponderance (subponderance) of bound psyche, corresponding to a superfeminine/submasculine dichotomy which, on other occasions, I have identified with a distinction between supersensuousness and subconsciousness, or superheathenism and subchristianity, or even supernaturalism (evil) and subnurturalism (crime).


By contrast, the 3:1 ratio of free psyche to bound soma in metaphysics, a noumenally subjective element (photonic), could be described in terms of the super-preponderance (superponderance) of free psyche over the sub-predominance (subdominance) of bound soma, corresponding to a supermasculine/subfeminine dichotomy which, on other occasions, I have identified with a distinction between superconsciousness and subsensuousness, or superchristianity and subheathenism, or even supernurturalism (grace) and subnaturalism (wisdom).


On the other hand, the 2½: 1½ ratio of free soma to bound psyche in chemistry, a phenomenally objective element (electronic), could be described in terms of the predominance of free soma over the un-preponderance (unponderance) of bound psyche, corresponding to a feminine/unmasculine dichotomy which, on other occasions, I have identified with a distinction between sensuousness and unconsciousness, or heathenism and unchristianity, or even naturalism (pseudo-evil) and unnurturalism (pseudo-crime).


By contrast, the 2½: 1½ ratio of free psyche to bound soma in physics, a phenomenally subjective element (neutronic), could be described in terms of the preponderance of free psyche over the un-predominance (undominance) of bound soma, corresponding to a masculine/unfeminine dichotomy which, on other occasions, I have identified with a distinction between consciousness and unsensuousness, or christianity and unheathenism, or even nurturalism (pseudo-grace) and unnaturalism (pseudo-.wisdom).


Passing from the elements to the pseudo-elements, the 3:1 ratio of bound soma to free psyche in pseudo-metachemistry, a noumenally pseudo-objective pseudo-element (pseudo-protonic) conditioned by the noumenally subjective hegemony of metaphysics, could be described in terms of the super-predominance (superdominance) of bound soma over the sub-preponderance (subponderance) of free psyche, corresponding to a pseudo-superfeminine/pseudo-submasculine dichotomy which I would identify with a distinction between pseudo-supersensuousness and pseudo-subconsciousness, or pseudo-superheathenism and pseudo-subchristianity, or even pseudo-supernaturalism (pseudo-goodness) and pseudo-subnurturalism (pseudo-punishingness).


By contrast, the 3:1 ratio of bound psyche to free soma in pseudo-metaphysics, a noumenally pseudo-subjective pseudo-element (pseudo-photonic) conditioned by the noumenally objective hegemony of metachemistry, could be described in terms of the super-preponderance (superponderance) of bound psyche over the sub-predominance (subdominance) of free soma, corresponding to a pseudo-supermasculine/pseudo-subfeminine dichotomy which I would identify with a distinction between pseudo-superconsciousness and pseudo-subsensuousness, or pseudo-superchristianity and pseudo-subheathenism, or even pseudo-supernurturalism (pseudo-sin) and pseudo-subnaturalism (pseudo-foolishness).


On the other hand, the 2½:1½ ratio of bound soma to free psyche in pseudo-chemistry, a phenomenally pseudo-objective pseudo-element (pseudo-electronic) conditioned by the phenomenally subjective hegemony of physics, could be described in terms of the predominance of bound soma over the un-preponderance (unponderance) of free psyche, corresponding to a pseudo-feminine/pseudo-unmasculine dichotomy which I would identify with a distinction between pseudo-unsensuousness and pseudo-consciousness, or pseudo-unheathenism and pseudo-christianity, or even pseudo-unnaturalism (goodness) and pseudo-nurturalism (punishingness).


Finally, the 2½: 1½ ratio of bound psyche to free soma in pseudo-physics, a phenomenally pseudo-subjective pseudo-element (pseudo-neutronic) conditioned by the phenomenally objective hegemony of chemistry, could be described in terms of the preponderance of bound psyche over the un-predominance (undominance) of free soma, corresponding to a pseudo-masculine/pseudo-unfeminine dichotomy which I would identify with a distinction between pseudo-unconsciousness and pseudo-sensuousness, or pseudo-unchristianity and pseudo-heathenism, or even pseudo-unnurturalism (sin) and pseudo-naturalism (foolishness).