The primary mind, to change the subject, is no more attracted to the primary body than the primary body to the primary mind, since that would amount to a contradiction in terms. What happens is that the secondary body (bound) is attracted by the primary body (free) when the primary mind (free) is insufficiently developed as to serve as an attractive proposition for the secondary mind (bound). But if it is, then the secondary mind (bound) will be drawn towards the primary mind (free) and you will have a situation whereby, in effect, females will be subordinate to males as pseudo-females in either pseudo-chemistry to physics or pseudo-metachemistry to metaphysics, as the class and/or axial case may be. Otherwise you will get the converse of this situation in which, through the attraction of secondary bodies (bound) to primary bodies (free), males will become subordinate to females as pseudo-males in either pseudo-physics to chemistry or pseudo-metaphysics to metachemistry, depending on the class and/or axial case. But neither situation is necessarily permanent, least of all the lower-order axial contexts of phenomenal relativity, where the subordination of pseudo-males to females in one context will be superseded by the subordination of pseudo-females to males in another, as the genders exchange roles to greater or lesser extents, depending on the individuals and their actual circumstances at the time, divided, as they usually are, between professional and leisure engagements. However, in the upper-order axial contexts of noumenal absolutism, a primary mind (free) will not usually be attracted by a primary body (free), since the one kind of freedom tends to exclude the other, like the Devil excluding God or God excluding the Devil. This explains why certain great minds, especially when philosophical or religious, tend to lead celibate if not solitary lives, since too wrapped up in their own mental primacy to be much disposed to the bodily primacy of those who would seduce them from it for purposes at variance, even to an antithetical degree, with their own.


Sleep is doubtless the mind's most potent drug, since it acts like a sedative and causes parts of the mind to behave in a well-nigh hallucinatory manner through dreams and nightmares and even visionary experience. Did we not spend so much time asleep it is doubtful that we would be as indifferent if not hostile to narcotic drugs as we generally are; though I fancy that some substance-based chemical alternative to sleep would more appeal to insomniacs than to regular sleepers, who have probably had their fill of visionary if not hallucinatory experience by the time they wake up and leave the world of dreams behind them for the greater part of each day.


1.                Metaphysics, that noumenally subjective element of representative soul, once-bovaryized ego, twice-bovaryized spirit, and thrice-bovaryized will, regressing from superemotionality to subintentionality via superintellectuality and subinstinctuality, as from the superbeing and supertaking of superconscious free psyche to the subgiving and subdoing of subsensuous bound soma.

2.                Metachemistry, that noumenally objective element of representative will, once-bovaryized spirit, twice-bovaryized ego, and thrice-bovaryized soul, regressing from superintentionality to subemotionality via superinstinctuality and subintellectuality, as from the superdoing and supergiving of supersensuous free soma to the subtaking and sub-being of subsensuous bound psyche.

3.                Chemistry, that phenomenally objective element of representative spirit, once-bovaryized will, twice-bovaryized soul, and thrice-bovaryized ego, regressing from instinctuality to unintellectuality via intentionality and unemotionality, as from the giving and doing of sensuous free soma to the untaking and unbeing of unconscious bound psyche.

4.                Physics, that phenomenally objective element of representative ego, once-bovaryized soul, twice-bovaryized will, and thrice-bovaryized spirit, regressing from intellectuality to uninstinctuality via emotionality and unintentionality, as from the taking and being of conscious free psyche to the undoing and ungiving of unsensuous bound soma.


1.                Pseudo-metaphysics, that pseudo-noumenally pseudo-subjective pseudo-element of pseudo-representative pseudo-soul, once-bovaryized pseudo-ego, twice-bovaryized pseudo-spirit, and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-will, pseudo-regressing from pseudo-superemotionality to pseudo-superintentionality via pseudo-superintellectuality and pseudo-superinstinctuality, as from the pseudo-superbeing and pseudo-supertaking of pseudo-superconscious pseudo-bound psyche to the pseudo-subgiving and pseudo-subdoing of pseudo-subsensuous pseudo-free soma.

2.                Pseudo-metachemistry, that pseudo-noumenally pseudo-objective pseudo-element of pseudo-representative pseudo-superwill, once-bovaryized pseudo-superspirit, twice-bovaryized pseudo-subego and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-subsoul, pseudo-regressing from pseudo-superintentionality to pseudo-subemotionality via pseudo-superinstinctuality and pseudo-subintellectuality, as from the pseudo-superdoing and pseudo-supergiving of pseudo-supersensuous pseudo-bound soma to the pseudo-subintellectuality and pseudo-subemotionality of pseudo-subconscious pseudo-free psyche.

