1.   Subatomically, the ego is always centred in a molecular-wavicle mean, whatever the overall element to which it is affiliated, whereas the soul is centred in an elemental-wavicle mean, that of subatomic essence as distinct from subatomic quality.


2.   By contrast to the ego and soul, the will is always based in an elemental-particle mean, whereas the spirit is always based in a molecular-particle mean, that of subatomic quantity as distinct from subatomic appearance.


3.   Thus the appearance of the will and the quantity of the spirit, subatomically corresponding to elemental and to molecular particles, ever contrast with the quality of the ego and the essence of the soul, subatomically corresponding to molecular and to elemental wavicles.


4.   In fact, the appearance of the will and the quantity of the spirit contrast with the quality of the ego and the essence of the soul ... as power and glory contrast with form and contentment, since the power of the will is ever apparent, the glory of the spirit is ever quantitative, the form of the ego is ever qualitative, and the contentment of the soul is ever essential, whether in per se or 'quasi' manifestations in each case.


5.   The ego that is quantified, as superconscious mind, will invariably rebound from selflessness to the core of the self, wherein only essence prevails.


6.   For the ego cannot cease being selfish or, rather, of the self even when it is quantified by spiritual selflessness to an extent which transmutes it into superconscious mind and causes it to rebound from such an extreme position to what is more deeply and essentially of itself - namely, the soul of subconscious mind.


7.   Thus that which, in the ego, corresponds to a molecular-wavicle mean goes 'back and down' via the elemental-particle mean of the will and the molecular-particle mean of the spirit until, duly transmuted by the latter, it elects to react from the selfless quantification of itself (in molecular particles) to its elemental-wavicle core in the subconscious, wherein it is redeemed by the sanctity of soul.


8.   But such a redemption is transient, because the self must again return to ego, and hence to its molecular-wavicle mean, in order to plunge anew from qualitative form (ego) into the apparent power (will) of the not-self and be transmuted by the quantitative glory (spirit) of selflessness, as before.


9.   The realization of soul between the breaths, the out-breath of the spirit and the in-breath of the will, happens in a split second, and therefore so fast that one cannot keep conscious track of it, but nevertheless it is during that infinitesimally brief period of time that the self-as-mind psychoconcentrically rebounds from spiritual selflessness to the self-as-soul, prior to a return to self-as-ego.


10.  This realization or redemption or enlightenment ... happens in the split-second between the breaths, wherein one makes contact with the deepest part of the self, the soul, and experiences being, whether joyfully in metaphysics, pleasurably in physics, proudly in chemistry, or lovingly in metachemistry, depending on the kind of self to which one relates and the corresponding orders of not-self and selflessness which it consciously exploits.


11.  For the being of metaphysics, being essential, is joyful, whereas the being of physics, being only quasi-essential from a qualitative centre, is pleasurable, the being of chemistry, being only quasi-essential (if not, in its phenomenal objectivity, pseudo-essential) from a quantitative base, is proud, and the being of metachemistry, being only quasi-essential (if not, in its noumenal objectivity, pseudo-essential) from an apparent base, is loving.


12.  Now although the soul is always found in the elemental wavicles of being, it is not found on the same basis or to the same extent in every element, being first-rate in the protons and/or protinos of metaphysical sensuality and/or sensibility, second-rate in the neutrons and/or neutrinos (not to mention the deuterons and/or deuterinos of the more radical masculine subatomicity) of physical sensuality and/or sensibility, third-rate in the electrons and/or electrinos (not to mention the positrons and/or positrinos of the more radical feminine subatomicity) of chemical sensuality and/or sensibility, and fourth-rate in the photons and/or photinos of metachemical sensuality and/or sensibility.


13.  Only when being is genuinely essential is it truly soulful, and hence heavenly.  In the quasi-essential quality of physics, by comparison, it is simply earthly, whereas in the quasi-essential quantity of chemistry and in the quasi-essential appearance of metachemistry, by contrast, it is respectively purgatorial and hellish.


14.  If being is only in its per se manifestation in essence, then taking, the attribute of ego, is only in its per se manifestation in quality; giving, the attribute of spirit, only in its per se manifestation in quantity; and doing, the attribute of will, only in its per se manifestation in appearance.


15.  To contrast the photon and/or photino elemental particles of metachemical will with the proton and/or protino elemental particles of metaphysical will, and each of these noumenal orders of sensual and/or sensible willpower with the electron and/or electrino elemental particles of chemical will and the neutron and/or neutrino elemental particles of physical will, as one would contrast expression with impression (noumenal) and compression with depression (phenomenal).


