101.   Be that as it may, it is important to remember that the proletariat, the urban-dwelling workers of our principal cities, whether 'white collar' or 'blue collar', noble or plebeian, 'high' or 'low', of space/time or of volume/mass, theoretical or practical, tall or short, thin or fat, have not yet entered into religious awareness in the self-realizationary terms of Social Transcendentalism but are still, if not in a sort of wilderness of ideological indifference, either economically-minded or, somewhat less contemporaneously, politically- or scientifically-minded or, rather, bodied, and are therefore effectively still atheistic, and such they will -and, I believe, should - remain until they have been convinced otherwise by such theories as I have keyed-in to my personal computer over many years which, between them, add up to a corpus or, better, mentis of Social Transcendentalist teachings and ideological standpoints, not least in relation to the nature or, rather, nurture (in free metaphysical psyche) of God and Heaven as it evolves through successive manifestations of metaphysical sensibility from least to most via less (relative to least) and more (relative to most) evolved stages of its development, a development, I contend, which can only come to a most evolved, and therefore per se head, with the Cyborg, as germane to 'Kingdom Come' as the religiously self-conscious phase of global civilization which comes formatively to pass wherever a majority mandate for religious sovereignty ensues upon the democratic norms of political sovereignty in the event of a proletariat, aware of the issues at stake through prior enlightenment, opting to be delivered from the 'crimes and/or sins of the world' to the otherworldly graces (for males) and/or punishments (for females) of 'Kingdom Come', as characterized by a religiously sovereign People whose rights transcend mere democratic rights as the Cyborg would transcend Man, or heaven the earth, or transcendentalism mere humanism, or globalization both the West and the East considered either separately or together.


102.   They say that he who laughs last laughs loudest and, in a paradoxical kind of way, this could certainly be said to apply to the proletariat when they come into their religious own and discover that their approach to godliness/heavenliness, whether direct and practical or indirect and theoretical, depending on gender and class, is more authentic and evolved than any previous religious approach has ever been, thereby more than justifying the removal of outmoded religious institutions and norms, both textural and otherwise, in the interests of the further development of Social Transcendentalism, of that which stands for the Truth in its most true and evolved metaphysically sensible manifestation and could never settle for anything less, much less contrary to it and therefore fraudulent, as in the case of the metachemical delusions of antiquity.


103.   In previous texts I may have given the impression that the triadic Beyond and administrative aside to the said Beyond in 'Kingdom Come', once it comes democratically to pass, no matter where, will retain its pluralistic structure right through eternity, as though noble/plebeian class distinctions and male/female gender distinctions within the Beyond in question, open, for instance, to Catholics and Protestants alike, were immutable and never to be altered.  If so, the impression given then was mistaken and now needs to be rectified!  The triadic Beyond may start out on a sort of catholic basis, within Social Transcendentalism, of doing justice to all of the various components, on both gender and class terms, with which contemporary life may present it, enabling Anglicans, for instance, to rise diagonally from phallus to brain and Nonconformists to fall diagonally from tongue to womb, thereby conjoining mass and volume with time and space as Jehovah Witnesses, for instance, fall diagonally from eyes to heart (the administrative aside to the Beyond in question) and Roman Catholics rise diagonally from ears to lungs, with similar fates subsequently applying to other denominational or sectarian divisions within the scope of its wider dissemination in the world at large.  But when that and other factors, like gender segregation and intellectual/soulful segregation of males within additional subsections on each tier of the triadic Beyond, have been taken into account, one has merely started along a long road of evolutionary ascent which must culminate, several centuries later, in the most godly/heavenly perfection it were possible to achieve.


