101. But when we speak primarily of salvation and
damnation and, secondarily, of counter-damnation and counter-salvation, what
exactly do we mean? Or, rather, what is the
condition of those who are being saved or damned, counter-damned or
counter-saved, as the case may be? For, hitherto, I have not answered
this question quite to my logical satisfaction, despite appearances to the
Admittedly, we have had a valid distinction between salvation and
counter-damnation up the diagonally ascending axis, and another valid
distinction between damnation and counter-salvation down the diagonally
descending axis - the former alternatives from bound to free psyche on
church-hegemonic terms and from free to bound soma on state-subordinate terms,
the latter alternatives from free to bound soma on state-hegemonic terms and
from bound to free psyche on church-subordinate terms.
But the condition of bound psyche, for instance, isn't necessarily commensurate
with an 'anti' as opposed to a 'pro' approach to salvation for the phenomenally
sensual, any more than the condition of free soma is commensurate with
counter-damnation on a 'pro' rather than an 'anti' basis, as I may have perhaps
formerly supposed. What we can say with absolute logical certitude about
the axial ascent from phenomenal sensuality to noumenal
sensibility is that salvation from bound to free psyche in church-hegemonic
vein is from a condition of being unsaved to one of being saved,
as from the illusoriness of philistinism on primary and secondary terms to the
truthfulness of culture on such gender-specific terms, which is akin to a
distinction between being unblessed and blessed, unblessed by the
sinfulness (for males) and pseudo-criminality (for females) of bound psyche in antiphysics and chemistry, ignorance and a weak approach to
ignorance, pain and a humble approach to pain; blessed with the gracefulness
(for males) and pseudo-punishingness (for females) of
free psyche in metaphysics and antimetachemistry,
truth and a beautiful approach to truth, joy and a loving approach to joy.
Likewise, we can say with absolute logical certitude that counter-damnation
from free to bound soma in state-subordinate vein is from a condition of being counter-undamned to one of being counter-damned, as from
the pseudo-facticity of pseudo-barbarity on primary
and secondary terms to the pseudo-fictitiousness of pseudo-civility on such
gender-specific terms, which is akin to a distinction between being counter-uncursed and counter-cursed, counter-uncursed by the foolishness (for males) and pseudo-evil
(for females) of free soma in antiphysics and
chemistry, an ignorant approach to weakness and weakness, a painful approach to
humility and humility; counter-cursed with the wisdom (for males) and
pseudo-goodness (for females) of bound soma in metaphysics and antimetachemistry, a truthful approach to beauty and
beauty, a joyful approach to love and love.
Contrariwise, the condition of free soma is not necessarily commensurate with a
'pro' as opposed to an 'anti' approach to damnation for the noumenally
sensual, any more than the condition of bound psyche is commensurate with
counter-salvation on an 'anti' rather than a 'pro' basis, contrary to what I
may formerly have written. What we can say with absolute logical
certitude about the axial descent from noumenal
sensuality to phenomenal sensibility is that damnation from free to bound soma
in state-hegemonic vein is from a condition of being undamned
to one of being damned, as from the facticity
of barbarity on primary and secondary terms to the fictitiousness of civility
on such gender-specific terms, which is akin to a distinction between being uncursed and cursed, uncursed
by the evil (for females) and pseudo-folly (for males) of free soma in metachemistry and antimetaphysics,
ugliness and a false approach to ugliness, hatred and a woeful approach to
hatred; cursed with the goodness (for females) and pseudo-wisdom (for males) of
bound soma in antichemistry and physics, strength and
a knowledgeable approach to strength, pride and a pleasurable approach to
Similarly we can say with absolute logical certitude that counter-salvation
from bound to free psyche in church-subordinate vein is from a condition of
being counter-unsaved to one of being counter-saved, as from the
pseudo-illusoriness of pseudo-philistinism on primary and secondary terms to
the pseudo-truthfulness of pseudo-culture on such gender-specific terms, which
is akin to a distinction between being counter-unblessed and counter-blessed,
counter-unblessed with the criminality (for females) and pseudo-sinfulness (for
males) of bound psyche in metachemistry and antimetaphysics, an ugly approach to falsity and falsity, a
hateful approach to woe and woe; counter-blessed by the punishment (for
females) and pseudo-grace (for males) of free psyche in antichemistry
and physics, a strong approach to knowledge and knowledge, a proud approach to
pleasure and pleasure.
To be unsaved in the church-hegemonic aspects of phenomenal sensuality is
somewhat akin to being unliving; for salvation is to
eternal life in noumenal sensibility, and therefore
we may correlatively maintain that to be counter-undamned
in the state-subordinate aspects of phenomenal sensuality is akin to being
counter-undead, since free soma is akin to life in
Conversely, to be undamned in the state-hegemonic
aspects of noumenal sensuality is somewhat akin to
being undead; for damnation is to temporal death in
phenomenal sensibility, and therefore we may correlatively maintain that to be
counter-unsaved in the church-subordinate aspects of noumenal
sensuality is akin to being counter-unliving, since
bound psyche is akin to death in life.
