1.   The reader may recall that much of my recent philosophical activity has been concerned with the axial distinctions between church-hegemonic and state-subordinate society on the one hand and state-hegemonic and church-subordinate society on the other hand, neither of which can really abide or accept the other because they are largely if not completely opposite, as opposite, in fact, as Ireland and Britain or, more specifically, Eire and the United Kingdom.  Therefore the one type of society tends to marginalize if not exclude the other, since you cannot be both psychically free and somatically free at the same time, nor indeed psychically bound and somatically bound, the former the phenomenal counterpart, in church-hegemonic society, to the noumenal heights of psychic freedom; the latter the phenomenal counterpart, in state-hegemonic society, to the noumenal heights of somatic freedom - the respective heights no less mutually exclusive than the respective depths, so to speak, of what, in their noumenal/phenomenal totality, constitute two entirely opposite types of axis.


2.   All this the reader should already have gleaned, and so I shall not waste his time by repeating myself all over again, even if I think it expedient, for the sake of a little extra clarification, to remind him that these axes come in different guises, and that there is not, nor ever has been or could be, a straight axial antithesis between phenomenal sensuality and noumenal sensibility on the one hand and noumenal sensuality and phenomenal sensibility on the other hand, the former significant of church-hegemonic criteria and the latter its state-hegemonic counterpart and, in some sense, axial rival.


3.   For history shows us that in the more conventional worldly contexts of, for instance, each traditional axial antithesis in the British Isles, a more genuinely worldly, or phenomenal, position exists in relation to a pseudo-overworldly position, be that position netherworldly in noumenal sensuality or otherworldly in noumenal sensibility, so that far from a phenomenally sensual/noumenally sensible antithesis on the one hand and a noumenally sensual/phenomenally sensible antithesis on the other hand, one finds genuine phenomenal sensuality existing in axial opposition to pseudo-noumenal sensibility and, conversely, pseudo-noumenal sensuality existing in axial opposition to genuine phenomenal sensibility, thereby confirming a worldly status in which the phenomenal is alone genuine and the noumenal pseudo.


4.   Thus the traditional church-hegemonic axis, which is also of necessity state subordinate, is best characterized in terms of an axial polarity between phenomenal sensuality and pseudo-noumenal sensibility, 'the meek' and 'the pseudo-righteous', while the traditional state-hegemonic axis, which is also of necessity church subordinate, may be characterized in terms of an axial polarity between pseudo-noumenal sensuality and phenomenal sensibility, 'the pseudo-vain' and 'the just'.  Such is how it was and officially continues to be within the British Isles, where the axial dichotomy between church- and state-hegemonic criteria takes the respective forms of Roman Catholicism and Constitutional Monarchy, Eire being a largely Roman Catholic country and the United Kingdom, not least Britain, a Constitutional Monarchy with a parliamentary democracy.


5.   Now if, as I believe, phenomenal sensuality exists in relation to pseudo-noumenal sensibility, then that is the church-hegemonic worldly position par excellence, in which things bog down in the phenomenally sensual masses and such noumenally sensible salvation as the Catholic Church provides is never more than pseudo, a matter merely of verbal absolution for penitential contrition from a position centred in implicit transcendentalism and even, where females are concerned, an equally implicit antifundamentalism which, ever subjected to explicit constraints emanating from the Old Testament, cannot and dare not 'come clean' about itself from fear of exposing its pseudo-theocratic and, for females, pseudo-antiaristocratic limitations, as having to do, in effect, with a God and an Antidevil - for the two are correlative - that 'dares not speak its (freely psychic) name'.


6.   Likewise if, as I also believe, pseudo-noumenal sensuality exists in relation to phenomenal sensibility, then that is the state-hegemonic worldly position par excellence, in which things bog down in the phenomenally sensible masses and such noumenally sensual undamnation as the Monarchic State provides and bears witness to is never more than pseudo, a matter of constitutional figureheadship from a position rooted in implicit materialism and even, where males are concerned, anti-idealism which, ever subjected, for want of authoritarian independence, to explicit constraints emanating from Parliament, cannot and dare not 'come clean' about itself from fear of exposing its pseudo-autocratic and, for males, pseudo-antitechnocratic limitations, as having to do, in effect, with a Devil and an Antigod - for the two are correlative - that 'dares not speak its (freely somatic) name'.


