1.   Just as birth is preceded by a period of foetal life, so death is succeeded by a period of eternal life.


2.   If foetal life is pre-eminently characterized by the will to live, then eternal life is pre-eminently characterized by the live soul.


3.   Nothing is more essential than the soul, and therefore nothing more misunderstood, since one cannot see it from the outside but only feel it from within.


4.   Some identify the soul with the subversion of the spinal cord by the heart, in sensibly metachemical fashion, and accordingly regard it in terms of love, that fourth-rate emotion especially suited to upper-class females.


5.   Some identify the soul with the subversion of the spinal cord by the womb, in sensibly chemical fashion, and accordingly regard it in terms of pride, that third-rate emotion especially suited to lower-class females.


6.   Some identify the soul with the subversion of the spinal cord by the brain stem, in sensibly physical fashion, and accordingly regard it in terms of pleasure, that second-rate emotion especially suited to lower-class males.


7.   Comparatively few identify the soul with the spinal cord, in sensibly metaphysical fashion, and accordingly regard it in terms of joy, that first-rate emotion especially suited to upper-class males.


8.   There are others for whom soul is less loving, proud, pleasurable, or joyful than hateful, humble, painful, or woeful, and these, while not exempt from positive feelings, are usually more sensual than sensible, given to subversions of the spinal cord from the standpoints, variously, of eyes, tongue, phallus, and ears.


9.   It is not that the sensibilities are entirely positive or the senses (sensualities) entirely negative, but rather that positivity is inclusive to the former and exclusive of the latter, while negativity is exclusive to the former and inclusive of the latter.


10.  Thus the positivity that is inclusive is superior to its exclusive counterpart, while the negativity that is inclusive is inferior to its exclusive counterpart.


11.  There is thus more positivity in sensibility than in sensuality and, conversely, more negativity is sensuality than in sensibility.


12.  In general terms, one can therefore contend that sensibility is positive and sensuality negative, but in practical terms it actually cuts both ways, if to dissimilar extents.


13.  Slide-playing is no less the exception to the guitar-playing rule (of plucking) than pizzicato (or string plucking) the exception to the violin-playing rule (of bowing), and in neither case does the exceptional technique match the rule of its instrumental counterpart, which is always either more staccato or more legato, as the case may be.


14.  The refinements of sensuality, where applicable, may be positive, but they are of an inferior order of positivity - and thus of love, pride, pleasure, or joy - to their sensible counterparts.


15.  Conversely, the crudities of sensibility, where applicable, may be negative, but they are of an inferior order of negativity - and thus of hate, humility, pain, or woe - to their sensual counterparts.


16.  Just as sensual refinement is inferior to sensible refinement, so, conversely, sensible crudity is inferior to sensual crudity.  For, in general terms, that which is more negative is of a superior order of negativity to that which is less negative while, conversely, that which is more positive is of a superior order of positivity to that which is less positive.


17.  Therefore it cannot be said that sensible negativity is superior to its sensual counterpart just because it is comparatively less negative; on the contrary, it is negatively inferior to its sensual counterpart.


18.  Similarly, sensual positivity is positively inferior to its sensible counterpart, and therefore a lesser order of positivity that could never be regarded in superior terms.


19.  In general terms, negativity devolves from superior to inferior as it passes from sensuality to sensibility, whereas positivity evolves from inferior to superior as it passes from sensuality to sensibility, gender complications and Elemental differentials notwithstanding.


20.  Any context, whether of sensuality or sensibility, can be broken down into four basic subatomic categories, which we may designate as elemental particle, molecular particle, molecular wavicle, and elemental wavicle, the first and fourth absolute, the second and third relative, since intermediate between the extreme categories.


21.  It is my belief that elemental particles corresponds to the category of will par excellence, whether in its per se manifestation (metachemical) or in 'bovaryized' manifestations (chemical, physical, and metaphysical).


22.  Likewise I believe that molecular particles correspond to the category of spirit par excellence, whether in its per se manifestation (chemical) or in 'bovaryized' manifestations (metachemical, metaphysical, and physical).


23.  Similarly, I hold that molecular wavicles correspond to the category of ego par excellence, whether in its per se manifestation (physical) or in 'bovaryized' manifestations (metaphysical, metachemical, and chemical).


24.  Finally, I contend that elemental wavicles correspond to the category of soul par excellence, whether in its per se manifestation (metaphysical) or in 'bovaryized' manifestations (physical, chemical, and metachemical).


25.  Irrespective of Element, it can be maintained that, in sensuality, crudity, and therefore superior negativity, accrues to the categories of elemental particles and molecular particles, whereas refinement, and therefore inferior positivity, accrues to the categories of molecular wavicles and elemental wavicles.