RACE: Social Transcendentalism recognizes four main racial divisions, corresponding to each of the elements, viz. fiery, or metachemical, reds; watery, or chemical, whites; vegetative, or physical, blacks; and airy, or metaphysical, yellows.  Such correlations, while not fanciful, should be regarded in the most general terms, since not all people of any given race are the same and, besides, mixed-race persons defy neat categorization in terms of any of the above-mentioned categories.  Nevertheless, as a rough guide to racial distinctions, an elemental analysis is not without merit, and would indicate that whereas reds and yellows are noumenal, or upper-class races, whites and blacks are phenomenal, or lower-class races, corresponding, as they generally do, to mass and volume, as opposed, like reds and yellows, to time and space.


RADICAL: Not conventional, like neutrons/neutrinos (masculine) and electrons/electrinos (feminine) are described as being, but relatively unconventional in their more Christian and less heathenistic dispositions - such is how I have customarily defined deuterons/deuterinos (masculine) and positrons/positrinos (feminine).


REALISM: Corresponding to the negative manifestation of phenomenal objectivity, realism is therefore a feminine attribute, the watery nature of which stretches from volume to mass in volume-mass devolution, the axis of lunar to oceanic primacy in what amounts to a geologic precondition of weakness and humility, if not humiliation in consequence of weakness having been exposed.


RECIPROCAL DENIGRATIONS: Tendency whereby sexual denigrations, or denigrations usually inspired by sexual organs and/or associations, real or imaginary, tend to be either inter-phenomenal or inter-noumenal, as between so-called 'cunts' (feminine) and 'pricks' (masculine) in the one case, and between so-called 'jerks' (diabolic, i.e. superfeminine to subfeminine) and 'bums' (divine, i.e. submasculine to supermasculine) in the other case, with sensual contexts generally following a female lead but sensible ones, by contrast, tending to follow a male lead, given the virtuous advantages that accrue to females in the former and to males in the latter.  Thus a 'sodd*** cunt' denigration as the logical retort to the anti-masculine 'fuck*** prick' denigration in the case of phenomenal sensuality, and a 'snogg*** jerk' denigration likewise as the logical retort to the anti-submasculine 'frigg*** bum' denigration in the case of noumenal sensuality ... should be contrasted to a 'sodd*** prick' denigratory retort to the anti-feminine 'fuck*** cunt' denigration in the case of phenomenal subjectivity, and a 'snogg*** bum' denigratory retort to the anti-subfeminine 'frigg*** jerk' denigration in the case of noumenal subjectivity.  Needless to say, all such sexual denigrations stem from an association of 'fucking' with the plane of mass, of 'sodding' with the plane of volume, of 'frigging' with the plane of time, and of 'snogging' with the plane of space,  'jerks' duly appertaining to space-time devolution with regard to the spatial sensuality of eye-based 'fiery snogging' and the repetitive sensibility of heart-based 'fiery frigging'; 'bums' duly appertaining to time-space evolution with regard to the sequential sensuality of ear-centred 'airy frigging' and the spaced sensibility of lung-centred 'airy snogging'; 'cunts' duly appertaining to volume-mass devolution with regard to the volumetric sensuality of tongue-based 'watery sodding' and the massed sensibility of womb-based 'watery fucking'; and 'pricks' duly appertaining to mass-volume evolution with regard to the massive sensuality of phallus-centred 'vegetative fucking' and the voluminous sensibility of brain-centred 'vegetative sodding'.  Inevitably people betray themselves not only in terms of gender but also in terms of class and ethnicity ... through use of a specific denigratory epithet, the usage of which is likely to be most probable in association with scientific contexts or persons, more (relative to most) probable in association with political contexts or persons, less (relative to least) probable in association with economic contexts or persons, and least probable in association with religious contexts or persons, given the particle-based derivations of such vicious epithets and the correlations, in consequence, of most particle/least wavicle with science, more particle/less wavicle with politics, less particle/more wavicle with economics, and least particle/most wavicle with religion.


REFLECTIVE: Denoting the phenomenally subjective nature of physical ego, the primary ego of those affiliated, through masculine form, to mass-volume evolution.


REGRESSIVE DAMNATION: To fall, diagonally, from either volume to mass in mass-volume evolution (vegetative) or from space to time in time-space evolution (fiery), as from brain to phallus in the one case, and from lungs to ears in the case of the other.  Either way, a male regression from virtue to vice, sensibility to sensuality.


