76.  When we turn to their worldly counterparts 'down below', we find that volume, which is ever volumetric, contrasts in hegemonic phenomenal fashion with mass, which is ever massive, no less than antimass, which is ever massed, contrasts in subordinate phenomenal fashion with antivolume, which is ever voluminous.  Volume is not, strictly speaking, over mass but, rather, over antimass, just as mass is not strictly speaking over volume, but over antivolume.  So much for the gender antagonists of phenomenal sensuality and phenomenal sensibility!


77.  Noumenal sensuality, we discovered, is divisible between space and antitime, spatial space and sequential 'time', as between metachemistry and antimetaphysics, the former diabolically female and the latter antidivinely male.  There is the primary free soma, in particle space, of materialism and the primary bound psyche, in wavicle space, of fundamentalism, the former according with a state-hegemonic upper-class position and the latter with a church-subordinate upper-class position, the former autocratically evil and the latter aristocratically criminal.  But there is also, in under-plane subservience, the secondary free soma, in particle antitime, of anti-idealism and the secondary bound psyche, in wavicle antitime, of antitranscendentalism, the former according with a state-hegemonic anticlassless position and the latter with a church-subordinate anticlassless position, the former antitechnocratically pseudo-foolish and the latter antitheocratically pseudo-sinful.  For noumenal sensuality is the context, par excellence, whether in genuine or pseudo terms, of upper-class and anticlassless positions, and these are precisely correlative with metachemistry and antimetaphysics, fire and anti-air, whether primarily in metachemical respect of evil and crime or secondarily in antimetaphysical respect of pseudo-folly and pseudo-sin.


78.  Contrariwise, noumenal sensibility, we discovered, is divisible between time and antispace, repetitive time and spaced 'space', as between metaphysics and antimetachemistry, the former divinely male and the latter antidiabolically female.  There is the primary free psyche, in wavicle time, of transcendentalism and the primary bound soma, in particle time, of idealism, the former according with a church-hegemonic classless position and the latter with a state-subordinate classless position, the former theocratically graceful and the latter technocratically wise.  But there is also, in under-plane subservience, the secondary free psyche, in wavicle antispace, of antifundamentalism and the secondary bound soma, in particle antispace, of antimaterialism, the former according with a church-hegemonic anti-upperclass position and the latter with a state-subordinate anti-upperclass position, the former anti-aristocratically pseudo-punishing and the latter anti-autocratically pseudo-good (modest).  For noumenal sensibility is the context, par excellence, whether in genuine or pseudo terms, of classless and anti-upperclass positions, and these are precisely correlative with metaphysics and antimetachemistry, air and antifire, whether primarily in metaphysical respect of grace and wisdom or secondarily in antimetachemical respect of pseudo-punishment and pseudo-goodness.


79.  Phenomenal sensuality, we discovered, is divisible between volume and antimass, volumetric volume and massed 'mass', as between chemistry and antiphysics, the former femininely female and the latter antimasculinely male.  There is the primary free soma, in particle volume, of realism and the primary bound psyche, in wavicle volume, of nonconformism, the former according with a state-hegemonic lower-class position and the latter with a church-subordinate lower-class position, the former bureaucratically weak and the latter plutocratically humble.  But there is also, in under-plane subservience, the secondary free soma, in particle antimass, of antinaturalism and the secondary bound psyche, in wavicle antimass, of antihumanism, the former according with a state-hegemonic anti-middleclass position and the latter with a church-subordinate anti-middleclass position, the former antidemocratically foolish and the latter antimeritocratically sinful.  For phenomenal sensuality is the context, par excellence, whether in genuine or pseudo terms, of lower-class and anti-middleclass positions, and these are precisely correlative with chemistry and antiphysics, water and antivegetation (anti-earth), whether primarily in chemical respect - barring axial subversion - of weakness and humility or secondarily in antiphysical respect - again barring axial subversion - of folly and sin.


80.  Contrariwise phenomenal sensibility, we discovered, is divisible between mass and antivolume, massive mass and voluminous 'volume', as between physics and antichemistry, the former masculinely male and the latter antifemininely female.  There is the primary free psyche, in wavicle mass, of humanism and the primary bound soma, in particle mass, of naturalism, the former according with a church-hegemonic middle-class position and the latter with a state-subordinate middle-class position, the former meritocratically pseudo-graceful and the latter democratically pseudo-wise.  But there is also, in under-plane subservience, the secondary free psyche, in wavicle antivolume, of antinonconformism and the secondary bound soma, in particle antivolume, of antirealism, the former according with a church-hegemonic anti-lowerclass position and the latter with a state-subordinate anti-lowerclass position, the former anti-plutocratically punishing and the latter anti-bureaucratically good (modest).  For phenomenal sensibility is the context, par excellence, whether in genuine or pseudo terms, of middle-class and anti-lowerclass positions, and these are precisely correlative with physics and antichemistry, vegetation and antiwater, whether primarily in physical respect - barring axial subversion - of pseudo-grace and pseudo-wisdom or secondarily in antichemical respect - again barring axial subversion - of punishment and goodness.


