PAIN: Having reference to the negative quantitative and essential manifestations of neutrons and/or neutrinos, pain has a phenomenally subjective correlation, as applying to the vegetative realm of physics, and is the earthly redemption of the masculine, whether in relation to the secondary context of physical spirit (molecular particles) or to the primary context of physical soul (elemental wavicles), in sensuality no less than in sensibility.


PARTICLES: Life (and antilife) is divisible, in both primary and secondary contexts, between particles and wavicles, as between will and ego on the one hand, or spirit and soul on the other hand, particles being germane to will and spirit in elemental and molecular subdivisions of any given element, be it metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical.  For particles are either apparent, and wilful, or quantitative, and spiritual, being of the not-self in the one case and of selflessness in the other, corresponding, that is to say, to somatic and psychesomatic oppositions to self.  In the female elements of fire and water, particles are objective and primary, whereas in the male elements of vegetation and air they are subjective and secondary.


PATERNAL: Denoting the phenomenally subjective nature of physical soul, the primary soul of those affiliated, through earthy contentment, to mass-volume evolution.


PHENOMENAL: Used by me to define that which pertains to mass and volume, whether in relation to volume-mass devolution (chemical) or to mass-volume evolution (physical), as opposed to space and time.  Consequently, both water and vegetation are phenomenal elements, in contrast to the metachemical and metaphysical elements (noumenal) of fire and air.  And, being phenomenal, they are lower class as opposed to upper class.


PHILISTINE ELEMENT: Vegetation is the philistine element par excellence, and therefore that which, in its physical thraldom, is phenomenally subjective.


PHILOSOPHY: The metaphysical branch of literature par excellence, philosophy should be concerned with being and the pursuit of soul, as it ascends from sensuality to sensibility in time-space evolution, passing from theocracy to meritocracy.  Although not the per se discipline of literature, philosophy is or should be, when true to itself,  noumenally subjective, since concerned, ultimately, with God and Heaven, truth and joy.  It is my belief that Social Transcendentalist philosophy adequately fulfils this requirement.  However, we should not overlook the negative requirement of concern with falsity and woe, Antigod and Antiheaven in relation to antiphilosophy.


PHOTON/PHOTINO: This element/elementino is regarded as having a fiery and therefore diabolic connotation which places it in the sphere of space-time devolution.  Thus both photons in sensuality and photinos in sensibility are always noumenal, never phenomenal.


PHYSICAL ELEMENTS/ELEMENTINOS: Neutrons/neutrinos are the physical elements/elementinos par excellence, and therefore those which, in the molecular wavicles of their vegetative qualities, are of mass-volume evolution.


PHYSICAL SALUTES: Salutes such that parallel mass-volume evolution in the phenomenal subjectivity of their technocratic-to-plutocratic relativity, from the clenched-fist/arm-to-chest of massive mass to the clenched-fist/arm-to-head of voluminous volume.


PLANE: Any one of four horizontal levels, beginning at the lowest level with mass, continuing with the (comparatively) low level of volume, continuing again with the (contrastingly) high level of time, and culminating with the (comparatively) highest level of space.  All such planes are divisible between centrifugal and centripetal alternatives, in both objective (female) and subjective (male) contexts, the former alpha and the latter omega.


PLEASURE: Having reference to the positive quantitative and essential manifestations of neutrons and/or neutrinos, pleasure has a phenomenally subjective correlation, as applying to the vegetative realm of physics, and is the earthly redemption of the masculine, whether in relation to the secondary context of physical spirit (molecular particles) or to the primary context of physical soul (elemental wavicles), in sensuality no less than sensibility.


PLENUM: The opposite of a vacuum, plenums are at the centre of subjectivity, be that subjectivity phenomenal (and masculine) or noumenal (and divine), and result in curvilinear (circular) orders of divergence (sensuality) and convergence (sensibility).


PLUTOCRATIC: Being plutocratic is to be masculine in ‘reborn’ as opposed to 'once-born' terms, to be of voluminous volume as opposed to massive mass, and thus of vegetation in sensibility as against sensuality.  The plutocrat is therefore the masculine counterpart to the technocrat.


POETRY: The metachemical branch of literature par excellence, poetry should be concerned with doing and the pursuit of will, as it descends from sensuality to sensibility in space-time devolution, passing from autocracy to aristocracy.  Although not the per se discipline of literature, poetry is or should be noumenally objective, being concerned, fundamentally, with the Devil and Hell, beauty and love.  In its negative, or inorganic, manifestation, viz. antipoetry, it will, however, be primarily concerned with ugliness and hatred, the Antidevil and Antihell.