7.   Be that as it may, neither God nor the Devil are anywhere near genuine in the traditional noumenal contexts of theocracy and autocracy in the British Isles, and for the very simple reason that the God that dares not reveal itself from fear of exposing its pseudo-theocratic limitations and less than true face, and the Devil that dares not reveal itself from fear of exposing its pseudo-autocratic limitations and effectively ugly face are only possible in relation to very genuine orders of woman and man or, more correctly, phenomenal manifestations of woman and antiman on the one hand and man and antiwoman on the other hand.


8.   For it is not just an ascent from woman to God in church-hegemonic terms, as though from bureaucracy to theocracy, or a descent from the Devil to man in state-hegemonic terms, as though from autocracy to democracy, both of which axial interpretations would be grossly reductionist in their respective oversimplifications, but rather (when once the genuine vis-à-vis pseudo dimensions have also been taken into account) of an ascent from antiman to pseudo-God and woman to the pseudo-Antidevil in the one case, that of the church-hegemonic axis, and of a descent from the pseudo-Devil to antiwoman and pseudo-Antigod to man in the other case, that of the state-hegemonic axis.


9.   For what actually constitutes each type of worldly axis is not a simple antithesis between bureaucracy and theocracy on the one hand and autocracy and democracy on the other, but a gender link between pseudo-theocracy and antimeritocracy where pseudo-God and antiman are concerned, as also between pseudo-antiaristocracy and plutocracy where the pseudo-Antidevil and woman are concerned in secondary church-hegemonic vein, and between pseudo-autocracy and antibureaucracy where the pseudo-Devil and antiwoman are concerned, as also between pseudo-antitheocracy and democracy where pseudo-Antigod and man are concerned in secondary state-hegemonic vein.


10.  Thus far from a bureaucracy to theocracy axis of church-hegemonic criteria, we find a pseudo-theocratic to antimeritocratic link of pseudo-divine and antimasculine males in pseudo-metaphysics and antiphysics, pseudo-transcendentalism and antihumanism, coupled, in secondary church-hegemonic vein, to a pseudo-antiaristocratic to plutocratic link of pseudo-antidiabolic and feminine females in pseudo-antimetachemistry and chemistry, pseudo-antifundamentalism and nonconformism, not to mention, in state-subordinate vein, a pseudo-technocratic to antidemocratic link of pseudo-divine and antimasculine males in pseudo-metaphysics and antiphysics, pseudo-antiidealism and antinaturalism, coupled, in secondary state-subordinate vein, to a pseudo-antiautocratic to bureaucratic link of pseudo-antidiabolic and feminine females in pseudo-antimetachemistry and chemistry, pseudo-antimaterialism and realism.


11.  Conversely, far from an autocratic to democratic axis of state-hegemonic criteria we find a pseudo-autocratic to anti-bureaucratic link of pseudo-diabolic and antifeminine females in pseudo-metachemistry and antichemistry, pseudo-materialism and antirealism, coupled, in secondary state-hegemonic vein, to a pseudo-antitechnocratic to democratic link of pseudo-antidivine and masculine males in pseudo-antimetaphysics and physics, pseudo-antiidealism and naturalism, not to mention, in church-subordinate vein, a pseudo-aristocratic to antiplutocratic link of pseudo-diabolic and antifeminine females in pseudo-metachemistry and antichemistry, pseudo-fundamentalism and antinonconformism, coupled, in secondary church-subordinate vein, to a pseudo-antitheocratic to meritocratic link of pseudo-antidivine and masculine males in pseudo-antimetaphysics and physics, pseudo-antitranscendentalism and humanism.


12.  Therefore however we evaluate the two axes, whether in general or more exactingly comprehensive terms, we arrive at the conclusion that the phenomenal positions are alone genuine and the noumenal ones pseudo in what amounts to a worldly system or historical manifestation of axial polarity, and largely because it is reflective of relativity in relation to phenomenal criteria and cannot be simultaneously absolutist in respect of the noumenal heights, heights which are only properly or fully noumenal, whether with a bias towards the Devil or, conversely, towards God, either side of the worldly mean of natural/human phenomenality, and thus in relation to either pre-historical criteria, as in the cosmic past, or post-historical criteria, as in the cyborg present and, doubtless to a much greater and deeper extent, future.


13.  Thus the worldly manifestation of axial polarity, being phenomenally relative, will always signify the opposition of genuine phenomenal sensuality to pseudo-noumenal sensibility in the one case, that of church-hegemonic and state-subordinate criteria, and, conversely, of pseudo-noumenal sensuality to genuine phenomenal sensibility in the other case, that of state-hegemonic and church-subordinate criteria. 