3.                Pseudo-chemistry, that pseudo-phenomenally pseudo-objective pseudo-element of pseudo-representative pseudo-spirit, once-bovaryized pseudo-will, twice-bovaryized pseudo-soul, and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-ego, regressing from pseudo-uninstinctuality to pseudo-intellectuality via pseudo-unintentionality and pseudo-emotionality, as from the pseudo-ungiving and pseudo-undoing of pseudo-unsensuous pseudo-bound soma to the pseudo-being and pseudo-taking of pseudo-conscious pseudo-free psyche.

4.                Pseudo-physics, that pseudo-phenomenally pseudo-subjective pseudo-element of pseudo-representative pseudo-ego, once-bovaryized pseudo-soul, twice-bovaryized pseudo-will and thrice-bovaryized pseudo-spirit, regressing from pseudo-unintellectuality to pseudo-instinctuality via pseudo-unemotionality and pseudo-intentionality, as from the pseudo-untaking and pseudo-unbeing of pseudo-unconscious pseudo-bound psyche to the pseudo-doing and pseudo-giving of pseudo-sensuous pseudo-free soma.


Of course, it would be mistaken to suppose or conclude from the above that elements and pseudo-elements exist in some kind of splendid isolation from other elements and pseudo-elements, because they are only the starting point for atoms and molecules and the constituents of matter, including what goes into the making of human beings, in general. In all the above examples, the bovaryized attributes of the prevailing elements or pseudo-elements imply some other elemental or pseudo-elemental bovaryization that, together, combine to form the atom or pseudo-atom which has the properties described.


1.          Therefore one should conceive of a metaphysical atom as being comprised of a protonic soul, but a once-bovaryized neutronic ego, a twice-bovaryized electronic spirit, and a thrice-bovaryized photonic will which would be replicated in molecules adding up to something approximating a metaphysical bias for free psyche and bound soma in any given noumenally subjective male, whom one can only presume partial to an atomic integrity comprised of most protons, more (compared to most) neutrons, less (compared to least) electrons, and least photons, the subatomic preconditions of joy and truth on the positive side and woe and illusion on the negative side of what is customarily described as a 3:1 ratio differential of free psyche to bound soma in respect, most especially, of the absolute elements of protons and photons.

2.          Contrariwise, one should conceive of a metachemical atom as being comprised of a photonic will, but a once-bovaryized electronic spirit, a twice-bovaryized neutronic ego, and a thrice-bovaryized protonic soul which would be replicated in molecules adding up to something approximating a metachemical bias for free soma and bound psyche in any given noumenally objective female, whom one can only presume partial to an atomic integrity comprised of most photons, more (compared to most) electrons, less (compared to least) neutrons, and least protons, the subatomic preconditions of beauty and love on the positive side and ugliness and hatred on the negative side of what is customarily described as a 3:1 ratio differential of free soma to bound psyche in respect, most especially, of the absolute elements of photons and protons.

3.          Similarly, in dropping from noumenal to phenomenal planes, one should conceive of a chemical atom as being comprised of an electronic spirit, but a once-bovaryized photonic will, a twice-bovaryized protonic soul, and a thrice-bovaryized neutronic ego which would be replicated in molecules adding up to something approximating a chemical bias for free soma and bound psyche in any given phenomenally objective female, whom one can only presume partial to an atomic integrity comprised of most electrons, more (compared to most) photons, less (compared to least) protons, and least neutrons, the subatomic preconditions of pride and strength on the positive side and humility and weakness on the negative side of what is customarily described as a 2½:1½ ratio differential of free soma to bound psyche in respect, more especially, of the relative elements of electrons and neutrons.

4.          Contrariwise, one should conceive of a physical atom as being comprised of a neutronic ego, but a once-bovaryized protonic soul, a twice-bovaryized photonic will, and a thrice-bovaryized electronic spirit which would be replicated in molecules adding up to something approximating a physical bias for free psyche and bound soma in any given phenomenally subjective male, whom one can only presume partial to an atomic integrity comprised of most neutrons, more (compared to most) protons, less (compared to least) photons, and least electrons, the subatomic preconditions of knowledge and pleasure on the positive side and ignorance and pain on the negative side of what is customarily described as a 2½:1½ ratio differential of free psyche to bound soma in respect, more especially, of the relative elements of neutrons and electrons.