POLITICS: The chemical discipline par excellence, politics is everywhere based in molecular particles, as that which is primarily concerned with the quantity as opposed, like economics, to the quality of things.  Thus it is the discipline par excellence of the spirit, whether in chemistry, metachemistry, metaphysics, or physics, and therefore more (relative to most) basic and/or less (relative to least) advanced approach to life, depending on the context, i.e. whether negative or positive.  Politics generally denies man when chemical, or parliamentary, because chemistry is the element of woman, as of purgatory, though 'bovaryized' politics, of which the metachemical, metaphysical, and physical are incrementally all examples, is less concerned with the feminine aspect of things than with either the diabolic, the divine, or the masculine aspects of them, according to whether authoritarian, totalitarian, or republican values are at stake.


POSITRON/POSITRINO: This element/elementino is regarded as having a watery and therefore feminine connotation which places it in the sphere of volume-mass devolution, albeit as the radical counterpart to electrons/electrinos.  Thus both positrons in sensuality and positrinos in sensibility are always phenomenal, never noumenal.


POST-HUMAN: That which stretches beyond man and would, in the course of millennial time, have been evolved out of what I like to think of as a cyborg transition, when man is in the process of being technologically and religiously 'overcome', to use a Nietzschean expression.  Thus the concept of superman is with me post-human, although I like to distinguish, on the basis of a triadic Beyond, between three stages of post-human life, viz. Superbeings, Supra-beings, and Ultra-beings, with nonconformist, humanist, and transcendentalist manifestations of each within every tier of this projected Beyond which ranges, on the above basis, from a stage antithetical to apes (superbeing) to a stage antithetical to stars (ultra-being) via a stage antithetical to trees (supra-being).


POWER: Power, or willpower, is everywhere the evil root of life, whether that life is metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical.  In fact, power ranges from being first-rate in metachemistry and second-rate in chemistry to being third-rate in physics and fourth-rate in metaphysics, thereby becoming progressively less evil the further removed it is from its metachemical per se.  Because power is an attribute of will, it adheres to each of the organs of sensuality and sensibility, as well as, in negative terms, to their inorganic counterparts on the cosmic and geologic planes of noumenal and phenomenal primacy.  No life can exist or prosper without power, and hence evil, since the will is fundamental to ego, spirit, and soul, as well as being the nearest thing, in each of the not-selves, to the most basic manifestation of the self, viz. the id.  The four categories of willpower, corresponding to each of the elements, are expressive, compressive, depressive, and impressive, the former two objective and the latter two their subjective counterparts.  Hence first-rate willpower is always noumenally objective in its expressiveness; second-rate willpower always phenomenally objective in its compressiveness; third-rate willpower always phenomenally subjective in its depressiveness; and fourth-rate willpower always noumenally subjective in its impressiveness.


PRIDE: Having reference to the positive quantitative and essential manifestations of electrons and/or electrinos, pride has a phenomenally objective correlation, as applying to the watery realm of chemistry, and is the purgatorial redemption of the feminine, whether in relation to the primary context of chemical spirit (molecular particles) or to the secondary context of chemical soul (elemental wavicles), in sensuality no less than sensibility.


PRIMAL: Whatever is primal is negative, and hence inorganic, whether in sensuality or in sensibility.  Hence not only primal being, but primal doing, primal giving, and primal taking are equally eligible for consideration as manifestations of an inorganic primacy, which ranges from the cosmic to the geologic, as from noumenal to phenomenal elemental planes.


PRIMARY: Denotes the principal aspects of an element as against its secondary, or subordinate, aspects.  Thus will and spirit, corresponding to not-self and to selflessness, are primary in the objective elements (of metachemistry and chemistry), whereas ego and soul, corresponding to the self in its unredeemed and redeemed manifestations, are primary in the subjective elements (of physics and metaphysics).


PRIMARY COMPETITIVENESS: Extends, in female fashion, from elemental particles to molecular particles in both sensual and sensible manifestations of metachemistry and chemistry, as from metachemical science (cosmology) and politics (authoritarianism) to chemical science (chemistry) and politics (parliamentarianism), photons and/or photinos to electrons and/or electrinos.


PRIMARY CO-OPERATIVENESS: Extends, in male vein, from molecular wavicles to elemental wavicles in both sensual and sensible manifestations of physics and metaphysics, as from physical economics (capitalism) and religion (humanism) to metaphysical economics (corporatism) and religion (transcendentalism), neutrons and/or neutrinos to protons and/or protinos.


PRIMARY ELEMENTS: Fire and water, corresponding to the noumenal objectivity of space-time devolution and to the phenomenal objectivity of volume-mass devolution, are definable as primary elements, since they are rooted in objectivity and accordingly reflect a female disposition to diverge (sensuality) and/or to converge (sensibility) in rectilinear, or barbed, fashion, as from a vacuum.


PRIMARY SEX: Females, and by implication women, are regarded as primary rather than secondary on account of their objective dispositions to diverge (sensuality) and/or to converge (sensibility) in rectilinear, or direct, terms, such that is due, in no small part, to a bias for fire and water over vegetation and air.  Hence females, including both upper-class devility (superfemininity and/or subfemininity) and lower-class femininity (upper and/or lower), are the primary sex, and will accordingly be hegemonic over males whenever and wherever sensual, or 'once born', criteria are paramount, as they are free to be in a secular, or heathenistic, age and/or society.


