101.   But that is, after all, to be expected in a post-worldly age, in an age dominated by antihumanist criteria to an extent which is no longer genuine in the phenomenal 'below' but increasingly pseudo, and therefore partial to what towers above it in genuinely noumenal terms.  America, as I said, signifies a tendency on the part of the pseudo-phenomenally sensible masses to ethnically defer to noumenal sensuality, both in contemporary pseudo- and cosmically or savagely genuine terms, and this in turn has wrenched the phenomenally sensual from their traditional Catholic moorings in the world and 'elevated' them to a quasi-state-hegemonic secular deference to all things noumenally sensual, making them both the playthings and contrived victims of the sort of commercial exploitation which stems from free enterprise of an explicitly somatic nature.


102.   But they portend, in spite of themselves, the possibility - indeed, the inevitability - of noumenal sensibility, of a no less synthetically artificial order of noumenal sensibility to that which now obtains in noumenal sensuality, and it is in the establishment and development of this contrary order of noumenal freedom that their future salvation and counter-damnation lies; for it is this alone that can restore church-hegemonic criteria to them as it resurrects the axis in question and lifts them from pseudo-phenomenal sensuality to genuine noumenal sensibility, the sort of sensibility which is not only beyond mankind, and therefore the Catholic Church, in its explicit commitment to God the Father and, for females, the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, but antithetical to anything rooted, Old Testament-wise, in Devil the Mother and, for males, the Antison of Antigod, and therefore only possible on the understanding that everything applying to metachemical and antimetaphysical sensuality, including their bound psychic corollaries, is repudiated and utterly rejected.


103.   Therefore this genuine manifestation of noumenal sensibility, commensurate with the overhauling of human criteria in the supra-human criteria of true godliness and beautifully true antidevilishness, can only come to pass via utilization of the secular freedom that has opened up, like a crack, in the edifice of church-hegemonic/state-subordinate tradition, by those concerned, as Social Theocrats, with the bringing of religious sovereignty to the pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses, that the masses in question may come to vote, at the appointed time, for religious sovereignty as the solution both to their pseudo-worldly limitations and to the exploitation of those limitations by the noumenally sensual elites of the American or Americanized 'Vanity Fair' who currently prey upon them with such devastating commercial success.


104.   Thus it is that, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in the most paradoxical of elections, the pseudo-phenomenally sensual can expect to be saved and counter-damned from their pseudo-worldly predicament to an otherworldly Paradise equating, at its topmost level, with genuine noumenal sensibility, which, in both metaphysics and antimetachemistry, will give a lead to whatever transmutations of phenomenal sensibility in physics and antichemistry may also transpire in respect of what I have customarily described as the lower (two) tiers of the triadic Beyond and conceive to be primarily for persons of Protestant descent, such as Puritans and Low Anglicans.


105.   However that may be, the concept of religious sovereignty in connection with a triadic Beyond and, where any fobbed off 'sins and/or pseudo-crimes of the world' are concerned, administrative aside to the said Beyond, is one that takes republican freedom from tyranny, from autocracy and aristocracy, coupled to antitechnocracy and antitheocracy, to its logical resolution in a context equivalent to 'Kingdom Come'; for it is only in relation to Messianic intervention of an order equating with the Second Coming that such a concept is possible, since this sovereignty is truly godly in its theocratic freedom from worldly 'sin', and only a godly individual has the right, never mind wherewithal, to conceive of such a sovereignty and to help, in the interests of the liberation of the People from Evil, bring it to pass.