1.          Turning to the pseudo-elements, which are subordinate to the elements, one should conceive of a pseudo-metaphysical pseudo-atom as being comprised of a pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul, but a once-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego, a twice-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit, and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will which would be replicated in pseudo-molecules adding up to something approximating a pseudo-metaphysical bias for pseudo-bound psyche and pseudo-free soma in any given pseudo-noumenally pseudo-subjective pseudo-male, whom one can only presume partial to a pseudo-atomic integrity comprised of most pseudo-protons, more (compared to most) pseudo-neutrons, less (compared to least) pseudo-electrons, and least pseudo-photons, the pseudo-subatomic preconditions of pseudo-joy and pseudo-truth on the pseudo-positive side and pseudo-woe and pseudo-illusion on the pseudo-negative side of what has to be described as a 1:3 ratio differential of pseudo-free soma to pseudo-bound psyche in respect, most especially, of the absolute pseudo-elements of pseudo-photons and pseudo-protons existing under metachemical hegemonic pressure.

2.          Contrariwise, one should conceive of a pseudo-metachemical pseudo-atom as being comprised of a pseudo-photonic pseudo-will, but a once-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit, a twice-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego, and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul which would be replicated in pseudo-molecules adding up to something approximating a pseudo-metachemical bias for pseudo-bound soma and pseudo-free psyche in any given pseudo-noumenally pseudo-objective pseudo-female, whom one can only presume partial to a pseudo-atomic integrity comprised of most pseudo-photons, more (compared to most) pseudo-electrons, less (compared to least) pseudo-neutrons, and least pseudo-protons, the pseudo-subatomic preconditions of pseudo-beauty and pseudo-love on the pseudo-positive side and pseudo-ugliness and pseudo-hatred on the pseudo-negative side of what has to be described as a 1:3 ratio differential of pseudo-free psyche to pseudo-bound soma in respect, most especially, of the absolute pseudo-elements of pseudo-protons and pseudo-photons existing under metaphysical hegemonic pressure.

3.          Similarly, in dropping from pseudo-noumenal to pseudo-phenomenal planes, one should conceive of a pseudo-chemical pseudo-atom as being comprised of a pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit, but a once-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will, a twice-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul, and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego which would be replicated in pseudo-molecules adding up to something approximating a pseudo-chemical bias for pseudo-bound soma and pseudo-free psyche in any given pseudo-phenomenally pseudo-objective pseudo-female, whom one can only presume partial to a pseudo-atomic integrity comprised of most pseudo-electrons, more (compared to most) pseudo-photons, less (compared to least) pseudo-protons, and least pseudo-neutrons, the pseudo-subatomic preconditions of pseudo-pride and pseudo-strength on the pseudo-positive side and pseudo-humility and pseudo-weakness on the pseudo-negative side of what has to be described as a 1½:2½ ratio differential of pseudo-free psyche to pseudo-bound soma in respect, more especially, of the relative pseudo-elements of pseudo-neutrons and pseudo-electrons existing under physical hegemonic pressure.

4.          Contrariwise, one should conceive of a pseudo-physical pseudo-atom as being comprised of a pseudo-neutronic pseudo-ego, but a once-bovaryized pseudo-protonic pseudo-soul, a twice-bovaryized pseudo-photonic pseudo-will, and a thrice-bovaryized pseudo-electronic pseudo-spirit which would be replicated in pseudo-molecules adding up to something approximating a pseudo-physical bias for pseudo-bound psyche and pseudo-free soma in any given pseudo-phenomenally pseudo-subjective pseudo-male, whom one can only presume partial to a pseudo-atomic integrity comprised of most pseudo-neutrons, more (compared to most) pseudo-protons, less (compared to least) pseudo-photons, and least pseudo-electrons, the pseudo-subatomic preconditions of pseudo-knowledge and pseudo-pleasure on the pseudo-positive side and pseudo-ignorance and pseudo-pain on the pseudo-negative side of what has to be described as a 1½:2½ ratio differential of pseudo-free soma to pseudo-bound psyche in respect, more especially, of the relative pseudo-elements of pseudo-electrons and pseudo-neutrons existing under chemical hegemonic pressure.