126.   That much should by now be obvious, as should be an understanding of the necessity of the pseudo-meek masses being saved (through free psyche) and counter-damned (through bound soma) in church-hegemonic and state-subordinate vein from the pseudo-world to a very genuine otherworldly context if they are to escape both their own pseudo-phenomenally sensual limitations and those who avail of such limitations in order to exploit them so shamelessly from a noumenally sensual point of view such as has been identified with Devil the Mother and the Antison of Antigod, though one must also allow for the bound-psychic corollary of metachemical and antimetaphysical modes of free soma in terms of the Daughter of the Devil and Antigod the Antifather, neither of which are of any comfort to those who would prefer to be psychically free and somatically bound in due sensible fashion.


127.   However that may be, one can only counter the somatic liberties of noumenal sensuality with the aid of the psychic liberties of noumenal sensibility, and thus ensure that, in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty, the People have access to such liberties as would be commensurate with the psyche, including, not least of all, the requisite synthetically artificial visionary and unitary and/or sedative experience as would be compatible with Eternity and Anti-Infinity, and thus with a rejection of everything stemming from Infinity and Anti-Eternity, with the whole plethora of videographic and audiographic media, though especially in relation to what properly appertains, cinema-wise, to noumenal sensuality and is thus somewhat less than DVD or CD-like.


128.   Without wishing to be too specific, I can say - as I have many times before - that nothing short of certain drugs of an hallucinatory or unitary or (in the case of females, for example) soporific order would be sufficient to enable a viable alternative to filmic media in general to prevail, and, besides, to such a well-trodden argument on my part can be added the more pertinent one, in relation to 'Kingdom Come', of being able to provide afterlife-type experience for those whose religious rights, in Eternity and Anti-Infinity, would qualify them for such experience, since noumenal sensibility is nothing if not a context in which one can, as a metaphysical male, be true to one's self (not to be confused, in somatic vein, with 'oneself'), and in being true to one's self, which is after all the essence of Truth, one will, as a godly individual, have recourse to techniques which reveal the Self as a profound state of being amounting to joy, if not bliss.


129.   But such techniques cannot be Christian or Buddhist, and thus in a sense pre-proletarian in their want, through cogitation or meditation, of synthetic artificiality.  On the contrary, they must avail of the utmost hallucinogenic and psychogenic means to bring the Afterlife alive for those who had not literally died - except to the 'sins of the world', etc. - but opted for salvation from all that would prey upon them and hold them back from the realization of their full potential in relation to the Self, be it brain stem or spinal cord or, indeed, a combination of both.


130.   Ultimately, as cyborgization gathers pace, the religiously sovereign People will not die, the way persons tend to die in naturalis, but live, as artificially supported and sustained brain stem/spinal cord self-oriented units, for ever, and not for the mere sake of existence, as though cyborgization should be pursued for its own sake and therefore independently of church-hegemonic criteria, but in order to experience their Self more fully, to realize Self-perfection through unity with the Self on either an hallucinogenic or a psychogenic basis, which is to say, in relation to either the brain stem or the spinal cord, the ego or the soul, though always with the lead emphasis on and long-term totalitarian goal of the latter, the sole context in which the Self actually achieves heavenly resurrection, which is nothing less than the redemption of godly ego.


131.   However that may be, it all comes down or, rather, adds up to the ego and the soul, less in relation to the middle-class ego of physics and the classless soul of metaphysics, personality and universality, than in terms of the ego and soul (coupled to utilization, by the self-same ego, of bound will and spirit), of metaphysics, which is the only context in which ego, being godly and thus transpersonal, strives for self-overcoming in soul as its heavenly, or universal, reward.  Physics, by contrast, tends to subordinate soul to itself and thus signifies a false end, an end in which ego is top dog and one has a context in which not God but man exists ... as the measure of all things on earth if not, I would argue, in Heaven.  This, however, would be irrelevant to 'Kingdom Come', and therefore any remaining humanism, coupled to antinonconformism, would be made subordinate, through modification, to the lead of transcendentalism coupled to antifundamentalism, in order that godly criteria could prevail over everything else and set the tone of the triadic Beyond as a context led by God.