81.  But, of course, neither of the worldly positions can be exempted from axial subversion or, more correctly, interaction with their corresponding noumenal counterparts - noumenal sensibility in the case of phenomenal sensuality and, across the axial divide, noumenal sensuality in the case of phenomenal sensibility, and therefore free soma does not prevail at the expense of bound psyche in phenomenal sensuality or, conversely, free psyche at the expense of bound soma in phenomenal sensibility, each phenomenally hegemonic position being rendered subject to subversion from beneath at the behest of the overall hegemonic element in the noumenal position which contrives to lead or rule, as the gender case may be, the phenomenal 'below' from the self-same gender standpoint as that which characterizes the under-plane subservient, be they male in phenomenal sensuality or female in phenomenal sensibility.


82.  Thus the link of metaphysics with antiphysics guarantees that bound psyche takes precedence over free soma for antiphysics as the precondition of salvation to metaphysical free psyche and counter-damnation (of antiphysical free soma) to metaphysical bound soma, the link of antimetachemistry with chemistry obliging the female positions to follow suit, so that in overall church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial terms one has the prospect of a progression (psychically) and counter-regression (somatically) from anti-middleclass criteria in antiphysics to classless criteria in metaphysics and, correlatively, from lower-class criteria in chemistry to anti-upperclass criteria in antimetachemistry, as described above.


83.  Contrariwise, the link of metachemistry with antichemistry guarantees that bound soma takes precedence over free psyche for antichemistry as the precondition of undamnation to metachemical free soma and counter-unsalvation (of antichemical free psyche) to metachemical bound psyche, the link of antimetaphysics with physics obliging the male positions to follow suit, so that in overall state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axial terms one has the prospect of a progression (somatically) and counter-regression (psychically) from anti-lowerclass criteria in antichemistry to upper-class criteria in metachemistry and, correlatively, from middle-class criteria in physics to anti-classless criteria in antimetaphysics, as described above.


84.  Obviously, in a worldly or phenomenal age, broadly identifiable with historical civilization, 'the below', being genuine, tends to be the rule rather than the exception; for to climb to one kind of freedom or another, male in the case of the church-hegemonic axis which diagonally descends from noumenal sensibility to phenomenal sensuality and female in the case of the state-hegemonic axis which diagonally descends from noumenal sensuality to phenomenal sensibility, is diametrically contrary to the axial mean in which the phenomenal positions are alone genuine and the noumenal positions pseudo, such ideals as continue to exist in relation to the prevalence of a phenomenal mean can only, in the nature of their pseudo standings, remain the preserve of the noumenal Few, whether in the freely somatic terms of pseudo-noumenal sensuality or, across the axial divide, in the freely psychic terms of pseudo-noumenal sensibility, where they are apt to take the respective gender forms of grace and pseudo-punishment coupled, in bound soma, to wisdom and pseudo-goodness, as opposed to evil and pseudo-folly coupled, in bound psyche, to crime and pseudo-sin.


85.  However that may be, the fulcrum of historical civilization remains, and in the nature of its phenomenal relativities, can only remain on the meek in the one case and on the just in the other, neither the pseudo-Righteous nor the pseudo-Vain being in a position to prevail against the worldly mean.  And consequently the emphasis in the one type of society, call it church-hegemonic/state-subordinate, tends to be on lower-class and anti-middleclass criteria, whereas the emphasis in the other type of society, call it state-hegemonic/church-subordinate, tends to fall on middle-class and anti-lowerclass criteria, irrespective of the axial subversion of the nominally hegemonic gender - lower-class female (feminine) in the case of phenomenal sensuality, middle-class male (masculine) in the case of phenomenal sensibility - from its gender adversary at the behest of the overall hegemonic gender whose correspondence to the under-plane subservient guarantees that, although more immediately conditioned from a contrary gender standpoint, the emphasis obtaining with them will be antithetically in sync with what emanates from above, thus overriding what would otherwise be a worldly partisanship favouring the phenomenally hegemonic.