PRIVATE: That which is private can be so in both objective and subjective, female and male, contexts, but will always be sensible (and inner) as opposed to sensual (and outer).


PROGRESSIVE DAMNATION: To fall, diagonally, from either spatial space to repetitive time in space-time devolution (fiery) or from volumetric volume to massed mass in volume-mass devolution (watery), as from eyes to heart in the one case, avowedly Superheathen, and from tongue to womb in the other case, effectively Heathen.  Either way, a female progression from virtue to vice, sensuality to sensibility.


PROGRESSIVE SALVATION: To rise, diagonally, from either massive mass to voluminous volume in mass-volume evolution (vegetative) or from sequential time to spaced space in time-space evolution (airy), as from phallus to brain in the one case, avowedly Christian, and from ears to lungs in the other case, effectively Superchristian.  Either way, a male progression from vice to virtue, sensuality to sensibility.


PROTESTANTISM: Unlike the Catholics from whom they heretically divided, Protestants are not affiliated to a non-triangular hierarchy but to a triangular hierarchy, more usually to an inverted triangle which has Puritans (Nonconformists) and Presbyterians (Dissenters) at the apex and Anglicans (Anglo-Catholics) at the base, pretty much as dispassionate and passionate modes of feminine sensuality over masculine sensuality, or the tongue over the phallic-biased flesh.  Thus Protestantism is not strictly Christian, in the sense of a masculine hegemony deriving from the sensible rejection of physical sensuality (as symbolized by the Crucifixion), but is effectively heathenistic, with a feminine hegemony deriving from an affirmation of chemical sensuality in rejection of (Christian and, by implication, Catholic) sensibility.  By rejecting chemical sensibility, not to mention its physical counterpart, Protestantism paved the way for the dominance of feminine over masculine elements which is fundamentally anti-Christian, especially where nonconformism is concerned.  The ultimate losers in this heresy are not Catholics but Anglicans, since they are the ones who have to bear the brunt, within the inverted triangle of so-called Protestant solidarity, of feminine opposition to masculine/earthly criteria.  Pseudo-Christianity, in rejecting physical sensibility, became the victim, in due course, of anti-Christianity, if not the Antichrist, who governs from the phenomenally objective vantage-point of a feminine/purgatorial opposition, necessarily watery, to vegetation.


PROTON/PROTINO: This element/elementino is regarded as having an airy (gaseous) and therefore divine connotation which places it in the sphere of time-space evolution.  Thus both protons in sensuality and protinos in sensibility are always noumenal, never phenomenal.


PSYCHE: Ego, superego, and subego, or conscious mind, superconscious mind, and subconscious mind, the intellectual, meditative, and emotional aspects of the self, which can be more sharply differentiated in terms of ego, mind, and soul.  One ordinarily describes psyche in terms of consciousness, whether 'ordinary', 'super', or 'sub', since psyche is that which, rising above soma in wavicle transcendence of a particle base, is by definition conscious and therefore psychic.  Like soma, however, psyche can be anti-natural, supernatural, natural, or subnatural, depending on whether it is affiliated to metachemistry, chemistry, physics, or metaphysics, viz. fire, water, vegetation, or air, and can be known and judged accordingly.


PUBLIC: That which is public can be so in both objective and subjective, female and male, contexts, but will always be sensual (and outer) as opposed to sensible (and inner).


PURITAN: If Anglicanism is pseudo-Christian in its sensual disposition at the foot of the inverted triangle of so-called 'Protestant solidarity', then Puritanism is anti-Christian, meaning of a feminine or watery disposition which traditionally prevails over Anglicans, in parliamentary-like vein, as the tongue over the phallus, or 'once-born' Marianism over 'once-born' Christianism, so to speak.  But Puritanism couldn't govern this inverted triangle of civilized bias were it not for Presbyterianism alongside it, pretty much as rugby league alongside rugby union, or the Labour Party alongside the Conservative Party, or a passionate tongue, corresponding to a 'burning-cross' symbol, alongside a dispassionate tongue, corresponding, by contrast, to a 'scales-of-justice' symbol, as germane to the abstract cross of Puritanism and other related nonconformist denominations in which water rather than fire is the prevailing element, in due feminine fashion.  Certainly Puritanism is no friend, for all the notion of 'Protestant solidarity' that obtains in some quarters, of Anglicanism, and in the sensual, or 'once born', contexts to which we are alluding, the heathenistic hegemony of feminine over masculine, of abstract cross over concrete cross, complete with the crucified saviour, ensures that the latter will continue to function as 'fall guy' for denigration (slag) from 'on high'.  As a departure from what was, in any case, a pseudo-Christian denomination, Puritanism paves the way for the hell-like vituperations of Presbyterianism, as water and fire pull objective rank on vegetation 'down below' and exclude, as far as possible, any association with air, i.e. Catholicism, from fear of having their feminine hegemony undermined.