132.   For only when godliness is able to lead by dint of a metaphysical hegemony over antimetachemistry in noumenal sensibility ... will what remains to man in physics and antichemistry be brought to an accommodation with God in such fashion that it can look forward to being transmuted upwards via a gradual undermining of humanist and antinonconformist criteria in favour of antihumanist and nonconformist criteria which, as with the phenomenally sensual masses, and the pseudo-meek not least of all, are preconditions of subsequent transcendentalist and antifundamentalist salvation.


133.   Therefore it will take longer for people of a phenomenally sensible background and integrity to reach an accommodation, according to gender, with godliness and antidevilishness than for those who have been earmarked, as lapsed catholic pseudo-meek masses, for such a privileged destiny; longer not only because, as things stand, they are on the wrong axis for the overhaul of church-hegemonic criteria in suitably contemporary terms, but because, that fact notwithstanding, the pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses are first in line, being approximately germane to the right axis, for salvation and counter-damnation, and can expect to end up in what has been described as the top tier of our projected triadic Beyond, the tier in which noumenal sensibility would have its metaphysical and antimetachemical freedom and give a lead to those indigenous Protestants who, within countries especially qualified for Social Theocracy, would be predestined for the lower tiers of the said Beyond.


134.   But that is still a far cry from countries characterized by state-hegemonic criteria on 'the other axis', and one cannot envisage their admittance to such a triadic Beyond within the parameters of 'Kingdom Come' while that secular axis persists in existing and they are not in a position to be saved and counter-damned in consequence.  Only a sufficient salvation of the pseudo-meek of countries traditionally characterized by church-hegemonic criteria will do anything to bring the state-hegemonic themselves closer to collapse and ultimate dissolution, less in the sense of the demise of everyone than of the collapse, for want of sufficient pseudo-phenomenally sensual prey, of the noumenally sensual into the pseudo-phenomenally sensible, and of the damnation (indirectly by God in relation to what actually transpires on the church-hegemonic axis) that such a collapse would signify.  It is only after such an eventuality, such a catastrophe for 'Vanity Fair', that the pseudo-just of such phenomenal sensibility as survived in formerly state-hegemonic countries could expect or look forward to any kind of rapprochement with those already germane to 'Kingdom Come', to the renewed church-hegemonic axis, and then only within the lower tiers of the triadic Beyond, as befitting their lowly humanistic and antinonconformistic status.


135.   But such tiers would be subject, as already noted, to gradual modification and elevation towards criteria appertaining to noumenal sensibility 'On High', and therefore even many of those who are now ranged against church-hegemonic criteria may find themselves eligible for inclusion within the context led by noumenal sensibility in the long term, presuming upon the collapse, at some future time, of the axis to which they more justly pertain as aiders and abettors of the Vain, or those who directly prey upon the pseudo-phenomenally sensual masses from a noumenally sensual height, a height in which somatic licence, now as before, wears a godly mask over the evil face of Devil the Mother as she metachemically controls a 'fall guy for slag' who, in truth, is less the Devil than the Antison of Antigod in relation to somatic freedom of an antimetaphysical cast, the pseudo-folly of a secondary state-hegemonic standing which will always suffer the indignity of having to kow-tow to the evil which primary state-hegemonic criteria inflicts upon it in the interests not only of its hold over the phenomenally sensible just and/or pseudo-just of its own axis but also, and by default, over the meek and/or pseudo-meek, not least in respect of the pseudo-evil of the chemically hegemonic females to which it more directly corresponds, thereby undermining and even undoing such church-hegemonic criteria as would subordinate free soma to bound psyche in the interests of the salvation of antiphysical males from their own sin to metaphysical grace and, via such a male lead, of chemical females from pseudo-crime to the pseudo-punishing secondary free psyche of antimetachemistry.