106.   Thus you know, when once the concept of religious sovereignty is put before you, that you are dealing not only with a credibly Messianic concept, but with the ne plus ultra of republican freedom, freedom not merely from political tyranny, as in conventional republicanism, but from such religious tyranny as continues to exist and to wear a theocratic mask over its fundamentally aristocratic and even autocratic disposition, an upper-class disposition confirmed by the hierarchical structures of the Roman Catholic Church, as a dogmatically infallible pope reigns over his red-robed cardinals like Jehovah (not Christ!) over a plethora of satanic 'fallen angels' whose revolutions about the central axis is more than slightly suggestive of cosmic precedent and all that, in noumenally sensual vein, proclaims a disposition at complete variance from everything truly sacred and divine, which is to say, everything removed, in re-born fashion, from the brute realities of metachemical/antimetaphysical savagery.


107.   Thus until the People, the electorate of countries like Eire, come to vote in a paradoxical election for religious sovereignty, and a majority mandate for such an ultimate sovereignty is forthcoming, the job, as they say, will not have been finished, and they will continue to languish under the oldest tyranny of all, a tyranny that, these days, has been renewed and replenished with the fresh blood of that pseudo-noumenal sensuality we have equated with the American Dream, not least in its Hollywood guise, and which now tyrannizes over the People or, at any rate, over those of a pseudo-phenomenally sensual disposition, with such a ruthless tenacity for authoritarian solutions to every problem that even the Creator-God Jehovah can afford to take a back seat and rest its case while its more contemporary extrapolation goes about its predatory business seemingly unfettered by moral constraints.


108.   But Jehovah-as-Creator-God or Cosmic First Mover is still there in a variety of religious contexts, not least Judaic, and the pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses of countries that may once have been more genuinely Catholic are still subject, from time to time, to His or, more correctly, Her recall from the shadows of religious convention as and when it suits those who preach Christ's gospel to lay whatever sections of the Old Testament they choose to cite upon the minds of those who would ordinarily consider themselves either atheistically indifferent to such a Testament or sufficiently lapsed from strict Catholic observance as not to be much interested in it or, for that matter, in religious traditions generally.  No matter! the Bible, the so-called Book of Books, is still there, still officially obtains, and can be cited at the drop of a hat and imposed upon the masses under a variety of pretexts and with scant regard for their political freedom as 'People', 'electorate', 'republicans', or what have you.  The People of countries like Eire may be relatively free, as from political tyranny, but they are not absolutely free, as from religious tyranny, no matter how disguised or attenuated it may now seem over two thousand years after Christ, and until they vote for religious sovereignty such disguised tyranny, underpinned by papal infallibility and an authoritarian will to prevail at all costs, can only persist ... to their moral and spiritual detriment, their bound somatic and free psychic loss.


109.   But in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty - what a difference!  For steps could then be taken to seriously develop not only the means whereby that sovereignty could be honoured and advanced, but to remove all traditional obstacles to such a development, the Bible and other such religious books not least!  For no matter how politically sovereign you may now be you are still subject to religious impositions of a traditional order, and so you will continue to be until, with the coming to pass of that paradoxical election which I have equated with Judgement, a majority mandate for religious sovereignty permits the Social Theocratic servants of the religiously sovereign People to act on their behalf and set about encouraging the removal of such books and related matter from society as would obstruct the development of the Centre, or the context, as already outlined, in which religious sovereignty would be encouraged to develop, the context, that is, of the triadic Beyond and, behind this, of the administrative aside to the said Beyond which would be the focus of the Social Theocratic bearing of the 'sins and pseudo-crimes', not to mention 'follies and pseudo-evils', of what had been the pseudo-phenomenally sensual 'world', as it sought to develop in the religiously sovereign masses an enhanced sense of their true destiny in Social Transcendentalism.


110.   For religious sovereignty cannot develop in a vacuum, nor should it be left to one's individual whim as to whether or not one chooses to be religiously sovereign in the privacy of one's home.  One can only be and remain religiously sovereign if one confirms one's religious sovereignty by partaking of one's rights in respect of the Social Theocratic Centre, and thus by actively participating in the development and functioning of the Centre conceived, primarily, in relation to the triadic Beyond, with its three tiers subdivided three ways in order to permit of both gender segregation and, for males, an intellectual/emotional, or egoistic/psychoistic distinction between an attenuated humanism and a more intensive transcendentalism, as previously described in several texts, such that would constitute the basis of Social Transcendentalism, which is nothing less than the religious aspect of the Centre conceived in relation to both politico-economic and religio-scientific affairs.