14.  This suffices to explain the traditional antitheses, on each class level, between Ireland and Britain, as, more specifically, with regard to Eire and the United Kingdom.  Bogged down in antithetical manifestations of worldly phenomenality, the phenomenally sensual and sensible positions are as incompatible with each other as the sensual and sensible positions of overworldly pseudo-noumenality, which cannot but remain at noumenal variance with each other in the mutually exclusive interests of their respective axial integrities. 


15.  When we come to examine the contemporary and effectively post-historical situation in respect of countries like America, however, we find that the axial polarity between genuine and pseudo is reversed in favour of the noumenal heights; for it is now that we are entering upon an age which is the converse of anything cosmic and pre-worldly, being, to all intents and purposes, cyborgistic and post-worldly, in which absolutism is once again as genuine, if on contrary terms, as it was in the pre-historical past, the past, one might say, of Eastern as opposed to Western civilization, and relativity is accordingly so compromised by the predominating prevalence of such absolutism that its phenomenality, so to speak, is pseudo.


16.  This, at any rate, would explain the position of both the American caucasian masses, extrapolated out, in pseudo-phenomenal vein, from a phenomenally sensible North European and especially British tradition, and the Americanized lapsed catholic masses of countries like Eire, whose pseudo-phenomenal sensuality in the democratized, urbanized, and proletarianized environments in which they live and work entitles us to regard them as in some sense pseudo-meek, since what is seducing them to revel in the libertarian productions of the - compared to Britain - more genuine noumenal sensuality of the American so-called Dream, rooted in state-hegemonic criteria, is simultaneously rendering them less than fit for or suited to the pseudo-noumenal sensibility that would formerly have appealed to their less urbanized counterparts in the further depths of phenomenal sensuality, when the Catholic Church was able to 'save' from their sins and pseudo-crimes those who had elected for salvation in what I have called the pseudo-noumenally sensible terms of verbal absolution for penitential contrition.


17.  Little wonder, however, that with a pseudo-phenomenally sensible to noumenally sensual axis of state-hegemonic criteria at work in the post-historical context of American culture, with its cinematic licence and infinite variety of celluloid and other synthetically elevated 'stars', there is less scope for pseudo-noumenal sensibility to go about its pseudo-righteous business than was formerly the case, and that the lapsed catholic pseudo-meek masses accordingly find themselves bereft of a righteous alternative to their pseudo-phenomenally sensual shortcomings, shortcomings which, bad enough in their own sinful and pseudo-criminal terms, pale to comparative insignificance vis-à-vis the evil and pseudo-foolish liberties which the principal exponents of that more genuine noumenal sensuality are able to take in their own sphere of influence and which now rain down upon them, these lapsed catholic and even effectively atheistic pseudo-meek masses, in a never-ending barrage of somatic freedoms, of undamned and counter-unsaved liberties, as a testimony to the infinite ingenuity for immorality and vice of state-hegemonic criteria.


18.  Unlike their phenomenally sensual counterparts of the Catholic tradition, however, the pseudo-meek do not live in a state-subordinate/church-hegemonic context or society but effectively, if not literally, in one which defers, in quasi-state hegemonic vein, to the more genuine state-hegemonic criteria issuing from the somatic freedoms of noumenal sensuality, not least in its American and therefore principal contemporary manifestations.  Therefore these lapsed Catholic or un-Catholic pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses find themselves deferring, via American and, indeed, Anglo-American pressures, to state-hegemonic criteria in such fashion that not only is the traditional Church-hegemonic axis to which they would formerly have pertained of less relevance to them, but the very secular freedoms which have been opened up, in the republican-state context, now permit alternative ideologies or movements from that of the conventional or traditional institutions to carve a niche for themselves and effectively set themselves up in the name of the People or, more specifically, the deliverance of the People from commercial exploitation and moral corruption.


19.  To begin with, such alternatives tended to be socialistic or even Marxistic, but time has found them out and exposed their limitations and even irrelevance from an Irish point of view.  By which I mean that while the traditional church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria of what is, in effect, an ascending axis from phenomenal sensuality to pseudo-noumenal sensibility may no longer be relevant to the urbanized and proletarianized masses, it is still responsible in no small degree for the existence of such an axis in the first place, and that even the pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses partly owe their origins to it and have a place on it in what I tend to regard as a more elevated position vis-à-vis that more genuine phenomenal sensuality of the genuine meek, whether or not any such still exist. 