86.  Consequently free psyche above links with bound psyche below, and offers to 'the below' the prospect of salvation (from unsalvation) on primary (male) and secondary (female), terms, as from antiphysics to metaphysics and from chemistry to antimetachemistry, while, across  the axial divide, free soma above links with bound soma below, and offers to 'the below' the prospect of undamnation (from damnation) on primary (female) and secondary (male) terms, as from antichemistry to metachemistry and from physics to antimetaphysics.


87.  The mean, or rule, is ever below in a worldly society or age, but the exception to that rule is elevation up the axis from a condition of being unsaved to one of comparative salvation in the case of antiphysics to metaphysics and, secondarily, of chemistry to antimetachemistry, and from a condition of being damned to one of comparative undamnation in the case of antichemistry to metachemistry and, secondarily, of physics to antimetaphysics - each axis governed, or characterized, by antithetical criteria - male, and therefore psychic, in the case of the church-hegemonic axis; female, and therefore somatic, in the case of the state-hegemonic axis, bound psyche being as much something to be saved from from a male standpoint as bound soma is something to be undamned from from a female standpoint, salvation attaching to the Church in relation to church-hegemonic criteria, undamnation attaching to the State in relation to state-hegemonic criteria, since one can only be saved from a condition of being unsaved in the one case and undamned from a condition of being damned in the other case, unsalvation as much about bound psyche in relation to psychic freedom diagonally forward 'On High' as damnation is about bound soma in relation to somatic freedom diagonally backward 'On High', neither of which elevated positions would wish to be anything other than either freely psychic in relation to the male lead, in noumenal sensibility, of church-hegemonic criteria or, conversely, freely somatic in relation to the female rule, in noumenal sensuality, of state-hegemonic criteria, freedom being the Ideal whether that ideal happens to be soulfully graceful, as in the case of the Saved, or wilfully evil, as in the case of the Undamned.


88.  But that is another story and one which I have gone into often enough before.  The noumenally sensible 'above' will resist the unsalvation of sin and, for females, pseudo-crime no less than, across the axial divide, the noumenally sensual 'above' will resist the damnation of goodness and, for males, pseudo-wisdom.  'The above' are not there to transform themselves into 'the below', but to hold out to the latter the prospect of higher things while maintaining, as far as possible, the status quo in order both to protect the world from itself and to sustain their own unequivocally hegemonic positions over the rival gender - upper-class metachemistry over anti-classless antimetaphysics in noumenal or, more correctly, pseudo-noumenal sensuality, classless metaphysics over anti-upperclass antimetachemistry in pseudo-noumenal sensibility.


89.  Yet, in relation to these antithetical worldly/pseudo-overworldly axial integrities we also have the logical right, I believe, to regard both metachemistry and antimetaphysics as pseudo vis-à-vis antichemistry and physics and, across the axial divide, metaphysics and antimetachemistry as pseudo vis-à-vis antiphysics and chemistry, so that the upper-class and anti-classless positions are no less pseudo vis-à-vis their anti-lowerclass and middle-class axial counterparts than the classless and anti-upperclass positions vis-à-vis their axial counterparts, who are of course anti-middleclass and lower-class.


90.  But all this changes, we have argued, with post-historical society, with the extrapolation of pseudo-phenomenal sensibility from phenomenal sensibility and its axial accommodation of a more genuine or, at any rate, elevated noumenal sensuality such that, in typically American vein, owes not a little to the Native American backdrop to contemporary American civilization which, as suggested in a previous text, is more than willing to avail itself of a kind of Jewish, if not Judaic, wedge in order if not exactly to cushion the effect, from a European standpoint, of having to co-exist with what remains of such a traditionally primitive culture (though that cannot be entirely ruled out), as to find a more acceptable, from a Christian standpoint, alternative to it which continues to anchor American civilization to civilized cosmic criteria even as contemporary America strains away from all things cosmic on a cyborg-leash, so to speak, which at this point in time is more sensual than sensible but no less absolutist than its pre-historical antithesis.


91.  Yet even the absolutism of cyborg-oriented America is a far cry from the absolutism of the Native American traditions or, indeed, of anything savagely primitivistic, whereby Devil the Mother is not hyped as God, neither polytheistically nor monotheistically, in Hindu or Judaic vein, but is simply worshipped in the naked spirit of cosmic pantheism, whether in relation to stars generally or a certain star in particular, and insofar as this contemporary absolutism which we have identified with America is effectively cyborgistic in its post-humanist orientation, we may say that it is yet another, indeed the final manifestation of noumenally sensual 'bovaryization', beyond both natural and human stages of what has been called pseudo-noumenal sensuality and strictly antithetical to the cosmic variety, thereby suggesting not merely more (compared to most) or less (compared to least) devolved stages of somatic freedom but the least devolved stage of such freedom which can only exist in relation to a context which, being cyborgistic, has the potential to achieve the most evolved stage of psychic freedom in noumenal sensibility, a stage not merely more (compared to most) evolved, as in the case of mankind, still less less (compared to least) or least evolved, as in the cases of nature and the Cosmos, but capable of attaining to a per se manifestation of transcendentalism, and thus of God the Father, in the utmost sensible cyborgization of life in the decades or centuries to come.


