IDEALISM: The negative mode of metaphysics, whether in relation to sequential time or to spaced space, sensual or sensible manifestations of noumenal subjectivity.  The Idealist is someone who, usually devoted to a negative God, prefers woe to joy or is obliged, by circumstances, to cling to a cosmic, rather than a universal, mode of metaphysics.


IDEOLOGY: Beliefs by which individuals and societies live, which condition not only political but economic, scientific, and religious attitudes.  All serious thinking is based, to a greater or lesser extent, upon a 'body of ideas' which add-up to and/or derive from an ideology, whether that ideology be based in freedom or centred in binding (thraldom), is female or male in upper- or lower-class terms.  Some ideologies are better than others, in the sense that holiness is better, because more evolved, than unholiness, while some ideologies are simply different from others, since appertaining to different sides of the gender fence, as it were.


ID: Having reference to the instinctive and/or impulsive energies of the self, the id is accordingly the most basic and primitive aspect of the central nervous system, the only manifestation of the self which is not psychic, or of the psyche, but physiological ... and therefore, to speak paradoxically, unconscious in its instinctive nature or, more correctly, subnature.  Thus the id is a link, albeit at the most basic level, between the self and the not-self, a link between instinct and will, an autonomously functioning division of the self which is basically somatic where the conscious, or intellectualized, self is psychically egocentric, the superconscious (spiritualized) self psycho-eccentric, and the subconscious (emotionalized) self psychoconcentric.  In fact, the id is simply that aspect of the self which stands instinctively apart from the intellectuality of the conscious self (ego), the spirituality of the superconscious self (spirit or, more correctly, spiritualized ego, or mind), and the emotionality of the subconscious self (soul), within the overall context of the self as central nervous system and/or brain stem.  To the extent that it functions on a subnatural basis, the id is similar to, though distinct from, the will, which is associated, in my philosophy, with the various orders of not-self, including the greater proportion of the brain (cerebrum), which accord with soma, or nature.


IDIOT: Person, more usually female, who allows him/herself to be dominated by the id to a degree which can and often does eclipse the ego, thereby subordinating conscious control of the not-selves to their unconscious or, more correctly, subnatural control, with impulsive and/or instinctive consequences likely, in markedly idiotic instances, to defy reason.  Idiocy, by no means alien to the modern age, grants free rein to the most primitive and basic impulses, is more concerned with acting than with doing, and consequently will always evoke heathenistic connotations which 'fly in the face' of those egocentric constraints to which Christians are subject.


IGNORANCE: Negative mode of masculine will and/or ego, power and/or form, in both sensuality (mass) and sensibility (volume), ignorance has a geologic correlation which stretches, in neutrons and neutrinos, from the terrestrial to the Martian, from the earth to the planet Mars, and is the precondition, in mass-volume evolution, of knowledge.  In view of the subjective nature of the masculine axis, ignorance is primary in ego (molecular wavicles) and secondary in will (elemental particles), just as man is primary in folly and secondary in evil.


ILLUSION: A metachemical attribute, illusion is of the light as opposed to the air, being of a magical rather than a mystical persuasion.  That which is rooted in the light sees things in terms of illusion, or 'Maya' (to cite Hindu terminology), for it is largely composed of illusory impulses and projections.  Illusion is, of course, the antithesis to truth, not its negative counterpart, like falsity, but something akin to beauty (if positive) and/or to ugliness (if negative).  Thus illusion, and hence beauty/ugliness, is a lie.  But it is a lie that often poses as truth, a lie in which the Bible is rooted, compliments of the Old Testament.  For God as Creator of the so-called Universe, meaning the Cosmos, is an illusion or, more specifically, an illusory kind of God, both in terms of a stellar correlation and the fact, well documented by me, of its superfeminine nature, a nature akin to that of the 'Liberty Belle', which, if truth be told, is rather less divine than diabolic, since germane to the space-time axis of noumenal objectivity at the sensual level of spatial space.


IMMORAL: Relating to that which, rooted in a vacuum, is objective   and hence female, whether in relation to noumenal or to phenomenal planes and/or axes in negative and positive, as well as virtuous and vicious, modes.  Hence both crime and punishment are immoral, as are evil and goodness, their powerful and glorious corollaries.


IMPRESSIVE: Denoting the noumenally subjective nature of metaphysical will, the secondary will of those affiliated, through divine power, to time-space evolution.


INDIVIDUALISM: Corresponding to the absolutism of elemental particles and/or wavicles, individualism has specific applicability to time and/or space, and is accordingly supra-worldly in its devility and/or divinity.  Individualism is therefore an upper-class noumenon, with particular reference to metachemical science (cosmology) on the one hand, that of diabolic (superfeminine and/or subfeminine) individualism, and to metaphysical religion (transcendentalism) on the other hand, that of divine (submasculine and/or supermasculine) individualism.


INFERNAL: Denoting the noumenally objective nature of metachemical soul, the secondary soul of those affiliated, through hellish contentment, to space-time devolution.


INNER: Concerned with what is sensible and ‘reborn’ as opposed to sensual and 'once born', the inner can be objective or subjective, female or male, as well as, in a wider sense, negative or positive.


INTELLECTUAL ACTIVITIES: To contrast the physical will of reading with the physical spirit of speaking (from a prepared text, i.e. a book) in relation to the sensible vegetative (cerebral) not-self and selflessness (voluminous soma/supersoma), and each of these 'secondary' intellectual activities, germane to phenomenal subjectivity, with the physical ego of thinking and the physical soul of writing (to a blank page) in relation to the 'primary' intellectual activities of the sensible vegetative self (voluminous psyche/subpsyche) in both its unredeemed and redeemed modes.  Hence 'vegetative speaking' (not to be confused with 'watery speaking', i.e. speaking independently of a prepared text) stems from vegetative reading, as physical spirit from physical will, whereas vegetative thinking (not to be confused with airy thinking, or meditating) leads to vegetative writing, as physical ego to physical soul - knowledge to pleasure in positive contexts (both primary and secondary), and ignorance to pain in negative contexts (both primary and secondary).


INTROVERT: Someone more disposed to the inner than to the outer, to sensibility than to sensuality.  Introversion is more likely to be Christian than Heathen, as well as male than female.


ISLAM: Alternative name given to Mohammedanism, a Creator-based religion deriving from both Judaism and Mohammed, the self-styled prophet of Allah, the Moslem concept of God.  Islam is a mode of religious fundamentalism that acknowledges monotheism and demands strict obedience to the 'will of Allah'.