JEHOVAH: The Jewish concept of God, analogous to the Moslem 'Allah' and to the Christian 'Father', Jehovah is a Creator-God to be worshipped by His 'Chosen People', the Jews, as Supreme Being.  And God, in this capacity, precedes the Devil, as 'First Mover' preceding 'Fallen Angel', or, in cosmic terms, as the stellar plane preceding the solar one - for example, the central Star of the Galaxy preceding the sun.  Such is the Biblical view of God and the Devil, the Old Testament standpoint derived from or analogous to the Torah, the Jewish Bible, and it is a view which Social Transcendentalism absolutely rejects in favour of 'God within the (metaphysical) self', principally with regard to the sensible metaphysical self of supermasculine ego and, to a lesser (secondary) extent, the sensible metaphysical not-self of the inner will, or lungs, thereby distinguishing between a metaphysical 'Son', the superman, and a metaphysical 'Father', the correlative mode of inner nature.  However, Social Transcendentalism also finds fault with the notion of God preceding the Devil in the necessarily primitive context alluded to above in connection with the Bible, since it takes the view that the 'First Mover', being stellar, is actually diabolic, and that it is the 'Fallen Angel', the 'fall guy', as it were, for diabolic denigration, who is really closer to being godly in his solar, and noumenally subjective, departure from superfeminine primacy.  Thus it is Satan, paradoxically, who is regarded by Social Transcendentalism as being closer to God in the necessarily primitive terms under consideration, since godliness can only adhere to the subjective and hence male side of life, not to its objective and hence female side, which corresponds, on a stellar basis of 'First Mover', to Jehovah.  Thus Jehovah, appertaining to spatial space, is regarded as superfeminine, while Satan, appertaining to sequential time, is regarded, by contrast, as submasculine, a divine rebel, in other words, against the diabolic rule of noumenal objectivity which characterizes the stellar plane of light-based superfemininity.  Yet, for all that, Satan is implicated in the pyramidal structure which, in triangular fashion, characterizes Judaism, since the 'son' who escaped from his 'mother's womb', as solar from stellar, 'Fallen Angel' from 'First Mover', did not become the Father conniving at a non-triangular hierarchy, in Christian vein, but remained locked-in to the Superheathen structure together with Jehovah and, in the subfeminine corner of the triangle opposite (in repetitive time) to himself, Allah.


JEWS: A people of, by and large, Semitic origin who adhere, officially or unofficially, to Judaism, Jews are consequently distinct from Christians and Moslems, but similar to them to the extent that they are a 'people of the Book' for whom the concept of God is rooted in cosmic monotheism, having reference to the notion of 'Creator'.


JOY: Having reference to the positive quantitative and essential manifestations of protons and/or protinos, joy has a noumenally subjective correlation, as applying to the airy realm of metaphysics, and is the heavenly redemption of the Divine, whether in relation to the secondary context of metaphysical spirit (molecular particles) or to the primary context of metaphysical soul (elemental wavicles), in sensuality no less than in sensibility.


JUDAISM: A monotheistic religion which is concerned with the worship of Jehovah, the Jewish concept of Creator, Who is deemed responsible for creating not only the world but the cosmos in general.  God, for Judaists, is an Almighty Being who acts upon the world or worlds He has created.


JUDGEMENT: For the People to decide, in due course, whether or not there will be a 'Kingdom Come', and then for Social Transcendentalism to follow through such a decision, if positive, with measures designed to remove outmoded and obsolete institutions and values, particularly with regard to conventional religion.  Thus the People must decide whether or not they want religious sovereignty, the sovereignty I have to offer through Social Transcendentalism, and then vote accordingly, passing, it may be, from 'sins and/or punishments of the world' to the otherworldly salvation germane to 'Kingdom Come'.  Then and only then will it be possible for the equivalent of the Second Coming, a Messianic Superchrist, to implement change on their behalf, removing from his society those factors, including obsolete religion or religious beliefs, which are no longer relevant.  But Judgement is also something that the People and, I hope, the Gaelic people in particular, will first be involved in, with regard to the study of my works and due acknowledgement of my Messianic credibility.  For the people concerned must know what they would be voting for, and why!  Judgement is a double-sided process, not just a one-sided evaluation of the world by the philosopher in question, who, on the strength of this and other such works, may have ample reason to think of himself in Messianic terms, but who nevertheless requires public confirmation of his self-assessment, if it is to amount to anything tangible.


JUSTICE: Adhering to the principle of 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth', justice is a feminine, or phenomenally objective, concept that stands at a chemical, and thus watery, remove from the vegetative physics of 'turning the other cheek', as germane to Christian masculinity.  It is not by mere coincidence that the symbol of justice happens to be a woman, or feminine figure, weighing crime and punishment in her scales; for women are adept at dispensing justice, whether as punishment of crime or the just retribution of cruelty.  For the feminine aspect of life, adhering to a watery mean, tends to shift between the particle/wavicle poles of punishment and justice or, rather, justness, adroitness, cleverness, and other such spiritual variations upon a purgatorial theme, be it negative, and realistic, or positive, and nonconformist.