136.   All this has been discussed in my work before, so I shall not labour the point here.  What characterizes any society led by God, however, will be its tendency to elevate the lowly to positions of noumenal height, to oversee the transmutation of the pseudo-meek into the Righteous, and thereby acquiesce in the transformation of the Many into the Few, as of outer collectivism into inner individualism, sensual collectivity into sensible individuality, in the sense that synthetically artificial centro-complexification will gradually replace the collectivized individuals of the democratized present with communal entities that, in their universal elevation above the world, will more resemble a unitary being transcending the plurality of individuals as they become indistinguishably part of a larger whole, call it a superbeing or a suprabeing or even an ultrabeing, as the triadic Beyond is developed not only beyond its initial pluralistic structures as the antihumanist and nonconformist are brought to an accommodation with transcendentalism and antifundamentalism, and the humanist and antinonconformist, in turn, to an accommodation with antihumanism and nonconformism prior to their subsequent elevation to transcendentalist and antifundamentalist standings as pluralism is superseded by an increasingly totalitarian absolutism, but, no less significantly, as the Centre shifts its axial integrity from the earth to space and what may have been the antithetical equivalent of trees on earth becomes antithetically equivalent to the stars of the Cosmos itself, thereby achieving its definitive manifestation in what Teilhard de Chardin would call the Omega Point, or furthermost reach of godly perfection, something to which I would of course add an antidevilish corollary in order to ensure a virtuous circle in the utmost degree and type of noumenal sensibility, as germane to what has been described as the Cyborg both in respect of metaphysical classlessness and antimetachemical anti-upperclassness, transcendentalism/idealism and, for females, antifundamentalism/antimaterialism, without which no final solution to the gender dichotomy can be attained to, since noumenal sensibility is not just a context of Eternity but also, as already noted, of Anti-Infinity, time and antispace being as complementary as their great adversaries in the space and antitime of noumenal sensuality, the beast that must be rejected and, if necessary, destroyed, if the best of what life has to offer is to come to pass and Truth and the beautiful approach to Truth, coupled to the truthful approach to Beauty and Beauty, enable the joyful approach to Love and Love to co-exist, for all Eternity and Anti-Infinity, with Joy and the loving approach to Joy as the free psychic rewards for those who have elected to make their peace with the Self and live out their destiny in the ultimate Celestial City on the basis of the most synthetically artificial transmutation of the Not-Self, of soma, as could be imagined, dying to organic Not-Self cyborgistically in order to be reborn more fully into inorganic Self psychogenetically, which is to say, in relation to enhanced hallucinogenic and, ultimately, psychogenic Self-realization.


137.   For those rooted in Not-Self, the freely somatic, this will of course seem mad.  For they have always been quick, as females or female-conditioned types, to denigrate efforts on the part of genuine males to achieve psychic freedom at the expense of their own somatic freedom, and what to certain others would be regarded as saintly is for them insane, sanity being equated with the maintenance of somatic freedom and of the psyche that, in binding, defers to such freedom rather than rejects it from a contrary standpoint.  The naturally healthy, or 'sane', have never endorsed this standpoint, for to them it flies in the face of reality and threatens the bedrock of life itself in sexual reproduction.  Therefore they have cast aspersions of madness upon every tendency towards psychic freedom on the part of sophisticated male individuals, and any attempt by the latter or by certain enlightened individuals to equate insanity with insight as a sort of inner sanity, an alternative, or psychic, sanity, which could be said to stand to sanity as insight to sight ... has been dealt a blow from which it has yet to recover!


138.   But it nevertheless seems reasonable to me that, if the concept of inner sanity is not to be tarnished for ever more by the word 'insanity', one should dissociate inner sanity from such aspersions and, in demystifying or debunking it, think of insanity the way one would think of insight, not in derogatory terms that owe as much to the sports field as to the bedroom, but as the sensible alternative to sight, and thus to sanity conceived on merely somatic terms as that which everywhere prevails as a sensual and more basic, even heathenistic, norm, one governed less by ego and soul than, in typically female vein, by will and spirit, those organic manifestations of, in particular, metachemical and chemical dispositions.  For they will not have it said, these somatically free individuals, that psychic freedom, when not arbitrary or clearly a product of some psychological or physiological derangement, is equally if not more sane than the type of freedom they take so much for granted.  They will not have the word 'insane' put on a par with insight, as something sensibly and internally sane, but persist in identifying the word with madness.