111.   Now much as no-one could force anyone to attend the Centre conceived in relation to the triadic Beyond that it would be the duty of the ideological leadership, the Social Theocrats proper, to both protect and advance, a religiously sovereign People would have something approaching a moral duty to attend the Centre at certain times, varying from individual to individual, in order both to confirm their sovereignty and protect their rights, not least from the threat of reaction in the event of a perceived want of enthusiasm on their part and a call, from some quarters, for a restoration of tradition, even unto the extent of bringing back priests and Bibles, cassocks and altars, and all the rest of it.


112.   For of course priests and Bibles and other such ecclesiastical matters are deeply intertwined, and if you want to be rid of them, and thus free from the curse of Creatoresque primitivity which both holds religion back from its full potential and plays into the hands of a plethora of noumenally sensual predators and exploiters, whether traditional or contemporary, then you have to ensure that, in the event of opting, come Judgement, for religious sovereignty, you are prepared to assert your rights in regard to such a sovereignty, and thereby protect and advance it by attending the Centres and confirming your new-found enhanced republican freedom from all modes of tyranny, not least the priestly and Bible-based forms of it.


113.   Therefore it would be incumbent upon the People to demonstrate their resolve to remain, once they had opted for religious sovereignty, religiously free of all forms of ecclesiastic tyranny, and to do this it would be necessary for them both to support at the developmental stage and then attend the Centres that would be erected in their name, pretty much as an extrapolation from the kinds of Health or Leisure Centres which now exist and which, being anything but cinema-like, this writer regards as a sort of prototype of or blueprint for the Centres to come, when once the People elect for religious sovereignty and acquire rights in relation to it, not the least of which would be freedom from any form of priestly tyranny and, hence, priests in general.


114.   For priests are a symptom of a want of religious sovereignty in the People, just as feudal barons and other autocrats and aristocrats were a symptom of a want of political sovereignty in the People or, at any rate, the labouring masses, and they will not go away by themselves, any more than did the feudal barons and other so-called nobles who tyrannically oppressed the masses before the coming of democracy and, most especially, republicanism as the political form of democracy par excellence.


115.   Therefore backing for and attendance of the Centres that would be developed within the overall Centre, or state/church context of a religiously sovereign people, would be crucial to their future success and guarantee of long-term viability.  But all this could only be voluntary, not compulsory, since a people that is sovereign cannot be coerced to do anything, whether that implies voting or demonstrating or whatever, and only they have the right to decide how much or how often they choose to attend such a context as would be officially established in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty.


116.   But there would be incentives, not just negative ones, as alluded to above, but also, and more importantly, positive ones, such that put the existence or non-existence of clerics and all their 'stock in trade' somewhat in the shade.  Even the fact of the pseudo-meek's exploitation by predators of a noumenally sensual cast is a massive incentive, insofar as such creatures - film producers and the like - are responsible, in no small degree, for keeping the People, as pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses, in the particular kind of slough of worldly despond to which their shortcomings also confine them, albeit their elevation above the traditional 'Slough of Despond' to which the more conservatively Catholic masses still in some degree pertain is indicative, in itself, of a decision on the part of the pseudo-meek to acquiesce in such quasi-state-hegemonic elevation rather than remain bogged down in the mire of traditional meekness to which the pseudo-noumenal sensibility of the Church confines their conservative counterparts for want of a more efficacious - I might even say 'elevated' - deliverance from sinful and pseudo-criminal, not to mention foolish and pseudo-evil, shortcomings.


