NATURE: The vegetative element par excellence, nature stretches from the fleshy phallus to the brain in organic terms and from the terrestrial aspect of the earth to Mars in inorganic terms.  This, at any rate, is what, in phenomenal subjectivity, is quintessentially natural as opposed to being effectively civilized (water), barbarous (fire), or cultural (air) in either phenomenal objectivity, noumenal objectivity, or noumenal subjectivity, as the case may be, although in a wider and somewhat qualified sense nature embraces everything and anything, including fire (anti-natural if metachemical, pro-natural if metaphysical), from water (supernatural) to vegetation (strictly natural) and air (subnatural), in both organic and inorganic contexts.  One can, however, distinguish between objective nature on the female side of the gender divide and, by contrast, subjective nature on its male side, the side not of fire and water but of vegetation and air.  For nature is objective and subjective, female and male, as well as phenomenal (in volume and mass) and noumenal (in space and time) both in positive and negative contexts of sensuality and sensibility.  The most natural nature, however, is masculine, and therefore germane to the vegetative aspect of life, with particular reference to the mundane realm of the world.


NATURAL: That which is natural is physical, and hence vegetative, the element which corresponds, in its classical qualities, to the ego per se, or physical consciousness (psyche).


NATURALISM: Naturalism differs from nature in my philosophy by being the negative counterpart to humanism, and therefore the inorganic manifestation of phenomenal subjectivity.  In short, by having reference to the terrestrial aspect of the earth, including the earth's core, in sensuality and to the planet Mars in sensibility.  In this respect naturalism is the subjective antithesis to realism, its feminine counterpart.


NEUTRON/NEUTRINO: The sensual and sensible manifestations of what I regard as a masculine element/elementino par excellence, albeit of a conventional order that requires to be distinguished, on the mass-volume axis of physical evolution, from deuterons/deuterinos, as one might distinguish heathenistic men from their Christian (and more radically masculine) counterparts, more especially in sensibility than in sensuality.  In fact, I tend to equate neutrons/neutrinos with the elements/elementinos most underlining a Protestant bias and deuterons/deuterinos with those most underlining a Catholic one, although both alike appertain to the phenomenal planes of mass and volume.


NONCONFORMISM: Generally applied to Puritan-type opposition to the Established Church, with particular reference to the Church of England (Anglican), nonconformism is, from the Social Transcendentalist standpoint, a positive manifestation of phenomenal objectivity, whether in sensuality (volumetric volume) or in sensibility (massed mass), and is therefore a distinctly feminine position, be it with regard to science, politics, economics, or (more usually) to religion.  Thus nonconformism applies as much to Catholicism as to Protestantism, being the organic manifestation, in positivity, of volume-mass devolution.  Nonconformists conform neither to humanism (man) nor to fundamentalism (the Devil), still less to transcendentalism (God), but remain resolutely feminine in what amounts to an anti-Christian stance vis-à-vis either the Protestant Christ (Anglican) or the Catholic Christ (Roman).  In the one context, they are at the apex of the inverted triangle of so-called Protestant solidarity, the configuration, par excellence, of British civilization, whereas, in the other context, they are at the base, in Marian vein, of a non-triangular hierarchy stretching via man to God (albeit the 'once-born' God of a 'kingdom without', viz. the Father).  In neither context, however, is there a conformism to Christ but, on the contrary, a kind of sensual Marianism on the one hand and a sensible Marianism on the other hand, as regarding the tongue (Protestant) and the womb (Catholic), with watery rather than vegetative implications.


NOT-SELF: Any organ of sensuality and/or sensibility which the self, or central nervous system, makes use of in the course of its dealings with the world and even that which, strictly speaking, is either anterior or posterior to the world.  Examples normally cited in my work include the eyes and the heart on the space-time axis of metachemical devolution, the tongue and the womb on the volume-mass axis of chemical devolution, the phallus and the brain on the mass-volume axis of physical evolution, and the ears and the lungs on the time-space axis of metaphysical evolution.  All these organs are identified as not-selves, and they are embodiments of the will or, more precisely, each one of them embodies a specific type of willpower which serves the self, be it in connection with fire, water, vegetation, or air.  There are also, in addition to these organic manifestations of not-self, what have been termed inorganic manifestations of not-self, and these include the stellar-to-Venusian axis of metachemical devolution, the solar-to-Saturnian axis of metaphysical evolution, the lunar-to-oceanic axis of chemical devolution, and the terrestrial-to-Martian axis of physical evolution, all of which are therefore either cosmic (noumenal) or geologic (phenomenal) bodies.  Where the organic modes of not-self are positive, or supreme, these inorganic modes of not-self tend to be negative, or primal, the preconditions, in short, of negative energies.  As the focus of the will, or of willpower, the not-selves are more closely associated with evil than with anything else, but of different types of evil depending on the kind of not-self and its elemental correlation.


NOUMENAL: Used by me to define that which pertains to space and time, whether in relation to space-time devolution (metachemical) or to time-space evolution (metaphysical), as opposed to volume and mass.  Consequently, both fire and air are noumenal elements, in contrast to the chemical and physical elements (phenomenal) of water and vegetation.  And, being noumenal, they are upper class as opposed to lower class.