104.   Therefore what necessarily begins comprehensively and pluralistically within a largely proletarian context open to reformed 'folk' will gradually be refined upon and fine-tuned, as it were, in relation to a much more absolute culmination, passing from a sort of catholic phase within Social Transcendentalism, that makes use of the greater percentage of proletarian and folksy material at hand, to a puritan phase when once it becomes feasible and desirable to dispense with the generality of females, and then from a sort of liberal phase of co-existence between intellectually- and emotionally-inclined males on each tier to a sort of socialist phase of soulful cohesion between all, or the vast majority, of males on each tier, before a communist or intensely communal phase of soulful cohesion of all males on one tier, effectively that of the top tier, leads logically enough from 'heaven on earth' to 'heaven in space', as this ultimate degree of godly/heavenly centro-complexification gets its space-centre apotheosis in what would not only transcend the earth, and therefore communistic millennialism, but constitute the ultimate phase of millennial evolution in the pure transcendentalism of a totalitarian perfection the heavenly bliss of which would leave absolutely nothing to be desired, but constitute the ultimate omega point of eternal life.


105.   All that may seem, at this juncture in time, somewhat swift and severe; but let me take each stage a step at a time and try to enlarge upon some of the points alluded to above.  To start with, taking the most of what one has at hand and elevating it to the otherworldly prospect of 'Kingdom Come' following Judgement, which requires a majority mandate for religious sovereignty from any given proletariat if it is to be successful or to positively carry the day, makes perfect logical sense, since one must build the new institutions from the bottom up and not leave anyone or anything out of the frame, if everyone is to be accounted for and, more importantly, rendered accountable within the terms of religious sovereignty. 


106.   Therefore one begins on a necessarily catholic, or inclusive, basis.  But such a basis cannot go on or be continued for ever, since virtuous progress requires that one develops subjective self-awareness on both intellectual and emotional, egoistic and psychocentric terms, as applying, in the main, to males, but especially to those who would correspond to either the top or the middle tiers of the triadic Beyond, having been  Catholic or Anglican before opting, at the risk of anticipating the future, for Social Transcendentalist deliverance from the denominational chains of their worldly schismatic lives. 


107.   Such males, having been affiliated to denominational traditions that, compared to Nonconformists or Jehovah Witnesses, could be described as more male in reason of their subjective character, would be especially entitled, I maintain, to enhanced psychic freedom in the respective subjective terms of either the ego or the soul, intellect or emotion, albeit under the umbrella of Truth, and therefore without risk of egocentric physicality such that, under the rule of Man, would have typified knowledge-hype-as-Truth in traditional Christian fashion. 


108.   But once you step subjectivity up for hegemonic males, the tendency to step it up for subordinated females logically follows suit, albeit one is dealing with creatures who, despite the psychic emphasis that a male hegemony would entail, are fundamentally still soma over psyche and therefore a sort of biologically-conditioned XX-chromosomal breeding animal rooted objectively in a vacuum that has only a limited and somewhat paradoxical capacity for psychic freedom in either knowledge or truth. 


109.   In short, even a paradoxical psychic emphasis on either truth through beauty or, lower down, on truth-oriented knowledge through strength, is punishing to females for any length of time, and therefore something that is likely to lead to a somatic backlash unless one carefully guards against such a possibility by utilizing a variety of techniques and stratagems designed to minimize if not neutralize the attendant risks to males, should females become unduly restive and even disillusioned with a psychic emphasis, contrary to gender reality (of soma preceding and predominating over psyche on either a most particle/least wavicle, i.e. 3:1, absolute basis for metachemical females, or a more [relative to most] particle/less [relative to least] wavicle, i.e. 2½:1½, relative basis for chemical females).


110.   Obviously, some of these techniques and stratagems will be largely physical in character, ranging from diet to clothing, whilst others will have to be chemical, including recourse to a variety of drugs likely to reduce the objective drive towards somatic freedom which follows from a vacuously-conditioned convolutional disposition, while yet others will be metaphysical, or doctrinal, and even metachemical, or proscriptive under the law, with penalties attaching to various infringements of moral conduct.


