VACUUM: The opposite of a plenum, vacuums are at the roots of objectivity, be that objectivity noumenal (and diabolic) or phenomenal (and feminine), and result in rectilinear (straight line) orders of divergence (sensuality) and/or convergence (sensibility).


VEGETATION: The physical element par excellence, vegetation is the less (relative to least) basic (negative) and/or more (relative to most) advanced (positive) element and therefore that which, in my philosophy, has a molecular-wavicle equation as germane, in conventional terms, to neutrons and/or neutrinos and, in radical terms, to deuterons and/or deuterinos within mass-volume evolution.  Vegetation is intelligible, on this qualitative basis, as stretching from the terrestrial to the Martian (the planet Mars) in geologic (negative) contexts, and from the phallus to the brain in personal (positive) contexts, and has a masculine connotation, as befitting its naturalistic and/or humanistic disposition.  As a phenomenal element, vegetation is always correlative of lower-class values in their representative, or masculine, mode.  It is the element par excellence of man and the earth, a male element with a phenomenally subjective disposition for divergence (sensuality) and/or convergence (sensibility) in curvilinear (curved line) terms.


VENUS: Planet identified with a sensible manifestation of noumenal objectivity in its negative mode, and thereby the cosmic backdrop, in repetitive time, to the heart.  Venus is accordingly a metachemical planet, and one to be associated, in its cosmic negativity, with ugliness and hatred.


VICE: Contrary to what I used to think, vice is not simply sensual as opposed to sensible, but can be either sensual or sensible, depending on the (gender-based) context.  In the 'once-born' male contexts of phenomenal subjectivity and noumenal subjectivity, vegetation and air are vicious, whereas in the ‘reborn’ female contexts of noumenal objectivity and phenomenal objectivity, fire and water are vicious.  Hence sensuality associated with vegetation and air is vicious, as is sensibility associated with fire and water.  Men, when properly male, are saved from vice, whereas women, when properly female, are damned to vice, the former rising diagonally from mass to volume in mass-volume evolution and/or from time to space in time-space evolution, the latter falling diagonally from space to time in space-time devolution and/or from volume to mass in volume-mass devolution.


VIRTUE: Virtue is sensual with the female elements of fire and water, but sensible with the male elements of vegetation and air, the reason being that virtue is the upper rather than lower position of an axis, be that axis objective or subjective, female or male, on both noumenal and phenomenal planes.  Hence whereas virtue is female in space (spatial) and volume (volumetric), as regarding the eyes and the tongue, outer noumenal objectivity and outer phenomenal objectivity, both of which are sensual contexts, it is male in volume (voluminous) and space (spaced), as regarding the brain and the lungs, inner phenomenal subjectivity and inner noumenal subjectivity, both of which are sensible contexts.  Hence the salvation of males, or of men who are properly male, from sensuality to sensibility is from vice to virtue, and is only possible at the (sensual) expense of female virtue.  Societies or countries that uphold female virtue, the sensual virtue of volumetric volume (the moon and/or tongue), and spatial space (the stars and/or eyes), will necessarily be against male virtue, the sensible virtue of voluminous volume (Mars and/or the brain) and spaced space (Saturn and/or the lungs), since the one can only be upheld at the other's expense, and vice versa.  For virtue in a woman is the planar opposite of what it is in a man.  In a woman it is objective sensuality; in a man, by contrast, subjective sensibility.  The two will ever be at loggerheads in a sort of Heathen/Christian dichotomy or, better, dialectics.


VOID: Analogous to a vacuum, voids encourage the divergence and/or convergence of light, which proceeds through the void of space at 186,000 miles per second from what must be a horror vacui.  Hence the so-called Clear Light of the Void, with its stellar implications.  The female side of life is rooted in a vacuum or void, both noumenally, in relation to space-time devolution, and phenomenally, in relation to volume-mass devolution, that is to say, in relation to fire and to water, the objective elements par excellence.


VOLUME: Volume can be either volumetric in sensuality or voluminous in sensibility, of the moon/tongue in the one case or of the planet Mars/brain in the other case, according to whether it is negative (and geologic) or positive (and personal), of phenomenal objectivity or of phenomenal subjectivity.  Thus volume is identifiable with the sensual woman (virtuous) of upper femininity in sensuality, but with the sensible man (virtuous) of upper masculinity in sensibility, being purgatorial in the one context and earthly, or mundane, in the other - the context not of volumetric volume but of voluminous volume.