MAGIC: Appertaining to the noumenal objectivity of space-time devolution, magic is a metachemical attribute primarily concerned with appearances, whether in relation to beauty (positive) or to ugliness (negative), the former 'white' (fundamentalist) and the latter 'black' (materialist).  Thus magic has diabolic associations, in keeping with its instinctual (wilful) basis in metachemical power.


MALE: This term is used by me to imply or embrace both masculine and divine (submasculine in sensuality, supermasculine in sensibility) alternatives on the subjective side of the gender divide, and is therefore not synonymous, in my philosophy, with the masculine, or man, alone, although it can refer to either the masculine or the divine, depending on the context.  For that which is male embraces both the phenomenal planes 'down below' space and time, and the noumenal planes 'up above' volume and mass, if solely in relation to mass-volume evolution (masculine) and to time-space evolution (divine).  It is therefore antithetical to everything and anything female.


MAN: Not to be confused with God, man is phenomenal where God is noumenal, sinful where God is graceful and knowledgeable where God is truthful.  But man is also subjective, and thus on the secondary side, in overall terms, of the elemental divide, the side which embraces vegetation (in the masculine) and air (in the divine).  Man is the fruit of woman who nonetheless goes, or has the capacity to go, beyond woman, to outdo woman, in relation to the possibility of attaining to God.  Most men, however, remain men, which is to say, masculine, at a phenomenal shortfall, in lower-class subjectivity, from the Divine, and therefore fated to remain sinful and knowledgeable, whether carnally or intellectually.  Christianity is the religion par excellence of man, not God, and the revenge of man upon God or godly individuals, since when God is reduced to man or when, alternatively, man is hyped to God, then what follows is less truth than the subversion of truth by knowledge, of God by man, as, in emotional terms, of joy by pleasure, kindness by meanness, and heavenliness by earthliness.  Consequently religion, which when genuine should be concerned with truth, is subordinated to economics, and world-affirming phenomenality is the lower-class result, a result that, in pandering to the masculine meek, excludes world-defying otherworldliness from its brief, considering that man is then the measure of all things, and all things must accordingly bow to him.  From the genuinely philosophical standpoint, however, which is that of truth, man is indeed something that should, in Nietzsche's phrase, 'be overcome', if truth is to prevail in the interests of God, which is to say, the superman, the transcendence of the earth, and therefore of the all-too-human reign of man upon it, to the detriment, if not exclusion, of Heaven.


MARS: Planet corresponding to masculine sensibility and thus to voluminous volume, Mars is the sensibly negative manifestation, par excellence, of phenomenal subjectivity, and is therefore a geologic entity responsible for or associated with the sensible mode of ignorance and pain.


MASCULINE: Relating to a vegetative elemental parallel, the masculine ascends from mass to volume in mass-volume evolution, and is therefore germane to a phenomenally subjective order of binding.  Masculinity is the elemental antithesis of femininity, which is watery, but it is also a lower-class position compared to divinity, as that which stretches in time-space evolution from submasculinity to supermasculinity, metaphysical sensuality to sensibility, just as femininity is lower-class compared to devility, or that which stretches in space-time devolution from superfemininity to subfemininity, metachemical sensuality to sensibility.  Therefore the masculine is a worldly - and physical - shortfall from divine otherworldly possibilities, a shortfall which, being vegetative, has an earthly correlation, in keeping with its mundane nature.  Whether one is masculine in sensuality (massive) or sensibility (voluminous), one is centred in knowledge and pleasure (if positive) and/or ignorance and pain (if negative), since man is ever, in his masculinity, torn between phenomenal modes of form and contentment in the self, of vegetative ego and soul, as between phenomenal modes of power and glory in the not-self and selflessness ... of vegetative will and spirit, ascending, in mass-volume evolution, from phallus to brain in organic positivity (personal) and/or from the terrestrial earth to the planet Mars in inorganic negativity (geologic).  Thus the masculine is both sinful in ego and will, the former in primary terms and the latter with regard to a secondary manifestation of sin, and mean (stupid, maladroit, grave, unjust, etc.) in soul and spirit, the former in primary terms and the latter with regard to a secondary manifestation of meanness.  Man is indeed something that should be overcome (Nietzsche), though only in God is this ultimately possible.


MASS: Bottom plane of existence which stretches from the phenomenal subjectivity of massive mass (masculine) to the phenomenal objectivity of massed mass (feminine), thereby embracing both vegetation and water.  On the masculine side of the gender divide, mass is the sensual mode of vegetation; while on its feminine side mass is the sensible mode of water.  Either way, the connection between mass and the masses and/or the Mass, i.e. Eucharist, is incontestable, and testifies to the worldly nature, in earth and purgatory, of the plane in question.