111.   Nevertheless, however many strategies and techniques you may utilize for the purposes of curbing and controlling females, they cannot, at the end of the day, be turned into males and expected to live by exactly the same criteria of intellectual or emotional subjectivity in free psyche; for an antidevil, to simplify the argument, is no more godly than an antiwoman manly, but simply the upended, and therefore unclear, paradox which has been secondarily delivered, following male initiative in respect of blessedness/salvation on primary terms, from either the ugly criminal clearness in absolute free soma of Devil the Mother in the case of metachemical females or the weak criminal clearness in relative free soma of Woman the Mother in the case of chemical females. 


112.   The traditional oppression or, rather, repression (of soma) of females in sensibly religious societies is valid and morally incontrovertible, without which there would have been very little serious religious endeavour on the part of especially favoured males, since a vocational commitment is premised upon society permitting such a commitment in the first place, and for that to obtain it must be sensibly structured in such a way that the generality of males and females are sufficiently god-fearing as to support the more vocationally minded, if not financially then morally and spiritually - something much less likely of realization in societies which, far from being sensible, are heathenistically ranged against sensibility from freely somatic standpoints that defer to female sensuality and encourage a feminist-like disregard for male subjectivity and ideals.


113.   Such somatically free societies are, in civilized terms, the worst of all possible worlds.  But in psychically free societies, by contrast, which aim at maintaining the best of all possible worlds, then the bedrock of a more adventurist religious vocation is a sensibly-structured social order which makes it its God-given or even Man-given duty to repress female freedom (in soma) as much as possible, and thus maintain a psychically sensible orientation likely to approve of further religious development.


114.   Yet female impedimenta to such development remains a thorn in the male side, and it is doubtless owing to its less than genuinely religious nurture (I almost said nature!) that Christianity never took the struggle against female nature to its logical conclusion on anything like a Far Eastern or even Muslim basis, severely curtailing and even excluding it from the religious process, since to any true or genuine extent religion is a profoundly male endeavour.


115.   But we cannot, in this day and age, exclude females from the processes of history, even if we can segregate males and females in the aforementioned subsectional fashions in our projected triadic Beyond, thereby taking matters a stage or two beyond the Western androgynous amoral conventions of mixed-church congregations towards something more Eastern in character which would, nonetheless, be antithetical to the female-over-male open-tier arrangements of the Jews and their accursed female hegemonies which make so many Satanic/Davidian 'fall guys' out of the generality of males in all-too-'once-born' and effectively heathenistic fashion, thereby maintaining something not far removed, in its deference to somatic freedom, from the worst of all possible religious worlds, a world dominated, in metachemically sensual fashion, by Jehovah/Saul in effectively stellar-over-solar cosmic or blossom-over-fruit natural fashion, and all because the type of sun- and star-flooded  environment in which this primitive religion arose conduced towards a somatically sensual disposition favouring the Cosmos and Nature.


116.   We aim, on the contrary, to establish something antithetical to this, with males hegemonic over and therefore separate from females in their respective closed tiers, but we cannot imagine that a context emphasizing psyche, in due subjective vein, will prove easy or unduly attractive to females, irrespective of what techniques or stratagems are employed to the ends of curbing their natures and enhancing their nurtures, thereby effectively rendering them fictionally insane and, hence, unclear vis-à-vis the truthful sanity of the Holy. 


117.   Short of abandoning the struggle altogether, and giving up on virtuous and moral progress, on the religious goal of globalization in genuine universality, we have no choice but to take up the 'good fight', as Christians would say, and ensure that nothing remotely resembling the feminist freedoms of recent history re-occurs or is allowed to undermine and effectively sabotage the aforementioned universal goal upon which the proletariat of the globe are perforce embarked.


118.   For the proletariat are engaged on the struggle for this goal whether they like it or not, whether they are aware of it or not, and therefore it is not whether but when they will progress to its logical conclusion in global unity and harmony.  But such unity can only come to pass at the expense of whatever would block and/or impede it, including, besides the class enemies in various permutations of Western or Eastern tradition, reactionary folksy elements among the People themselves and, needless to say, females of a feminist or otherwise markedly free somatic disposition.