117.   Yet caught in a sort of No Man's Land, a kind of paradoxical Limbo, in between traditional meekness and the pseudo-righteousness of the clerical dispensers of verbal absolution for penitential contrition, it is no wonder if the majority of contemporary 'Catholics' of countries like Eire resign themselves to the more elevated pseudo-meekness which the Americanization of contemporary life has engendered and thereby continue to persevere with the fact of their exploitation for want of a viable alternative which, unlike the Church, really would set about substantially saving and counter-damning them from the predicament in which they inevitably find themselves.


118.   For, given the environmental circumstances in which these urban proletarians live, it really is nothing short of inevitable that they should be in the predicament they are now in, unable to take the religious traditions seriously, but equally unable to resist and reject the moral corruptions and seductive blandishments that the great enemy of religion, the focus of all evil and pseudo-folly, coupled to crime and pseudo-sin, is able to inflict upon them more or less at will.  And so it will continue until, with the coming of Social Theocracy, the possibility of a more elevated order of noumenal sensibility affiliated to the concept and hopefully, one day, actuality of religious sovereignty provides the pseudo-meek masses with a viable alternative to their predicament, enabling them to reject both their own worldly shortcomings and the exploitative predations to which they are subject in the interests, following a majority mandate for religious sovereignty in the paradoxical election that has been equated with Judgement, of Righteousness and hence deliverance from the pseudo-Slough of Despond of their pseudo-meekness to a very genuine 'Celestial City' of godly and antidevilish righteousness 'On High', such as Social Theocracy would be instrumental in furthering.


119.   For there is no other way that the exploitation of pseudo-women and pseudo-antimen by devils and antigods who are themselves aided and abetted by pseudo-antiwomen and pseudo-men can be ended ... except through a paradoxical election for religious sovereignty in countries, like Eire, with a fairly strong Catholic tradition, in which the politically sovereign People elect to fob off their 'sins and/or pseudo-crimes' on to the Messianic advocate of the Social Theocratic Centre, the most credible interpretation of 'Kingdom Come' there could ever be, in return for rights accruing to religious sovereignty which would deliver them not only from the last bastion of religious tyranny, going all the way back, via the Old Testament, to the so-called Creator or 'Almighty', but, as hinted at above, from those who currently prey upon them with such a callous disregard for their moral well-being and force them to grovel before the spectacles of an unceasing barrage of the most disgusting and disgraceful somatic licence, transforming them into the pseudo-meek playthings of barbarities and vanities and profanities and aridities which, in their vacuous negativities, could only be the product of devils and antigods!


120.   Thus if the pseudo-meek People are to be delivered from the Evil and pseudo-Folly of the noumenally sensual exploiters, they must elect to be delivered, first of all, from their own sins and pseudo-crimes, twisted, so paradoxically, towards those very quasi-state-hegemonic follies and pseudo-evils which genuine Evil, triumphant over pseudo-Folly like Devil the Mother over the Antison of Antigod, is able so ruthlessly to exploit, and opt for religious sovereignty in that most paradoxical of elections which I have outlined as being commensurate with Judgement, so that they can fall progressively back into line with church-hegemonic/state-subordinate criteria and increasingly live in a society that will be characterized by the grace and pseudo-punishment of God the Father and the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, a society centred in noumenal sensibility and taking every measure it can to ensure that Righteousness triumphs over pseudo-meekness and, via the salvation and counter-damnation of the pseudo-meek, over the Vanity and pseudo-justness of those ranged against them on what has been called the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis of Anglo-American, but most especially American, secular imperialism.


121.   For America is an outward-tending country rooted in the Star, as in cosmic stars and the synthetically artificial 'stars' of which so-called 'film stars' are especially conspicuous, and such a country, deriving as it does from Europe in general but Britain in particular, can only impose its will upon other countries and peoples, making them if not more akin to itself then, at any rate, prepared to defer to its somatic licence and idolatrously worship at the shrine of its particular brand of free enterprise, which, in typically female vein, knows how to seduce and exploit and mesmerize and allure and, finally, defeat utterly and uncompromisingly!  All that America fundamentally stands for will not go away peacefully, and those who strive to combat it on its own terms are playing, as historically in the case of opposition to Britain, a very dangerous and potentially self-defeating game!