MATERIALISM: Root 'ism' in life, as in the Cosmos, which is affiliated, in negative fashion, to metachemistry above all other elements, with an elemental particle subatomic bias that attests to its rudimentary and primal nature.  Of course, there is a materialism of chemistry, as of physics and metaphysics, but they are 'bovaryizations' of materialism compared to and/or contrasted with its metachemical manifestation in the photon (sensuality) and/or photino (sensibility).  Thus in broadly elemental terms, materialism is of fire rather than of water, vegetation, or air, but it is the metachemical fire, above all else, which is its per se mode.  For there is nothing more basic than the elemental particle photons of metachemistry!  Now if fundamentalism is the positive and organic mode of metachemistry, then materialism is very much its negative and inorganic mode, the mode deriving, in stellar and/or Venusian terms, from the cosmic as opposed to the universal.  The 'Liberty Belle' is thus the symbolic embodiment of sensual materialism, and all that, in consequence, which affirms, in 'once-born' fashion, negative noumenal freedom, or cosmic ultra-libertarianism.  Materialism is therefore the worst of all possible devils and/or hells.


MATERNAL: Denoting the phenomenally objective nature of chemical soul, the secondary soul of those affiliated, through purgatorial contentment, to volume-mass devolution.


MEDITATION: Process by which the breath is acknowledged and consciously pursued to the ends of self-transcendence, i.e. the transmutation, within inner metaphysics, of ego into soul via will and spirit, with joyful self-realization as its heavenly reward.  Thus meditation of this order, often termed 'transcendental meditation' to emphasize its transcendent or metaphysical nature, both confirms and encourages the achievement of maximum sublimated soul, of first-rate, or metaphysical, soul or rather, oversoul by those who, being sensibly metaphysical, have the ability to rise to godly and heavenly heights of metaphysical sensibility, achieving the redemption of the former in the latter.  I call these practitioners of TM supermen, for it is only the existence of a supermasculine ego which binds one to inner truth in the first place, an ego at once sensibly metaphysical and divine, and from which a joyful sensibility can be experienced, once the ego is superseded by soul via will and spirit, in due process of meditating.


MERITOCRATIC: Persons who relate to the sensible metaphysics of spaced space, being disposed to transcendental meditation and to supermasculine self-acknowledgement, are avowedly meritocratic, and thus of an ultimate class position which is the salvation, on the time-space axis, of the theocratic, or those who, in their submasculine subjectivity, relate more to sequential time and its aural metaphysics, viz. music.  Meritocrats are, by definition, atheistic, for they are their own divinities in what amounts to an ultimate 'kingdom within', a kingdom of Superchristian salvation.


METACHEMICAL: The Cupidian axis of space-time devolution, whether negatively (cosmic) or positively (universal), metachemistry is the fiery element of noumenal objectivity, and metachemical positions are either materialist (negative) or fundamentalist (positive), and thus ever germane to different manifestations, in sensuality and sensibility, of the Devil and Hell, of superfeminine and/or subfeminine alternatives.  That which is metachemical is ever anterior to the chemical, relatively antithetical to the physical, and absolutely antithetical to the metaphysical, like art (painting) to music.  The most basic (negative) and/or least advanced (positive) element, the photon in sensuality and the photino in sensibility, is metachemical.


METACHEMICAL ELEMENTS/ELEMENTINOS: Photons/photinos are the metachemical elements/elementinos par excellence, and therefore those which, when most of themselves in the elemental particles of their fiery appearances, are of space-time devolution.


METACHEMICAL SALUTES: Salutes such that parallel space-time devolution in the noumenal objectivity of their autocratic-to-aristocratic absolutism, from the extended-hand/raised arm of spatial space to the extended-hand/bent arm of repetitive time.


METAPHYSICAL: One might describe time-space evolution as the counter-Cupidian axis, since it is the axis of metaphysics and thus of that which is noumenally subjective, like idealism (negative) and transcendentalism (positive), in both sensuality and sensibility, the former having an elemental reference to protons and the latter to protinos, the least basic (negative) and/or most advanced (positive) elements/elementinos.  Be that as it may, the metaphysical is ever airy, or gaseous, and the setting, in consequence, for God and Heaven, truth and joy, not to mention, in cosmic terms, their negative counterparts, falsity and woe.  Either way, metaphysics is as far removed from metachemistry as music from art or being (in its per se mode) from doing (in its per se mode), first-rate soul from first-rate will.


METAPHYSICAL ELEMENTS/ELEMENTINOS: Protons/protinos are the metaphysical elements/elementinos par excellence, and therefore those which, when most of themselves in the elemental wavicles of their airy essences, are of time-space evolution.


METAPHYSICAL SALUTES: Salutes such that parallel time-space evolution in the noumenal subjectivity of their theocratic-to-meritocratic absolutism, from the clenched-fist/bent arm of sequential time to the clenched-fist/raised arm of spaced space.