When, in male terms, one is saved in primary church-hegemonic vein it is from
philistinism to culture, poetry to philosophy, illusion to truth, as one parts
company with antiphysical antihumanism
for metaphysical transcendentalism, antimasculinity
for divinity, whereas when, in female terms, one is saved in secondary
church-hegemonic vein it is from the pseudo-barbarous approach to philistinism
to the pseudo-civil approach to culture, the pseudo-dramatic approach to poetry
to the pseudo-prosaic approach to philosophy, the pseudo-factual approach to
illusion to the pseudo-fictitious approach to truth, as one parts company with
chemical nonconformism for antimetachemical
antifundamentalism, femininity for antidevility.
When, in male terms, one is counter-damned in primary state-subordinate vein it
is from the philistine approach to pseudo-barbarity to the cultural approach to
pseudo-civility, the poetic approach to pseudo-drama to the philosophic
approach to pseudo-prose, the illusory approach to pseudo-fact to the truthful
approach to pseudo-fiction, as one parts company with antiphysical
antinaturalism for metaphysical idealism, counter-antimasculinity for counter-divinity, whereas when, in
female terms, one is counter-damned in secondary state-subordinate vein it is
from pseudo-barbarity to pseudo-civility, pseudo-drama to pseudo-prose,
pseudo-fact to pseudo-fiction, as one parts company with chemical realism for antimetachemical antimaterialism,
counter-femininity for counter-antidevility.
When, in female terms, one is damned in primary state-hegemonic vein it is from
barbarity to civility, drama to prose, fact to fiction, as one parts company
with metachemical materialism for antichemical
antirealism, devility for antifemininity,
whereas when, in male terms, one is damned in secondary state-hegemonic vein it
is from the pseudo-philistine approach to barbarity to the pseudo-cultural
approach to civility, the pseudo-poetic approach to drama to the
pseudo-philosophic approach to prose, the pseudo-illusory approach to fact to
the pseudo-truthful approach to fiction, as one parts company with antimetaphysical anti-idealism for physical naturalism, antidivinity for masculinity.
When, in female terms, one is counter-saved in primary church-subordinate vein
it is from the barbarous approach to pseudo-philistinism to the civil approach
to pseudo-culture, the dramatic approach to pseudo-poetry to the prosaic
approach to pseudo-philosophy, the factual approach to pseudo-illusion to the
fictional approach to pseudo-truth, as one parts company with metachemical fundamentalism for antichemical
antinonconformism, counter-devility
for counter-antifemininity, whereas when, in male
terms, one is counter-saved in secondary church-subordinate vein it is from
pseudo-philistinism to pseudo-culture, pseudo-poetry to pseudo-philosophy,
pseudo-illusion to pseudo-truth, as one parts company with antimetaphysical
antitranscendentalism for physical humanism, counter-antidivinity for counter-masculinity.
Just as the precondition of being saved to the free psyche of noumenal sensibility - other than being vocationally
committed to church-hegemonic righteousness in classless vein - is to be
unsaved in the bound psyche of church-hegemonic phenomenal sensuality, which is
lower-class meekness, so the precondition, correlatively, of being
counter-damned to the bound soma of noumenal
sensibility - other than being vocationally committed to state-subordinate
pseudo-justness in classless vein - is to be counter-undamned
in the free soma of state-subordinate phenomenal sensuality.
Contrariwise, just as the precondition of being damned to the bound soma of
phenomenal sensibility - other than being vocationally committed to
state-hegemonic justness in middle-class vein - is to be undamned
in the free soma of state-hegemonic noumenal
sensuality, which is upper-class vanity, so the precondition, correlatively, of
being counter-saved to the free psyche of phenomenal sensibility - other than
being vocationally committed to church-subordinate pseudo-righteousness in
middle-class vein - is to be counter-unsaved in the bound psyche of
church-subordinate noumenal sensuality.
In overall class terms, one should distinguish between the undamned
facticity of upper-class drama and the damned
fictitiousness of middle-class prose, while likewise distinguishing between the
counter-unsaved pseudo-illusoriness of upper-class pseudo-poetry and the
counter-saved pseudo-truthfulness of middle-class pseudo-philosophy, as one
would distinguish between vanity and justness in state-hegemonic primary and
secondary terms and between pseudo-meekness and pseudo-righteousness in church-subordinate
primary and secondary terms.
Similarly, in overall class terms one should distinguish between the unsaved
illusoriness of lower-class poetry and the saved truthfulness of classless
philosophy, while likewise distinguishing between the counter-undamned pseudo-facticity of
lower-class pseudo-drama and the counter-damned pseudo-fictitiousness of
classless pseudo-prose, as one would distinguish between meekness and
righteousness in church-hegemonic primary and secondary terms and between pseudo-vanity
and pseudo-justness in state-subordinate primary and secondary terms.