122.   One can only reject it, and in rejecting it from the standpoint of Righteousness, of the 'Celestial City', of 'Kingdom Come', one can begin to develop that inner alternative to its plethora of outer freedoms, and never more determinedly than when the rejection is official because stemming from a rejection of one's own worldly limitations which are responsible, in no small measure, for exposing one to the netherworldly seductions and liberties of noumenally sensual countries like America anyway, and thus of adding insult to injury.


123.   But only Social Theocracy can effect the counter-strategy, as it were, to such noumenal sensuality; for nothing short of that more elevated order of noumenal sensibility which has been identified with the Centre, and thus with a context of religious sovereignty in the People, will have the wherewithal to save and counter-damn them to enhanced free psyche and bound soma to the extent necessary to deliver them from Evil and pseudo-Folly, not to mention, more pertinently to a feminine/antimasculine dichotomy, their own somatically free pseudo-evil and folly and, in what would be a church-hegemonic context, psychically bound sin and pseudo-crime, and thereby lead them up a mountain of righteousness from which they will not return, in traditional Catholic fashion, to be sinful and pseudo-criminal (not to mention preyed upon) all over again, but stay up on, stay as within the Celestial City-proper that would constitute their deliverance from the pseudo-Slough of Despond, as though in consequence of a transmutation in keeping with an ever-increasing commitment to synthetically artificial criteria of a sensible order and thus to the 'overcoming of man', as Nietzsche would say, in terms of the Cyborg, as of the systematic cyborgization of life to a noumenally sensible end, the end, in short, of the Omega Point, and thus the most universally transcendent of celestial cities of which it would be possible to conceive, a 'city' set not merely on earth but, ultimately, in the so-called heavens, meaning in space and therefore at a transcendent remove from everything earthly.


124.   But that is rather long term.  We must content ourselves, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, with short-term measures to improve the lot of the pseudo-meek masses, even if this does mean that their elevation to the righteousness of noumenal sensibility will be by degrees and only very gradually, given the immense complexities of the undertaking.  Nevertheless with the requisite systemic orientation following official backing from the People, one may be confident that significant progress would ensue, and it would not be long before the religiously sovereign People found themselves in a better position, morally and socially, than they had been prior to the paradoxical election which I am opting to approach, in anticipation, from an optimistic standpoint.  For once the necessary trends have been set in motion, the transformation of society will gather momentum, and what in other circumstances might have been thought impossible will prove otherwise within an actual system or society characterized by religious sovereignty in the masses and specifically geared to their notself-overcoming in the interests of the Self.


125.   But such a system would also be characterized, at its topmost, or noumenally sensible, level by the triumph of time over antispace, as of Eternity over Anti-Infinity, and thus be significant of the hegemony of metaphysical classlessness over antimetachemical anti-upperclassness, pretty much, in gender terms, as divine males over antidiabolic females, the former epitomized by the Truth of God the Father and the Joy of Heaven the Holy Soul in the transcendentalism of primary church-hegemonic criteria and the latter by the beautiful approach to Truth of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil and the loving approach to Joy of the Unclear Soul of Antihell in the antifundamentalism of secondary church-hegemonic criteria, each of which would be coupled, needless to say, to the truthful approach to Beauty of the Son of God and the joyful approach to Love of the Holy Spirit of Heaven in the idealism of primary state-subordinate criteria and, for females, to the Beauty of Antidevil the Antimother and the Love of Antihell the Unclear Spirit in the antimaterialism of secondary state-subordinate criteria, so that a virtuous circle of primary and secondary orders of free psyche and bound soma would be the benevolent consequence of such an overall noumenally sensible lead of society as germane to the attainment of 'Kingdom Come'.