20.  For, in truth, there can be no Marxistic socialism for those who pertain to the ascending axis in question, since the whole theory and practice of Marxism stems from liberal humanism and parliamentary democracy as, in no small measure, its proletarian and social democratic offshoot, and what is that if not the genuine phenomenal sensibility that forms a parliamentary/puritan antithesis to, or polarity with, the monarchic/anglican pseudo-noumenal sensuality at the apex of traditional state-hegemonic criteria in Britain and, in particular, England.  Therefore not only is Marxism axially irrelevant to the pseudo-meek lapsed catholic masses of countries like Eire; it is in consequence of its secular origins ideologically and ethnically irrelevant, since stemming from a state-hegemonic tradition which simply transforms bourgeois relativity into proletarian absolutism, and interprets life solely from the standpoint of economics and hence the creation and/or distribution of wealth.


21.  Besides, how woefully reductionist to humanistic criteria is the Marxist interpretation of class warfare in terms of the exploitation of man by man, of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie!  This is in effect the reductionism of phenomenal sensibility, whether or not such reductionism ends-up straining away from its properly parliamentary/puritan manifestation on neo-noumenally sensual terms and reintroduces, in Bolshevik-like vein, a kind of neo-autocratic subversion of democracy.  For such a reductionism is the product, in large part, of humanism, of the failure of Western civilization to address 'God building' largely because it believes that 'God is dead', when all it has actually and unwittingly turned against and effectively killed off is the hype of Devil the Mother as God and the Son of Devil the Mother as the Son of God, and foolishly supposed, in its humanistic fatality, religion to be a closed issue, with humanism as its logical replacement! 


22.  And consequently, in all too reductionist vein, exploitation is conceived in humanist terms, with the exploitation of man by man, the proletariat by the bourgeoisie, being the problem that has to be addressed and, if possible, solved on the basis of socialist revolution and a social democratic form of representative government that reflects the concerns of proletarian humanism.  And so they dead-end themselves in an extrapolation from phenomenal sensibility that, far from tending back up the diagonally descending state-hegemonic axis in pseudo-phenomenally sensible vein, like the pseudo-worldly wisdom of the American extrapolation from European and, in particular, British polity, tends down from it towards a neo-noumenally sensual nadir which is the all-too-earthly omega point of the world and, hence, of Western civilization, the earth that is bound for an earthly hell in due Marxist-Leninist and/or Stalinist vein.


23.  Such farcical reductionism, whilst it might suffice for those who appertain to phenomenal sensibility, whether as liberal bourgeoisie or social proletariat, does scant justice to the pseudo-phenomenally sensual pseudo-meek of the other, and traditionally Church-hegemonic, axis, who have, in any case, less to do with man and antiwoman, physics and antichemistry, than with woman and antiman, chemistry and antiphysics, and who, as women and antimen, are preyed upon, from the noumenally sensual heights of a more genuine 'Vanity Fair', less by corrupted reproductions of themselves than by devils and antigods, the metachemical and the antimetaphysical exploiters, who profit from the financial assistance less, in the American context, of men and antiwoman than of pseudo-men and pseudo-antiwomen, the sorts of pseudo-physical and pseudo-antichemical elevated extrapolations from traditional or conventional phenomenally sensible criteria that now constitute the principal partnership in the exploitation of the pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses from a contrary axial standpoint.


24.  Therefore far from the exploitation of man by man, of proletariat by bourgeoisie in phenomenal sensibility, one has a situation in which pseudo-women and pseudo-antimen are being exploited - and morally corrupted - by genuine devils and antigods whose immoral liberties are financially aided and abetted by the pseudo-men and pseudo-antiwomen of what is now an American-dominated state-hegemonic axis which stretches from pseudo-phenomenal sensibility to noumenal sensuality and even, in reverse terms, from noumenal sensuality to pseudo-phenomenal sensibility, so much is American culture in the grip of the metachemical/antimetaphysical Few as against the pseudo-physical/antichemical Many.


25.  However that may be, one cannot seriously regard the quasi-state-hegemonic situation which has opened up, or been opened up in consequence of American-type pressures, in countries like Eire as justifying a Marxist or socialist approach to the problem of commercial exploitation, for - Anglo-Irish exceptions to the rule notwithstanding - the Irish people do not and cannot relate to what properly appertains, in blatantly un-Catholic vein, to the British and, in a wider context, Anglo-American axis of state-hegemonic criteria, and any move in that contrary direction can only be regarded as ethnically subversive and potentially traitorous, serving merely to advance Anglo-American criteria at the expense of what properly characterizes Ireland as, when true to itself, a male-led and deeply moralistic society concerned with 'world overcoming' and an accommodation, no matter how imperfectly realized, with the salvation of the self in the psychic freedom of grace and, for females, pseudo-punishment, as germane to what has been characterized as pseudo-noumenal sensibility.