119.   As things become more synthetically artificial in the course of the proletariat's advance towards global unity in universality, so it will be increasingly possible, and not merely likely, that artificial reproductive techniques and strategies will favour not merely genetic but gender discrimination in due course, thereby permitting the responsible authorities to step up the amount of post-human-to-cyborg material favourable to enhanced subjectivity in both ego and soul, while simultaneously stepping down, or reducing, the material less favourably disposed to such subjectivity, bearing in mind that the religious phase of People's civilization would be increasingly concerned with artificially reproducing, on as synthetic a basis as possible, afterlife-type experiences for the 'living', now effectively resurrected from the world and conjoined with the 'dead' in that respect, and since males were the only category of human life that, for sensible better or sensual worse, would have had appreciable afterlife experiences anyway, so their post-human-to-cyborg successors would be especially favoured over females in view of their self-oriented gender structures favouring enhanced psychic development. 


120.   Therefore, the more synthetically-induced afterlife-type experiences were developed in relation to males, the less relevance would females have to such a society, especially since reproduction, increasingly reliant on artificial wombs, or incubators, would by then be artificially controlled and stabilized at a level favouring greater cyborgization, and the more logically feasible it would be, in consequence, to reduce their numbers - always naturally more prevalent over males - if not eventually phase them out altogether, thereby constituting what I alluded to above as the puritan phase of global civilization when only males would continue to exist, if not exclusively then, administrative exceptions notwithstanding, arguably within the triadic Beyond of ongoing religious praxis.


121.   But this three-tier arrangement duly subsectioned two-ways in relation to the distinction between ego and soul, intellect and emotion, would also, as a sort of liberal reality, qualify for modification and improvement in the course of millennial time, as the need of intellectual approaches to the Truth diminished in proportion to the importance attaching to the praxis of Truth, to psychosynthesis, as such, whether aerobically within nonconformism, yogically within humanism, or meditatively within transcendentalism proper, depending on the tier of our projected triadic Beyond, and so a socialistic phase of amalgamating, as far as possible, the intellectual males with their emotional counterparts, in a simplified three-tier system, would duly ensue, thereby bringing millennial evolution on earth closer to its communistic summation in the utmost centro-complexification, as the three tiers were amalgamated into one and this in turn was duly transmuted upwards, following the next evolutionary leap from the Earth to space, as a purer transcendentalism, centred on meditation but subject to such synthetically artificial stimulants or nutriments as were deemed necessary, ensued upon the communist phase of 'heaven on earth', thereby bringing evolution to its divine resolution and ultimate perfection in the 'heaven in space' of the most advanced cyborg communalism it were possible to conceive of, a communalism germane to space centres which brought millennial evolution to its godly/heavenly resolution in the omega point(s) of absolute involutional perfection, a perfection destined to last for ever which would put even the 'space mortuaries', or 'floating graveyards', of pre-cyborg transcendentalism significantly in the shade of its own inner light and more synthetically artificial eternity, an eternity of psychosynthetic bliss in perfect self-harmony compared to which all earlier or previous manifestations of metaphysical sensibility, from cosmic and natural to human, would pale to insignificance, since only then would God/Heaven have attained to its most evolved and therefore definitive manifestation, the omega point of all evolving life, the culmination of evolution in the most beingfully blessed involution of which it were possible to conceive.


122.   Therefore it only remains for us to advance, in clenched-fist solidarity with our global brethren of the international proletariat, towards that psychosynthetic apotheosis of perfect joy which, far from imploding, will remain beingfully constant on its plateau of involutional perfection for all Eternity, the 'living' joining with the 'dead' and even outliving the 'dead' in the general resurrection of Life from the Earth to space, from earth to Heaven, man to God, which will signify the end of all Evolution and most evolved End.



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)