92.  Such is what the future portends, even if the present is rather more of a character as to suggest that Devil the Mother is far from finished, or on the rubbish heap of history, to coin a well-known phrase, but that thanks in part to the fatality of America to back away from pseudo-phenomenal sensibility towards noumenal sensuality, has undergone a sort of metamorphosis commensurate with the spirit of Hollywood and, indeed, of mainstream American culture generally.  For, unlike Britain, America is more the apex of the state-hegemonic axis than its nadir, its phenomenally sensible base, being, as it were, more rugby than football, which of course translates into a kind of gridiron vis-à-vis soccer polarity where the distinction between noumenal sensuality and phenomenal sensibility is concerned - genuine phenomenal sensibility placing the focus of attention or fulcrum of sporting activity on association football, pseudo-phenomenal sensibility allowing it to gravitate to the apex of the state-hegemonic axis in terms of gridiron, even if Americans generally give the impression that if, exceptions to the contemporary rule notwithstanding, they are noumenally sensual in a post-historical way they more usually prefer to identify with the bottom of the top, so to speak, and to favour baseball and even basketball over its more spatially elevated sporting counterpart, the inevitability of perpendicular triangular criteria suggesting a kind of 'fall guy' status in connection with baseball, and the wielder of the baseball bat most especially, which, accruing to the bottom left-hand corner of the triangle in question, it would be difficult to dissociate from Democratic as opposed to Republican criteria, and thus from what is properly male, even if such maleness necessarily has, under pseudo-upperclass criteria, to take a kind of pseudo-anticlassless status which, from a male standpoint, confirms an unenviable predicament, the predicament of one who is always going to be under pressure from the spatial space of a metachemical hegemony which, when push comes to shove, even the antispace of antimetachemistry will bow to and turn against him, as against the antitime of antimetaphysics.


93.  However that may be, America, like all societies rooted in noumenal sensuality, is ruled by the Few, is a culture of the Few, whether such be film stars, jazz stars, sports stars, fashion stars, star dancers, performers, politicians, criminals, or what have you, and thus it contrasts, once again, with Britain as a society, no less state-hegemonic, in which the emphasis tends to fall, more often than not, on the Many, not least in consequence of the parliamentary/puritan status of phenomenal sensibility and its adherence to more genuinely worldly criteria, the sort of criteria which the New World effectively left behind as it forged its own more elevated appeal at the expense, by and large, of pseudo-phenomenal sensibility.


94.  Yes, one looks up to America, as most Americans look up to their culture, and it looms toweringly over them from a plethora of synthetic stars who dwarf not only the generality of their own people but the noumenally sensual elites of most other countries, Britain not excepted. Yet America has to look up to itself in contemporary, or synthetically artificial terms, because in back of it there is not merely the perpendicular triangularity of Catholic decadence in mankind or, for that matter, of Anglican Monarchism as a naturalistic approach to pseudo-noumenal sensuality, but the very real and menacingly genuine noumenal sensuality of savage primitivity in cosmic pantheism which threatens to suck contemporary American back-in to itself and to swallow it up as into a black hole of vacuous nothingness, the negation of America's struggle to civilize the wilderness and bring order out of primal chaos.


95.  America has much to fear from its noumenally sensual antithesis, as from those overseas manifestations of noumenal sensuality which, in typically Eastern mode, dance to a pre-historical tune which resents all attempts that America or its allies and clones might make to eclipse it and replace it by a more alluring tune which owes much if not everything to the synthetic artificiality of contemporary civilization.  But while on the one hand America fears and loathes the cultural black hole in back of its own less than plenumous approach to life, it is to some extent conditioned by and indebted to it for being what it is, for being as powerful and brutal as it is, and one can't help but note that the American Dream would not remain long in Hollywood or Hollywood-type criteria if America wasn't in some sense supported by the noumenally sensual antithesis to itself which precludes it, by its very existence, from overreaching itself and turning against that very same absolutist pseudo-noumenal sensuality which currently rules a global roost from a standpoint inimical to noumenal sensibility.


