TECHNOCRATIC: Being technocratic is to be masculine in 'once-born' as opposed to ‘reborn’ terms, to be of massive mass as opposed to voluminous volume in mass-volume evolution, and thus of vegetation in sensuality (vicious) as opposed to sensibility (virtuous).  The technocrat is therefore the vicious counterpart, in physics, to the plutocrat, whether negatively or positively, in geologic primacy or personal supremacy.


THEISM: Belief in God as Creator of the Universe, Galaxy, world, nature, etc., more usually in relation, with Christianity, to the so-called Father, effective equivalent of Jehovah, albeit Jehovah and the Father are not, strictly speaking, synonymous.  Be that as it may, theism always induces worship of a Creator-God, and is therefore inimical to the deism of self-realization as God.  The Theist, being theocratic, is of metaphysical sensuality, the Deist, or meritocrat, of metaphysical sensibility.  Strictly speaking, theocracy only exists in relation to sequential time, and hence theism is less applicable to the stellar plane than to the solar one, less applicable, in positive terms, to the eyes than to the ears.  For 'the Father' is more genuinely or literally a theistic deity than, say, Jehovah, Whose correspondence is rather more to that which precedes theism, viz. autocratic diabolism, the sensual counterpart, in spatial space, to the aristocratic diabolism, situated in repetitive time, of Allah.


THEOCRATIC: Being theocratic is to be divine or, at any rate, disposed to the Divine in 'once-born' as opposed to ‘reborn’ terms, to be of sequential time as opposed to spaced space, and thus of air (or gas) in sensuality (vicious) as opposed to sensibility (virtuous).  The theocrat is therefore the vicious counterpart, in metaphysics, to the meritocrat, whether negatively or positively, in cosmic primacy or universal supremacy.


THICKNESS: Apparent attribute of vegetation, thickness is germane to physical will.


THINNESS: Apparent attribute of air, thinness is germane to metaphysical will.


TIME: Time can be either sequential in sensuality or repetitive in sensibility, of the sun/ears or of Venus/the heart, according to whether it is negative (and cosmic) or positive (and universal), of noumenal subjectivity or of noumenal objectivity.  Thus time is identifiable with the subman, or submasculinity, in sensuality, but with the subwoman, or subfemininity, in sensibility, being divine in the one context and diabolic in the other, the context not of sensual time but of sensible time.


TRANSCENDENTALISM: That which corresponds to the positive manifestation of time-space evolution is transcendentalist, whether it be scientific, political, economic, or religious.  For transcendentalism is ever metaphysical, and thus noumenally subjective, albeit in relation to the universal/supreme modes of metaphysics in both sensuality (time) and sensibility (space).  The transcendentalist is purely a man or, more correctly, a subman (in sensuality) and a superman (in sensibility) of God and Heaven in relation to truth and joy, not in relation, like the idealist, his negative, or cosmic/primal, counterpart, to falsity and woe.


TRUTH: Truth corresponds to metaphysical ego, where it is primary (on account of the subjective nature of metaphysics) and to metaphysical will, where it is secondary (for the same reason as above).  Thus truth has reference to both God as Son, or metaphysical ego, and God as Father, or metaphysical will, the noumenally subjective self and the noumenally subjective not-self, and applies equally, though in different ways, to both sensuality and sensibility, to that which is centred in the submasculine and to whatever is centred in the supermasculine, the metaphysical divinity of space as opposed to time.  Provided the metaphysical ego of either the subman or the superman is in play, so, too, is truth, for truth is inseparable from the Divine.


TURNED-OFF: A sensuality or a sensibility is turned-off when it functions by instinctual will rather than through conscious volition, so that it remains a function of soma rather than of psyche.  Seeing, beating, talking, ovulating, touching, thinking, hearing, and breathing are all examples (see below) of instinctual will.


TURNED-ON: To be consciously focused, in sensuality or sensibility, on a specific will, whether the outer metachemical will to see (in connection with the eyes), the inner metachemical will to beat (in connection with the heart), the outer chemical will to talk (in connection with the tongue), the inner chemical will to ovulate (in connection with the womb), the outer physical will to touch (in connection with the flesh), the inner physical will to think (in connection with the brain), the outer metaphysical will to hear (in connection with the ears), or the inner metaphysical will to breathe (in connection with the lungs), thereby progressing from seeing to looking (the turned-on manifestation of outer metachemical will), from beating to dancing (the turned-on manifestation of inner metachemical will), from talking to speaking (the turned-on manifestation of outer chemical will), from ovulating to conceiving (the turned-on manifestation of inner chemical will), from touching to feeling (the turned-on manifestation of outer physical will), from thinking to cogitating (the turned-on manifestation of inner physical will), from hearing to listening (the turned-on manifestation of outer metaphysical will), and from breathing to meditating (the turned-on manifestation of inner metaphysical will).