16.  To contrast the photon and/or photino molecular particles of metachemical spirit with the proton and/or protino molecular particles of metaphysical spirit, and each of these noumenal orders of sensual and/or sensible spirit with the electron and/or electrino molecular particles of chemical spirit and the neutron and/or neutrino molecular particles of physical spirit, as one would contrast unclearness with holiness (noumenal) and clearness with unholiness (phenomenal).


17.  To contrast the photon and/or photino molecular wavicles of metachemical ego with the proton and/or protino molecular wavicles of metaphysical ego, and each of these noumenal orders of sensual and/or sensible ego with the electron and/or electrino molecular wavicles of chemical ego and the neutron and/or neutrino molecular wavicles of physical ego, as one would contrast beauty with truth (noumenal) and strength with knowledge (phenomenal).


18.  To contrast the photon and/or photino elemental wavicles of metachemical soul with the proton and/or protino elemental wavicles of metaphysical soul, and each of these noumenal orders of sensual and/or sensible soul with the electron and/or electrino elemental wavicles of chemical soul and the neutron and/or neutrino elemental wavicles of physical soul, as one would contrast love with joy (noumenal) and pride with pleasure (phenomenal).


19.  To descend from the first-rate doing of metachemical will to the fourth-rate doing of metaphysical will via the second-rate doing of chemical will and the third-rate doing of physical will, as from the expressive power of photon and/or photino elemental particles to the impressive power of proton and/or protino elemental particles via the compressive power of electron and/or electrino elemental particles and the depressive power of neutron and/or neutrino elemental particles.


20.  To descend from the first-rate giving of chemical spirit to the fourth-rate giving of physical spirit via the second-rate giving of metachemical spirit and the third-rate giving of metaphysical spirit, as from the clear glory of electron and/or electrino molecular particles to the unholy glory of neutron and/or neutrino molecular particles via the unclear glory of photon and/or photino molecular particles and the holy glory of proton and/or protino molecular particles.


21.  To ascend from the fourth-rate taking of chemical ego to the first-rate taking of physical ego via the third-rate taking of metachemical ego and the second-rate taking of metaphysical ego, as from the strong form of electron and/or electrino molecular wavicles to the knowledgeable form of neutron and/or neutrino molecular wavicles via the beautiful form of photon and/or photino molecular wavicles and the true form of proton and/or protino molecular wavicles.


22.  To ascend from the fourth-rate being of metachemical soul to the first-rate being of metaphysical soul via the third-rate being of chemical soul and the second-rate being of physical soul, as from the loving contentment of photon and/or photino elemental wavicles to the joyful contentment of proton and/or protino elemental wavicles via the proud contentment of electron and/or electrino elemental wavicles and the pleasurable contentment of neutron and/or neutrino elemental wavicles.


23.  Whatever their individual standings, will, spirit, ego, and soul are always either based or centred, depending on the context, in subatomic elements and/or elementinos, whereas the id, by contrast, is ever based in the atomicity of the central nervous system and reflects, in consequence, a physiological disposition to instinctively impose upon organs of sensuality and/or sensibility which is not only distinct from the wilful, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional dispositions of power, glory, form, and contentment, as noted above, but independent of doing, giving, taking, and being in what may be called the informality of acting and/or reacting.


24.  Yet even the id is conditioned by the type of central nervous system to which it pertains as instinctive impulse, and is in no sense uniformly identical with itself in all elemental contexts, irrespective of gender or of genetics.


25.  The objective id of a metachemical and/or a chemical bias is more disposed to acting instinctively than to reacting, whereas the subjective id of a physical and/or a metaphysical bias is more disposed to instinctively reacting (to instinctive actions) than to acting.


26.  One could plot a descent of instinctual acting from the most instinctual acting of the metachemical id to the least instinctual acting of the metaphysical id via the more (relative to most) instinctual acting of the chemical id and the less (relative to least) instinctual acting of the physical id.


27.  Conversely, one could plot an ascent of instinctual reacting from the least instinctual reacting of the metachemical id to the most instinctual reacting of the metaphysical id via the less (relative to least) instinctual reacting of the chemical id and the more (relative to most) instinctual reacting of the physical id.


28.  Whatever the bias of any particular id, as of the central nervous system which is its physiological base, the impulsive actions and/or reactions of the id should also be distinguished from the apparent doing of the will, the quantitative giving of the spirit, the qualitative taking of the ego, and the essential being of the soul.