96.  America is not the catalyst for noumenal sensibility, that is to say, for the next big leap of post-historical civilization, because it remains in the grip, for all its somatic licence and free enterprise, of religious fundamentalism, of that Creatoresque alpha which, in Judeo-Christian terms, is Devil the Mother hyped as God, and which it dare not and cannot repudiate, never mind expose as religiously false, because its fatality is towards noumenal sensuality, and noumenal sensuality continues to loom over it from the darker regions of both cosmic mysticism and barbarism as it looms over both its own people and the greater part of the globe.  You cannot repudiate noumenal sensuality from the standpoint of pseudo-noumenal sensuality, no matter how contemporaneously synthetically artificial the latter may happen to be; for so long as Devil the Mother hyped as God remains God to those whose fatality is towards noumenal sensuality, no extrapolation from that has the right or ability to turn against and reject it.  On the contrary, one can only remain terrifyingly fascinated by it, as by a nightmare of atavistic proportions.


97.  Neither can one go in the opposite direction, the direction of the phenomenally sensible when, besotted by their own humanistic gains at the expense of Christian antipaganism, they convince themselves that a more radical humanism is the logical retort to the 'death of God' and wind-up committing bolshevistic suicide, morally speaking, by striving to make the atheistic proletariat the outcome of all history, reducing history to the Marxist parameters of proletarian humanism.


98.  But of course proletarian humanism is the end of history when history is conceived in relation, by and large, to Western civilization, as that which stands chronologically in between the infinite alpha of pre-historical civilization and the eternal omega of post-historical civilization, as in between the paganistic East and the future universal culmination of globalization in the utmost transcendentalism.  Humanism is, by and large, the rational retort to what Nietzscheans and other repudiators of traditional religion regard as the 'death of God'.  But such a concept is self-contradictory and fundamentally irrational.  For God is the one thing, the one condition or, more correctly, mode of egoistic taking, that does not and cannot die, being by definition of Eternity, and never more so than in the coming context of the Cyborg, once the psychic freedom of noumenal and more specifically metaphysical sensibility is at its most as opposed to least (in noumenally sensible cosmos), less (compared to least in noumenally sensible nature), or more (compared to most in noumenally sensible mankind) evolved stage of existence, and therefore attains to what this writer tends to equate with a definitive manifestation not only of godliness but of Eternity in relation to godliness, Eternity being commensurate with the hegemony of time over antispace, of repetitive time over spaced 'space', as in the noumenally sensible context of metaphysics over antimetachemistry, as classless criteria keep anti-upperclass criteria in their gender subordinate antimetachemical place within a context led and characterized by metaphysics.  And it is only in the most evolved manifestation of noumenal sensibility, commensurate with the intensive cyborgization of life to a universal end, that such a context can be prevalent to a degree which precludes any alternative scenario, be it phenomenally intermediate in volume over antimass, volumetric volume over massed 'mass' at the foot of the church-hegemonic axis, or, indeed, across the axial divide, in the mass over antivolume of massive mass and voluminous 'volume', not to mention, diagonally backwards 'On High', the space over antitime of spatial space and sequential 'time', both of which female-conditioned positions, whether genuine or pseudo, appertain to state-hegemonic criteria to an extent which preclude all but the most deferential church-subordinate corollaries in both the noumenal and phenomenal spheres.


99.  Obviously, since the Cyborg is the context of noumenal sensibility par excellence, and since noumenal sensibility only comes into its own on a fully universal basis commensurate, as has been argued, with globalization, post-historical civilization can only culminate in the most unequivocal transcendentalism coupled, in females, with antifundamentalism, as church-hegemonic criteria are renewed and taken to an altogether new and unprecedented level that will require correlative state-subordinate criteria in both idealism and antimaterialism, in the wisdom and pseudo-goodness, as it were, that will constitute the bound somatic counterparts to the grace and pseudo-punishment of the primary (male) and secondary (female) modes of psychic freedom.


100.   All this has of course been described by me before, but it is necessary to reiterate it here in order to demonstrate that much as America is not about to make a gender-conditioned leap from noumenal sensuality to noumenal sensibility, its own fatalistic predilection towards noumenal sensuality is precisely what has conditioned the lapsed catholic world towards that pseudo-phenomenally sensual pseudo-meekness which now stands above any traditional phenomenal sensuality as it deferentially strains towards noumenal sensuality from a standpoint still affiliated, no matter how paradoxically, to a society or world-position having its origins in church-hegemonic criteria, no matter how quasi-state-hegemonic its debased extrapolation may now happen to be.