Saluting, about which subject I have often theorized in the past (and sometimes incorrectly), can be divergent (and female) or convergent (and male), open-handed or clenched-fisted. Yet one should also distinguish not only the noumenal (ethereal, absolute) from the phenomenal (corporeal, relative) modes of saluting, but the hegemonic (and genuine) from the subordinate (and pseudo) gender positions, right across the axial board, so to speak, of what I call the intercardinal axial compass … of intersecting, inter-class diagonals.


Hence metachemistry over pseudo-metaphysics at the northwest point of the said compass, where metachemistry would be unequivocally dominant within a state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial framework, would have a saluting contrast between the noumenal divergence of the open-hand raised-arm salute and the noumenal pseudo-convergence (pseudo-subjective) of the clenched-fist bent arm salute, as though symptomatic, in the latter case, of a contiguously encircled (bound) supercross, a pseudo-supercross (kind of CND-like), under a free absolute star, or superstar (equal number of points).


Polar to the above at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, where physics is equivocally hegemonic over pseudo-chemistry on what would still be state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms, we shall find a saluting contrast between the phenomenal convergence of a clenched fist held to head salute and the phenomenal pseudo-divergence (pseudo-objective) of an open-hand held to head salute (conventional military salute), as though symptomatic, in the latter case, of a contiguously encircled (bound) star, a pseudo-star, under a free cross, the latter of which would not only be without contiguous encirclement (in the Celtic and arguably mass Catholic manner), but would be figureless in relation to the abstractionism, as it were, of a male hegemonic position, a position that, subatomically, could be described as molecular wavicle as opposed to either molecular particle or, up above, elemental particle or wavicle, depending on the elemental case.


Be that as it may, back and across from the above at the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, where chemistry is equivocally hegemonic over pseudo-physics on what would be church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, we will find a saluting contrast between the phenomenal divergence of an open hand held to chest salute and the phenomenal pseudo-convergence (pseudo-subjective) of a clenched fist held to chest salute, as though symptomatic, in the latter case, of a contiguously encircled (bound) cross, a pseudo-cross, under a free relative star (unequal number of points), which just happens to be the typically modern or contemporary form of the emblematic star.


Polar to the above at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, where metaphysics is unequivocally hegemonic over pseudo-metachemistry on what would still be church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms, we shall find a saluting contrast between the noumenal convergence of a clenched-fist raised-arm salute and the noumenal pseudo-divergence (pseudo-objective) of an open-hand bent arm salute, as though symptomatic, in the latter case, of a contiguously encircled (bound) superstar, a pseudo-superstar  (pseudo-absolute), under a free supercross, a Y-like non-contiguously encircled absolute cross whose metaphysical significance, devoid of female-derived somatic ‘thingfulness’, will dominate the context in question to the lasting advantage of males, and with the long-term possibility of a Y-like purism properly germane to supra-christian rather than to simply superchristian criteria that will signify the achievement of a properly global or universal totalitarianism within a more evolved metaphysical framework capable of taking both metaphysics and a more counter-devolved pseudo-metachemistry into space.