1.   It would be as foolish to imagine that there is only one kind of self, one kind of central nervous system, as to imagine that there was only one kind of not-self, say phenomenally subjective, like the brain or even, in sensual terms, the phallus.


2.   There is certainly only one self per person, one central nervous system to each body, but that self can be primarily objective (and secondarily subjective) or primarily subjective (and secondarily objective), depending on one's gender, as well as either phenomenal or noumenal in the overall composition of its elements.


3.   Thus not only should we distinguish the female self, or central nervous system, from the male self, but one should also allow, on a planar basis (the basis of elemental planes considered individually), for distinctions between nervous systems which, depending on the gender, are predominantly or preponderantly phenomenal, and those, up above, which are predominantly or preponderantly noumenal.


4.   Hence we should distinguish between the phenomenal objectivity of chemical nervous systems in relation to volume-mass femininity, and the phenomenal subjectivity of physical nervous systems in relation to mass-volume masculinity - the former affiliated to the phenomenal element of water, the latter to the phenomenal element of vegetation.


5.   Likewise, we should distinguish between the noumenal objectivity of metachemical nervous systems in relation to space-time devility, and the noumenal subjectivity of metaphysical nervous systems in relation to time-space divinity - the former affiliated to the noumenal element of fire, the latter to the noumenal element of air.


6.   Now if the transpersonal self, or central nervous system, comes in a variety of guises ... from noumenal objectivity in space-time devility to noumenal subjectivity in time-space divinity via phenomenal objectivity in volume-mass femininity and phenomenal subjectivity in mass-volume masculinity, then so do its psychological and psychical extrapolations, which accrue to it as ego, mind and soul.


7.   Thus no more than we can limit life to one kind of central nervous system, and hence id, can it be limited to only one kind of ego or mind or soul, since there are as many egos, minds, and souls as there are different kinds of id, or nervous systems in general.


8.   Hence to speak of an 'equality of all souls', as Christianity does, is not only untrue, it is a religious lie that 'flies in the face' of actuality on both gender and, for want of a better word, class terms.


9.   Unfortunately the consequences of the adoption of this untruth by the Christian Church have been not only contrary to the will of Christ, who effectively taught the segregation of men from women on the basis of the Cross, but contrary to the truth of the 'friction of the seeds', as understood by the Jews and documented in the Old Testament.


10.  For once you go down the road of upholding a doctrine like the 'equality of all souls', you part company with gender segregation through what amounts to a liberal equalitarianism which has the effect of creating mud where there might otherwise, in phenomenal actuality, have been water on the one hand, and earth on the other.


11.  Thus instead of a harder or firmer earth in relation to the salvation of men to the Cross, i.e. to Christ, the Church produces, through equalitarian delusion, a bog of mud for 'the faithful', women as well as men, to bog down in, thereby perpetuating the world.


12.  Now such a 'bog' may call itself Christian, but, in actuality, it is a liberal rejection of Christ and the notion that, to follow him, one should (as a man) leave women behind and 'take up the cross' of 'earthly rebirth', the 'rebirth' that has less to do with perfect contentment (in metaphysical joy) than with perfect form (in physical knowledge), to which, due to subjective factors, the male of the species more perfectly corresponds.


13.  Of course, here we enter into another criticism of the Church, and hence of institutional Christianity; for 'earthly rebirth', even were it properly to occur on the basis of gender segregation, is a couple of planes short, in voluminous volume, of 'heavenly rebirth', the 'rebirth' not merely of the brain in relation to the phallus, but of the lungs in relation to the ears - in short, of respiratory sensibility in spaced space.


14.  For Christianity, despite its professed zeal for salvation, doesn't really extend beyond Christ except to the extent that cerebral sensibility diagonally 'backs on' to aural sensuality in the metaphysical 'kingdom without' of the Father.  There is no prospect of metaphysical salvation, the salvation-of-salvations, with Christianity, but only a physical salvation, through the word of Christ, which brings men of a certain phenomenal and effectively lower-class stamp to physical sensibility in the brain, a sensibility which then finds itself vulnerable to Subchristian pressures from the metaphysical sensuality of the Father in the properly theocratic realm beyond.


15.  Yet Christianity, for all its deference to aural sensuality in the theocratic transcendentalism of the Subchristian Father, remains centred, by and large, in Christ, even when, through gender equalitarianism, it manifestly fails to 'come up to' his relative level of salvation.  For it believes, remember, in the 'equality of all souls', and such an equality takes rather more of a phenomenal turn than a noumenal one, even with a peripheral noumenal deference, as it were, to theocracy.


16.  Hence not only is it difficult, if not impossible, to achieve a genuinely Christian 'rebirth', through Christ's doctrine of the Cross, when gender equalitarianism creates mud out of water and earth, feminine and masculine elements, but it is impossible to the point of inconceivable to imagine people going beyond Christianity, and hence the phenomenal realm of cerebral sensibility, other than through a peripheral deference to the Father, in due Subchristian vein.


17.  For if there is one thing that Christianity is against, in its equalitarianism of the souls, it is the prospect of a Superchristian soul such that transcends the phenomenal parameters of the Christian Church by upholding a metaphysical 'kingdom within' and the need, in consequence, for noumenal salvation from aural sensuality to respiratory sensibility, as from theocracy to meritocracy or, in conventional Christian terminology, the Father to the Holy Spirit (of Heaven).


18.  The Church has always opposed that which goes sensibly beyond the phenomenal parameters of Christ; for the Church is rooted in the lie of the 'equality of all souls', and those souls, or selves, must needs be phenomenal, and hence lower class, in their relationship to volume and mass.


19.  Thus the Church has denied religious fulfilment to the higher man, call him superman or Superchristian or Messianic Leader, whose soul, far from being equal to that of the phenomenal masses, is as superior to it as joy to pleasure or, in egocentrically formal terms, truth to knowledge.


20.  That man for whom transcendental meditation rather than prayer is the mode of sensibility to which he relates in his rejection of phenomenal limitations ... has never been given any encouragement by the Church, but is one for whom the Christian notion of the 'equality of all souls' is, at best, a sick joke, at worst ... a brazen lie!