REGRESSIVE SALVATION: To rise, diagonally, from either time to space in space-time devolution (fiery) or from mass to volume in volume-mass devolution (watery), as from heart to eyes in the one case, and from womb to tongue in the case of the other.  Either way, a female regression from vice to virtue, sensibility to sensuality.


RELIGION: The metaphysical discipline par excellence, religion is everywhere centred in elemental wavicles, as that which is primarily concerned with the essence as opposed, like science, to the appearance of things.  Thus it is the discipline, par excellence, of the soul, whether in metaphysical, physical, chemical, or metachemical terms, and therefore least basic (if negative) and/or most advanced (if positive) approach to life.  Religion generally excludes or renounces the Devil when metaphysical, or transcendentalist, because metaphysics is the element of God, as of Heaven, though 'bovaryized' religion, of which physical, chemical, and metachemical religions are incrementally all examples, is less concerned with the divine aspect of things than with either the masculine, the feminine, or the diabolic aspects of them, depending on the context, i.e. whether humanist, nonconformist, or fundamentalist, the same of course applying to their negative counterparts.


RELIGIOUS SOVEREIGNTY: Concept of ultimate sovereignty advanced by me in relation to 'Kingdom Come' (not least of all with regard to a prospective Gaelic federation of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales), with a view to delivering the People, viz. electorate, from 'sins and/or punishments (depending on their gender, ethnicity, etc.) of the world' to the otherworldly context of the triadic Beyond, in which religious sovereignty would find its institutional and practical fulfilment.  Thus the concept in question is approximately equivalent to, though vastly different from, political sovereignty, in that it is intended to deliver those who vote for it (provided they constitute a majority) from the religious equivalent of political authoritarianism (tyranny), viz. Creatorism, or the notion of God as Creator of the Universe, etc., and thereby allow for a completely new, post-Christian religious orientation based not in some external Creator-God but in the self, whether in relation to the womb, the brain, or the lungs, depending on the tier of the triadic Beyond.  Such a concept of God, especially concerning the self vis-à-vis the lungs, is the truest and, so far as I am concerned, most genuinely divine concept there can ever be, and he who achieves God in this way and experiences Heaven as the joyful redemption of his ego is no longer man but superman, the ultimate 'Son of God'.  Thus religious sovereignty is designed, first and foremost, to allow the superman to live, even if this means that the majority of men and women, conceived in worldly and therefore masculine and feminine terms, must die to theism and its primitivistic adherence to the concept of God as Creator of the Universe, etc.  It is also designed, this ultimate sovereignty, to allow the People to be delivered from the sinfulness and/or punishment of their political sovereignty and its judicial and economic concomitants, not to mention Christian shortfalls from authentic grace (achieved through transcendental meditation) due to the fulcrum of Christianity being in sin, in an effectively vegetative and masculine lower-class condition having reference to knowledge rather than truth; though in order to be delivered from such 'sins and/or punishments of the world' they will have to be given the opportunity, under Messianic auspices, to vote for religious sovereignty, thereby exchanging the former for the latter.  Only thus will they, the People, be able to gravitate to 'Kingdom Come', the otherworldly administrative and institutional framework in which religious sovereignty would be the prevailing norm, with all the personal and universal advantages that this would entail, including, not least of all, recourse to certain formerly proscribed drugs and the institutionalized practice, where applicable, of transcendental meditation.  Thus religious sovereignty would not only save people from the world (of political and related sovereignties), it would deliver to the (triadic) Beyond those who, in the event of a majority mandate, had opted to reject the world in the interests of the salvation of their souls in the otherworldly context of 'Kingdom Come', as advanced and upheld by Social Transcendentalism, the ideological philosophy of what is, in effect, a Superchristian dispensation.


RIGHT: Politically or ideologically speaking, the Right are on the male as opposed to the female side of the gender divide, and are therefore affiliated with conservatism, whether in moderate or in extreme terms, that is to say, whether with regard to the phenomenal subjectivity of vegetation or to the noumenal subjectivity of air, in sensibility no less than in sensuality.  When economics is 'true' to itself (and not in a 'bovaryized' mode) it will be right wing, or capitalist.  When religion is true to itself (and not in a 'bovaryized' mode) it will be extreme right-wing, or transcendentalist.  For whereas the per se of economics, being vegetative, is phenomenal, the per se of religion, being airy, is noumenal.  Thus do conservatism (phenomenal) and ultra-conservatism (noumenal) exemplify economic and religious per se standings respectively, in keeping with their subjective, and hence male, natures.


ROUGHNESS: Quantitative attribute of fire, roughness is germane to metachemical spirit.