1.   In metaphysics the noumenal self can be identified with the Son, while the noumenal not-self and selflessness should be identified with the Father and the Holy Spirit respectively.


2.   Thus the divisibility of the metaphysical self into ego and soul, primary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the Son as primary God and the Son (duly resurrected from ego to soul) as primary Heaven, whereas the distinction between the metaphysical not-self as will and metaphysical selflessness as spirit, secondary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the Father as secondary God and the Holy Spirit as secondary Heaven.


3.   Hence, in metaphysics, the Son corresponds to a primary God and Heaven, while the Father and the Holy Ghost correspond to a secondary God and Heaven, the God of impressive power and the Heaven of a holy order of spirit ... as opposed to the God of truthful form and the Heaven of joyful contentment.


4.   In physics the phenomenal self can be identified with the son, while the phenomenal not-self and selflessness should be identified with the father and the unholy spirit.


5.   Thus the divisibility of the physical self into ego and soul, primary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the son as primary man and the son (duly resurrected from ego to soul) as primary earth, whereas the distinction between the physical not-self as will and physical selflessness as spirit, secondary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the father as secondary man and the unholy spirit as secondary earth.


6.   Hence, in physics, the son corresponds to a primary man and earth, while the father and the unholy spirit correspond to a secondary man and earth, the man of depressive power and the earth of an unholy order of spirit ... as opposed to the man of knowledgeable form and the earth of pleasurable contentment.


7.   In chemistry the phenomenal self should be identified with the daughter, while the phenomenal not-self and selflessness can be identified with the mother and the clear spirit.


8.   Thus the divisibility of the chemical self into ego and soul, secondary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the daughter as secondary woman and the daughter (duly resurrected from ego to soul) as secondary purgatory, whereas the distinction between the chemical not-self as will and chemical selflessness as spirit, primary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the mother as primary woman and the clear spirit as primary purgatory.


9.   Hence, in chemistry, the daughter corresponds to a secondary woman and purgatory, while the mother and the clear spirit correspond to a primary woman and purgatory, the woman of compressive power and the purgatory of a clear order of spirit ... as opposed to the woman of strong form and the purgatory of proud contentment.


10.  In metachemistry the noumenal self should be identified with the Daughter, while the noumenal not-self and selflessness can be identified with the Mother and the Unclear Spirit.


11.  Thus the divisibility of the metachemical self into ego and soul, secondary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the Daughter as secondary Devil and the Daughter (duly resurrected from ego to soul) as secondary Hell, whereas the distinction between the metachemical not-self as will and metachemical selflessness as spirit, primary profanity and sanctity, affords one a contrast between the Mother as primary Devil and the Unclear Spirit as primary Hell.


12.  Hence, in metachemistry, the Daughter corresponds to a secondary Devil and Hell, while the Mother and the Unclear Spirit correspond to a primary Devil and Hell, the Devil of expressive power and the Hell of an unclear order of spirit ... as opposed to the Devil of beautiful form and the Hell of loving contentment.


13.  From the secondary Devil and Hell of the metachemical self to the primary God and Heaven of the metaphysical self via the secondary woman and purgatory of the chemical self and the primary man and earth of the physical self, as from beauty and love to truth and joy via strength and pride and knowledge and pleasure.


14.  From the primary Devil and Hell of the metachemical not-self and selflessness to the secondary God and Heaven of the metaphysical not-self and selflessness via the primary woman and purgatory of the chemical not-self and selflessness and the secondary man and earth of the physical not-self and selflessness, as from expression and unclearness to impression and holiness via compression and clearness and depression and unholiness.


15.  In the objective contexts of metachemistry and chemistry, corresponding on the female side of life to fire and water, that which corresponds to power and glory takes precedence over whatever corresponds to form and contentment, so that profanity and sanctity are primarily conceived of as having their existence outside the self.


16.  In the subjective contexts of physics and metaphysics, corresponding on the male side of life to vegetation and air, that which corresponds to form and contentment takes precedence over whatever corresponds to power and glory, so that profanity and sanctity are primarily conceived of as existing inside the self.


17.  The Son takes precedence over both the Father and the Holy Spirit in metaphysics, whilst, in physics, the son takes precedence over both the father and the unholy spirit.


18.  Conversely, both the mother and the clear spirit take precedence over the daughter in chemistry, whilst, in metachemistry, both the Mother and the Unclear Spirit take precedence over the Daughter.