139.   Well, they are doubtless justified up to a point in doing so, since a want of cyborgization in life always plays into the hands of propagative nature and thus of a covert if not overt female dominion. But we who believe, quite logically, in inner sanity, in the freedom of psyche to achieve emotional redemption of the ego, will reserve our right to be sceptical if not contemptuous of their objective perspective, deeming inner sanity to be the prerogative of the godly and antidevilish, even if not always, for axial reasons, of man and antiwoman, and maintaining that circumstances could conceivably arise, or be engineered to arise, in which it was possible to dissociate the word 'insane' from derogatory detractions on the part of 'the sane', and simply because the cyborgization of life made it possible so to transform the terms of existence, not least in respect of the superfluous nature of propagation, that one could be 'insane' with impunity, 'insane', that is, in relation to the development of inner sanity as something that owes little or nothing to outer sanity but, on the contrary, requires that such sanity be rejected, as one would reject free soma, free will and free spirit, if its psychic antithesis in free ego and, most especially, free soul is to become the mean, and godly and antidevilish criteria prevail for ever more, turning contemporary life and, by implication, all life around, or akin to what Christians would call a 're-birth', in such fashion that the Self-revelations of Eternity and Anti-Infinity confirm the salvation of the pseudo-meek to that ultimate righteousness which is nothing less than being as true to one's self as one can, as a godly or an antidevilish universalized or antipolyversalized individual, possibly be, true in the Truth of God the Father and 'true' in the beautiful approach to Truth of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil which are the transcendentalist and antifundamentalist church-hegemonic approaches to Self and to the possibility, thereby, of the Joy of Heaven the Holy Soul and the loving approach to Joy of the Unclear Soul of Antihell in the primary and secondary modes of psychic freedom, of inner sanity, which only a metaphysical hegemony over antimetachemistry in the utmost noumenal sensibility can vouchsafe, thereby bringing universality to a classless peak of inner perfection in conjunction with the antipolyversality of the anti-upperclass position as antiyin dances to the repetitive time of yang in the antispace of her final not-self negation.


140.   Yes, it is only by her dying to not-self, to soma, that the psychic freedom of the male self can lead the dance of Anti-Infinity from the standpoint of Eternity, and thus reconcile civility to culture, and precisely as pseudo-civility to genuine culture, the primary culture of Truth that paves the way for the primary pseudo-civility of the truthful approach to Beauty in Eternity, before the secondary pseudo-civility of Beauty can permit of the secondary culture of the beautiful approach to Truth, and all alike achieve their respective spiritual and emotional redemptions in the heavens and antihells of that which, in metaphysics, will be definitively holy in its classless universality and that which, in antimetachemistry, will be definitively unclear in its anti-upperclass antipolyversality.


141.   So be it!  May godliness and antidevilishness prevail, that salvation and counter-damnation may come righteously to pass for those who deserve it; that, following which, damnation and counter-salvation may justly come to pass for those who deserve to be damned and counter-saved, as described in these and other texts of the 'Philosopher King' and advocate, through religious sovereignty, of 'Kingdom Come' and thus of that ultimate freedom which can alone deliver the People from worldly travail and netherworldly exploitation, bringing to pass a New Heaven and a new earth, as the pseudo-meek are elevated up to the Righteous and the Vain cast down to the pseudo-just, though such a status need not obtain for ever. 


142.   For ultimately it is God's will that Heaven coupled to Antihell should prevail, and for that to transpire the new earth and antipurgatory of the pseudo-just will have to be made over in such pseudo-meek fashion that Social Theocratic pluralism is superseded by Social Theocratic monism, and the triadic Beyond by the Omega Point of the Celestial City 'On High', as one by one the lower tiers are raised to the level of the top tier and that which is truly high finds its appropriate resting place in space, where the Centre will universally flower as never before, bringing Eternity and Anti-Infinity to their logical conclusions in the utmost evolutionary and counter-devolutionary distance from Infinity and Anti-Eternity, the Alpha and Anti-Omega of free somatic Death and Antilife. 


143.   For what, after all, is Eternity and Anti-Infinity but the Omega and Anti-Alpha of free psychic Life and Antideath, as germane to the sanity which, being within, is alone capable of lasting for ever in the virtuous circle of Yang and Antiyin, God/Heaven and the Antidevil/Antihell of a Being Supreme and an Antidoing so Antiprimal that it will be reconciled, for all Anti-Infinity, to the triumph of Eternity in the blessed transpersonality of the Truth and holy universality of its Joy - the Divinity, in short, of God the Father and the Sublimity of Heaven the Holy Soul.



LONDON 2004 (Revised 2012)





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