QUALITY: If quantity is of the spirit, then quality tends to be of the ego, whether as the vegetative, and hence masculine, per se of egocentricity or in some 'bovaryized' manifestation having an alternative elemental correlation.  Unlike quantity, quality is of the self rather than of selflessness, and corresponds to the molecular-wavicle subdivision of any given element.


QUANTIFICATION: The egocentric self is regarded as being subject to quantification when it comes into contact, via the will, with the spirit, and is thereby stretched-out on a superconscious limb, so to speak, from which it will rebound, as in a process of reculer pour mieux sauter, in order to remain true to itself and, indeed, achieve a deeper knowledge of itself than would otherwise be or have been possible.  Hence quantification of self via selflessness is a precondition of emotional self, or soul.


QUANTITY: Appertaining to the molecular-particle subdivision of any given element, the spiritual aspect of things is ever quantitative, since quantity, like quality, is relativistic, having reference to selflessness.  In fact, the per se of quantity is to be found in water, the feminine element par excellence, and therefore women tend to exemplify quantity as opposed, in phenomenal terms, to quality.


QUICKNESS: Essential attribute of fire, quickness is germane to metachemical soul.