XX: Symbolic of female chromosomal norm the double negative charge of which connotes, in Social Transcendentalist thinking, with an objective disposition rooted in photons and/or photinos (noumenal) and electrons and/or electrinos (phenomenal), the sort of disposition which confirms a libertarian resolve, as affiliated to fire and water.


XY: Symbolic of male chromosomal norm the negative or, rather, neutral/positive charge of which connotes, in Social Transcendentalism, with a subjective disposition centred in neutrons and/or neutrinos (phenomenal) and protons and/or protinos (noumenal), the sort of disposition which confirms a conservative resolve, as affiliated to vegetation and air.  Quite simply, males have a capacity, viz. the Y chromosome, for idealism and/or transcendentalism which is completely lacking in females, a capacity to achieve and identify with God and Heaven at the expense not only of masculinity and earthiness (the X chromosome of worldly neutrality), but, more particularly, of everything female, including, not least of all, the Devil and Hell.


Y-Holy: Alternative name for the Supercross of 'Kingdom Come', as germane to a Superchristian, or Social Transcendentalist, orientation.


ZODIAC: While not endorsing astrology, Social Transcendentalism acknowledges the part played, particularly in negative terms, by certain cosmic bodies, including, with respect to the Solar System, the planets Venus, Earth, Mars, and Saturn, not to mention the moon and the sun.



LONDON 1998–99 (Revised 2012)