FALSITY: Apparent and/or qualitative attribute of, in particular, metaphysical elements and/or elementinos, viz. protons and/or protinos, stretching from sequential time to spaced space in time-space evolution, the airy or counter-Cupidian axis of noumenal subjectivity.  Falsity is a negative manifestation of the Divine, whether in secondary terms with regard to metaphysical power (elemental particles) or in primary terms with regard to metaphysical form (molecular wavicles), the difference between holy anti-evil and holy antifolly, the metaphysical Antifather and Antison (in negative Christian terms).


FATHER: The Christian equivalent of Jehovah, 'the Father' is implicated in 'the Son', Who taught the 'Way of the Cross', and accordingly could be said, unlike Jehovah, to connive at a non-triangular hierarchy which is as uniquely Christian as triangles are Heathen.  In this respect, He is loosely paralleled by the Judaic Satan, since a fellow rebel against triangular limitations, albeit one that rejects rather than acquiesces in the pyramidal triangle (of Superheathen culture) in question.


FEMALE: This term is used to imply and/or embrace both feminine and diabolic (superfeminine in sensuality, subfeminine in sensibility) alternatives on the objective side of the gender fence, and is therefore not synonymous, in my philosophy, with the feminine, or woman, alone, although it can refer to either the feminine or the diabolic, depending on the context.  For that which is female embraces both the phenomenal planes 'down below' space and time, and the noumenal planes 'up above' volume and mass, if solely in relation to volume-mass devolution (feminine) and space-time devolution (diabolic).  It is therefore antithetical to anything and everything male.


FEMININE: The phenomenal counterpart to masculine, femininity embraces a watery correlation bisecting the planes of volume and mass in terms of volume-mass devolution, the sensual volume of a tongue-oriented nonconformism and/or a lunar realism on the one hand, that of volumetric positive and negative options, and the sensible mass of a womb-oriented nonconformism and/or an oceanic realism on the other hand, that of massed positive and negative options.  Hence 'feminine' is a term which, in my philosophy, is always ranged against the masculine from the standpoint of a phenomenal order of objectivity, an objectivity - and thus mode of freedom - at once strong and/or weak and proud and/or humble, depending on the charge of the femininity, be it organic (personal) and positive, or inorganic (geologic) and negative.  Either way, spirit will be hegemonic over will, and both alike will be hegemonic over ego and soul; for phenomenal objectivity is illustrative of a first-rate order of spirit, a second-rate order of will, a third-rate order of soul, and a fourth-rate order of ego.  It is also a context in which, due to objective factors, power and glory, viz. will and spirit, are primary, whereas form and content(ment), viz. ego and soul, are secondary.  Hence the feminine is characterized by the governance of evil and good, with an emphasis on goodness, the spiritual parallel, over folly and wisdom, since these appertain to what is secondary, namely to that which appertains to the self as opposed to the not-self (will) and selflessness (spirit).  Being of a watery elemental correlation, however, the feminine is ever chemical, and therefore an exponent of clearness, as it alternates between punishment and adroitness (justness).


FICTION: The quasi-masculine counterpart to drama within the chemical framework of literature in general, fiction extends from mass to volume in mass-volume evolution, as from tragedy to comedy, vice to virtue, sensuality to sensibility, the latter having less action and more thought, since less of the flesh (phallically) and more of the brain.


FIRE: The metachemical element par excellence, fire is the most basic (negative) and/or least advanced (positive) element, and therefore the one which, in my philosophy, has an elemental-particle equation as germane, in particular, to photons and/or photinos within space-time devolution.  Fire is distinguishable, on this basis, from the fiery gas, as it were, of the sun and/or Saturn, since the axis in question is from stellar to Venusian (the planet Venus) in cosmic (negative) terms, and from eyes to heart in universal (positive) terms, and photons and/or photinos take metachemical precedence, in consequence, over protons and/or protinos which, in relation to metaphysical gaseousness, are less anti-natural than pro-natural, and therefore entitled to association, by contrast, with a divine disposition.  Be that as it may, fire is a noumenal element, and therefore always correlative of upper-class values in their ruling mode.  It is the element, par excellence, of the Devil and Hell, a female element with a noumenally objective disposition for divergence (sensuality) and/or convergence (sensibility) in straight lines, more especially in the guise of stellar light, its pristine, or properly metachemical, manifestation.


FREEDOM: The opposite of binding (thraldom), freedom is a female actuality that embraces the objective side of life, with particular reference to sensual, or 'once born', contexts.  Thus freedom is inseparable from heathenistic criteria, since it can only be maintained on the basis of a female hegemony, whether in relation to the tongue (phenomenally) or to the eyes (noumenally), with reference, in consequence, to 'freedom of (parliamentary) speech' and to 'freedom of the (camera-besotted) press'.  The stand of freedom against binding, or what is more usually regarded as tyranny, is inevitably a left-wing one, and thus forever associated with left-wing movements like socialism and communism.  The republican symbol of liberty, a female revolutionary, leading the People (Gericault) is a poignant illustration of the nature of freedom, which opposes the Church and all forms of political and religious conservatism from the standpoint of female objectivity, and hence heathenistic values.  Both 'Britannia' and the 'Liberty Belle' are symbolic of libertarianism, for in both Britain and America freedom of speech and freedom of the press are virtually sacrosanct.


FUNDAMENTALISM: The positive manifestation of metachemistry, fundamentalism stretches from science to religion via politics and economics, and is everywhere, and in all disciplinary contexts, germane to photons and/or photinos within the Cupidian axis, so to speak, of space-time devolution.  Thus fundamentalism is a female actuality which stretches, more specifically, from superfeminine sensuality to subfeminine sensibility, as from eyes to heart.  Whatever the discipline, fundamentalism is that which is diabolic and infernal, whether in primary terms, vis-à-vis metachemical will and spirit, or in secondary terms, vis-à-vis metachemical ego and soul.  For the Devil of criminality and the Hell of cruelty is germane to noumenal objectivity in its positive manifestation, the fundamentalism, in short, of beauty and love.