In general terms, the context of noumenal sensuality,
wherein metachemistry and antimetaphysics
have their respective gender positions in spatial space and sequential time, is
characterized, first and foremost, by free will, followed by free spirit, with
bound ego, or anti-ego, and bound soul, or antisoul,
taking up third and fourth places in the overall hierarchy of upper-class
components that reflect state-hegemonic somatic freedom and church-subordinate
psychic binding, of which factual drama and pseudo-illusory pseudo-poetry are
the respectively barbarous and pseudo-philistine literary genres par
Conversely the context of phenomenal sensibility, wherein antichemistry
and physics have their respective gender positions in massed mass and
voluminous volume, is axially characterized, first and foremost, by bound
spirit, or antispirit, followed by bound will, or antiwill, with free ego and free soul taking up third and
fourth places in the overall hierarchy of middle-class components that reflect
state-hegemonic somatic binding and church-subordinate psychic freedom, of
which fictional prose and pseudo-truthful pseudo-philosophy are the
respectively civil and pseudo-cultural literary genres par
By contrast, the context of phenomenal sensuality, wherein antiphysics
and chemistry have their respective gender positions in massive mass and
volumetric volume, is axially characterized, first and foremost, by bound ego,
or anti-ego, followed by bound soul, or antisoul,
with free spirit and free will taking up third and fourth places in the overall
hierarchy of lower-class components that reflect church-hegemonic psychic
binding and state-subordinate somatic freedom, of which illusory poetry and
pseudo-factual pseudo-drama are the respectively philistine and
pseudo-barbarous literary genres par excellence.
Conversely the context of noumenal sensibility,
wherein metaphysics and antimetachemistry have their
respective gender positions in spaced space and repetitive time, is
characterized, first and foremost, by free soul, followed by free ego, with
bound spirit, or antispirit, and bound will, or antiwill, taking up third and fourth places in the overall
hierarchy of classless components that reflect church-hegemonic psychic freedom
and state-subordinate somatic binding, of which truthful philosophy and
pseudo-fictional pseudo-prose are the respectively cultural and pseudo-civil
literary genres par excellence.
I believe I have mentioned elsewhere in my writings that the noumenal approaches to drama and pseudo-poetry on the one
hand, and to philosophy and pseudo-prose on the other hand will tend to reflect
the ethereal standings of space and time, specifically with regard to free will
in the case of drama and to antisoul in the case of
pseudo-poetry and, conversely, to free soul in the case of philosophy and to antiwill in the case of pseudo-prose, so that the ethereal
is approached from the antithetical noumenal
positions of elemental particles affiliated, through bound psyche, with
elemental antiwavicles and of elemental wavicles affiliated, through bound soma, with elemental
antiparticles, upper-class and classless modes of nobility.
Likewise, I believe I have elsewhere mentioned that the phenomenal approaches
to poetry and pseudo-drama on the one hand, and to prose and pseudo-philosophy
on the other hand will tend to reflect the corporeal standings of volume and
mass, specifically with regard to anti-ego in the case of poetry and to spirit
in the case of pseudo-drama and, conversely, to antispirit
in the case of prose and to ego in the case of pseudo-philosophy, so that the
corporeal is axially - and therefore subversively - approached from the
antithetical phenomenal positions of molecular antiwavicles
affiliated, through free soma, with molecular particles and of molecular
antiparticles affiliated, through free psyche, with molecular wavicles, lower-class and middle-class modes of the plebeian.
One can see, without the need of too much logical sophistication, how that
which is rooted in elemental particles coupled to elemental antiwavicles
will be damned by molecular antiparticles and counter-saved by molecular wavicles, diagonally falling from free to bound soma in
both primary and secondary state-hegemonic vein and from bound to free psyche
in both primary and secondary church-subordinate vein, so that vanity is
eclipsed by justness and pseudo-meekness by pseudo-righteousness.
Similarly one can see how that which is rooted in molecular antiwavicles
coupled to molecular particles will be saved by elemental wavicles
and counter-damned by elemental antiparticles, diagonally rising from bound to
free psyche in both primary and secondary church-hegemonic vein and from free
to bound soma in both primary and secondary state-subordinate vein, so that
meekness is eclipsed by righteousness and pseudo-vanity by pseudo-justness.
The vanity of the noumenally sensual nobility will
resist damnation even as the pseudo-meekness of their church-subordinate
counterparts falsely hopes for counter-salvation; for nothing plebeian in
phenomenally sensible terms can genuinely appeal to those for whom civility and
pseudo-culture are merely the axially antithetical middle-class counterweights
to their own upper-class state-hegemonic and church-subordinate rights in
respect of barbarity and pseudo-philistinism.