UGLINESS: Negative mode of diabolic will and/or ego, power and/or form, in both sensuality (space) and sensibility (time), ugliness has a cosmic correlation which stretches, in photons and photinos, from stellar to Venusian, from the central star of the Galaxy, shall we say, to the planet Venus, and is the primal precondition, in space-time devolution, of beauty, its supreme counterpart.  In view of the objective nature of the diabolic axis, ugliness is primary in will (elemental particles) and secondary in ego (molecular wavicles), just as the Devil, whether superfeminine in sensuality or subfeminine in sensibility, is primary in evil and secondary in folly.


ULTRA-BEING(S): Social Transcendentalist concept of post-human life form lying, hypothetically, beyond the Supra-being in which the central nervous system (minus the left-midbrain in addition to the right-midbrain and the backbrain) would be artificially supported and sustained in collectivized contexts with effect to a transcendentalist (airy) religious commitment, as at the top tier of the triadic Beyond, the whole, comprised essentially of forebrain collectivizations, being effectively antithetical to those pre-arboreal life forms generically termed stars.


ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE: An extreme right-wing orientation in either sensuality or sensibility which, having a noumenally subjective correlation with metaphysics, is germane to time-space evolution.  Thus ultra-conservatives are either submasculine in sensuality (vicious) or supermasculine in sensibility (virtuous), whether in primal (negative) or in supreme (positive) contexts, with reference, in other words, to a solar-SAturnian axis or to an ears-lungs axis.  Ultra-conservatism is assuredly the divine and sublime mode of conservatism.


ULTRA-LIBERTARIAN: An extreme left-wing orientation in either sensuality or sensibility which, having a noumenally objective correlation with metachemistry, is germane to space-time devolution.  Thus ultra-libertarians are either superfeminine in sensuality (virtuous) or subfeminine in sensibility (vicious), whether in primal (negative) or in supreme (positive) contexts, with reference, in other words, to a stellar-Venusian axis or to an eyes-heart axis.  Ultra-libertarianism is assuredly the diabolic and infernal mode of libertarianism .


UNCLEAR: Denoting the noumenally objective nature of metachemical spirit, the primary spirit of those affiliated, through hellish glory, to space-time devolution.


UNCONSCIOUS: Both the id, as impulsive aspect of the self (the central nervous system), and the will, as instinctual aspect of the not-self (in whichever elemental context), are unconscious, since they appertain to the elemental-particle subdivision of elements/elementinos, as the most primal (negative) and/or the least supreme (positive) manifestations of inorganic and/or organic behaviour.  But if the id is sub-unconscious and the will ... unconscious, then the spirit is super-unconscious, since corresponding to that which issues, in any elemental context, from somatic will with, in consequence of its molecular-particle basis, behaviour patterns that are either more (relative to most) primal or less (relative to least) supreme, depending on the 'charge' (negative or positive) of the context in question.


UNDERSOUL: The id-based lustful soul, the most primitive and integral mode of psyche such that should be associated with pagan animality, and which contrasts with the oversoul of redeemed ego, be that ego metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical.


UNHOLY: Denoting the phenomenally subjective nature of physical spirit, the secondary spirit of those affiliated, through earthly glory, to mass-volume evolution.


UNIVERSAL: Things are universal in space or time, whether metachemically (in space-time devolution) or metaphysically (in time-space evolution), when associated with organic supremacy, which is to say, when positive.  Thus universality is the positive counterpart to cosmic negativity (primacy), stretching from eyes to heart in space-time, and from ears to lungs in time-space.


UNNATURAL: That which is unnatural is either anti-natural, like metachemical fire, or pro-natural, like metaphysical light, since it is distinct from the natural, whether conceived supernaturally, naturally, or subnaturally, which is to say, in watery, vegetative, or airy terms.  The unnatural is, in short, either diabolic or divine.


UNTRANSVALUATED ELEMENTS: A heathenistic tendency to regard as 'high' that which is most apparent and quantitative, and as 'low' that, by contrast, which is most qualitative and essential, so that both the unnatural (especially in its anti-natural, or metachemical, manifestation) and the supernatural, corresponding to fire and to water, rank above the natural and the subnatural, corresponding to vegetation and to air.  In actuality, however, both the unnatural and the subnatural are 'high' ... in terms of their respective noumenal correlations, while both the supernatural and the natural are 'low' ... in terms of their respective phenomenal correlations, correlations with water and vegetation as opposed, in the noumenal contexts, with fire and air.  But whereas the unnatural 'highness' of fire lies metachemically behind the supernatural 'lowness' of water, like barbarity behind civility, if not civilization, or the Devil behind woman, so the subnatural 'highness' of air lies metaphysically beyond the natural 'lowness' of vegetation (earth), like culture beyond nature, or God beyond man.  In truth, the subnatural is that which, being essential, is profounder than nature or the natural, and only likely to be considered morally superior and/or more desirable, in consequence, by men who have elected to 'turn their back' on the supernatural and/or the unnatural, as upon females or things female, in the interests of enhanced subjectivity, the subjectivity not of perfect form in vegetative physicality, but of perfect contentment in airy metaphysicality, and the metaphysicality, more particularly, of respiratory sensibility as opposed to aural sensuality.  Such higher men, disdaining the enticements of civilization and barbarism, of good and evil, are truly cultural; for they are beyond nature, and thus folly, in their sensible commitment to wisdom.  They alone are the genuinely wise, and heavenly is their joyful reward, as they scale the noumenal heights of subnatural sensibility upon wings of soul-oriented flight from the spiritual out-breath of meditative praxis.


UPPER-CLASS: Only the noumenal objectivity of metachemistry and the noumenal subjectivity of metaphysics qualify for upper-class standings, the former in relation to the ruling classes of space-time devolution, viz. autocrats and aristocrats; the latter in relation to the leading classes of time-space evolution, viz. theocrats and meritocrats.  Thus the upper classes are always noumenal, never phenomenal.