MILLENNIUM: Coming time of the Second Coming, identified by me with the reign of Social Transcendentalism in 'Kingdom Come', both human and, subsequently, post-human.


MIND: There is besides the conscious mind both a superconscious mind and a subconscious mind.  For mind is associated with the self psychically, as psyche, and the self, as I have oft repeated, is traceable to the central nervous system and/or brain stem.  Hence mind can be conscious, superconscious, or subconscious, though in strictly psychic terms it is the superconscious which is mind per se, since mind transcends the ego, or conscious, while remaining distinct from the subconscious, or soul, which is that aspect of psyche which appertains to the self most profoundly.


MOHAMMEDANISM: Christian misnomer, in a sense, for the religion of Islam, which is less rooted in Mohammed, the prophet of Allah, than in Allah, the Moslem God, Who shares a metachemical status, as 'First Mover', with Jehovah, the Judaic God, albeit from the standpoint, so I maintain, of sensibility rather than sensuality, and of sensibility in relation to time (repetitive).  For if the sensuality of space (spatial) is Judaic, then the sensibility of time is Islamic, and different religions Mohammedanism and Judaism assuredly remain, even though they are united in their opposition, from different points of view, to the sensuality of time (sequential), viz. Satan, not to mention to the Christian transmutation of Satan into the Father, Who, unlike both Jehovah and Allah, connives at a non-triangular hierarchy, in the Catholic manner.  But whereas the Father is merely tangential to Christ in the Christian religion, Mohammed, by contrast, is tangential to Allah in the Islamic faith, since Islam, like Judaism, is much more of a Creator-based religion than Christianity, the only ‘reborn’, or Saviour-based, religion of its kind.  Hence the misunderstandings that often arise in connection with the use of the term Mohammedanism by Christians, who imagine that Mohammed is as important to Islam as Christ to Christianity.  In reality, that is far from being the case, and the greater prominence of cosmic factors to the Middle East was largely responsible, I do not doubt, for ensuring that Allah, the Creator-God, would always remain the focus of worship.


MOLECULAR: The relativistic counterpart to elemental, the term 'molecular' has reference to quantity and to quality as opposed to appearance or to essence, and is therefore more usually associated with politics and economics than with science or religion.  Things can be molecular in relation to either particles (quantitative) or wavicles (qualitative) in any of the elements, both conventional and radical, as well as in their sensible counterparts, the elementinos.


MOON: If the sun is submasculine in its noumenal subjectivity of a sensual, or 'once born', order, then the moon is arguably feminine in its sensual order of phenomenal objectivity, corresponding, on a planar basis, to volumetric volume, the volume that rules or, rather, governs the tides.  Certainly the moon, like the sun, is a negative, or inorganic, entity, with a geologic correlation appropriate to its phenomenal limitations as the negative basis, in all probability, of both weakness and humility, those negative feminine attributes of a realistic orientation, an orientation which favours freedom in relation to negative phenomenal objectivity, in this instance in its sensual, or 'once born', manifestation.


MUSIC: In elemental terms music is the metaphysical art form par excellence, though in relation to the four planes it is the art form of time par excellence, with particular reference to sequential time, the time of Satan and/or the Father, not to mention (in arguably more positive terms) of David and/or St Joseph.  Music causes air to vibrate, and vibrations travel on the airwaves.


MUSICAL ELEMENTS: Sense in which music corresponds to the cardinal elements in terms of four main categories, viz. Jazz, Pop, Classical, and Folk, with Jazz corresponding, in the fiery magic of its percussive bias, to metachemistry; Pop corresponding, in the watery gnosticism of its vocal bias, to chemistry; Classical corresponding, in the vegetative classicism of its strings bias, to physics; and Folk corresponding, in the airy mysticism of its wind or, more correctly, pipes bias, to metaphysics.  Thus, broadly speaking, Jazz and Pop would correspond, in their noumenal and phenomenal modes of objectivity, to the female side of life, with Classical and Folk corresponding, by subjective contrast, to its male side on both phenomenal and noumenal terms.


MUSICAL SUBDIVISIONS: Music conceived as being subdivisible into pitch, the metaphysical per se of music; melody, the quasi-physical 'bovaryization' of music; harmony, the quasi-chemical 'bovaryization' of music; and rhythm, the quasi-metachemical 'bovaryization' of what, in relation to music proper, viz. pitch, is a metaphysical art form par excellence.


MYSTICISM: Appertaining to the noumenal subjectivity of time-space evolution, mysticism is a metaphysical attribute primarily concerned with essences, whether in relation to truth (positive) or to falsity (negative), the former universal (transcendentalist) and the latter cosmic (idealist).  Thus mysticism has divine associations, in keeping with its emotional basis in metaphysical contentment.