FATHER OMEGA’S LAST TESTAMENT: Despite its slightly ironic title, this text is perfectly serious in its most exactingly comprehensive analysis of the four main elementally-conditioned class/gender contexts which have been described as noumenally sensual, phenomenally sensual, phenomenally sensible, and noumenally sensible, the first and third of which form an axial integrity on a diagonally descending basis and the second and fourth of which form such an integrity on a diagonally ascending one, so that they divide into two types of society which, as in previous works, have been characterized as either state-hegemonic and church-subordinate or church-hegemonic and state-subordinate, as the case may be.  Therefore each of these contexts is more complex than the initial terminology might suggest, because further divisible between male and female elemental positions which in turn subdivide into psychic and somatic aspects which conform to either church or state on what has been described as primary or secondary terms, depending on which gender is hegemonic in any given context, be it upper- or lower-class, in sensuality or in sensibility.  Consequently our four basic contexts quickly mutate into eight positions that further subdivide along somatic and psychic lines, each of which is subdivisible between will and spirit in the case of soma and ego and soul in the case of psyche, as described in previous texts but not, I believe, with the same logical authority as comes to light here and reveals, for the first time, just how interdependent state and church can be for better or worse, depending on the axis.  The conclusions that have been drawn, however, are not such that any self-respecting person could quibble with; for they point to a solution to the problem of contemporary state-hegemonic civilization which would return civilization, in duly transmuted church-hegemonic guise, to its true stature as something worthy of the utmost respect for its moral insight and cultural accomplishments.  


REVALUATIONS AND TRANSVALUATIONS: This text not only revaluates certain positions recently postulated in my philosophical works, and therefore corrects or modifies their conclusions, but extends my transvaluating towards a totally new understanding and conception of Christianity and what logically followed it, so that the path is prepared, as it were, for the revelations concerning religion and the destiny of the phenomenally sensual 'meek' which owe more to this transvaluation than ever they do to any conventional or traditional notions concerning such subjects as the Immaculate Conception, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, and, indeed, the entire belief system of Christianity in respect of a Second Coming and Day of Judgement.  In the end, what transpires is a revaluation of Christianity in the light of my mature philosophy and its Social Theocratic commitment to Truth of an ultimate order, which exposes the errors that stem from presumption of the death of God on the Cross and lead, inevitably, towards a humanistic dead-end.  I also expose the limitations of terms like 'mankind' and 'man' in relation to the full-gamut of class and gender possibilities which actually exist and condition or characterize life from one standpoint or another, and show more fully how things actually divide into two axes which are not only divisible in themselves, but antithetical in virtually every respect, even with regard to sport and sex, on both somatic and psychic, state- and church-oriented terms.  In sum, this important text not only revaluates a number of philosophical contentions on my part, making for a new and better understanding of ideological distinctions between 'Left' and 'Right' and of how amorality factors-in to the opposition between immorality and morality in such fashion that they are never strictly polar, but extends my thinking towards a culmination-point which is the fruit of both a correct premise and an ability to transvaluate certain presumptions concerning God and man which turns things around and enables one to make sense out of the historical struggles leading, as it were, from the 'Garden of Eden' to the world and from the world, hopefully, to 'Kingdom Come', as reinterpreted from a standpoint firmly centred in an ultimate transvaluation, the product of all previous revaluations.


THE CLASSLESS SOLUTION: As it follows on from the above, this text is bound to restate many of the philosophical positions and contentions already taken, but it does so with even greater certitude and a more exactingly comprehensive assessment of the various components of the total picture which leaves one in no doubt that something philosophically definitive has been achieved, and that any further revaluations or transvaluations are only likely to happen in relation to that which is already broadly or essentially true, not contrary to it! Yet even then that would not be entirely the case!  For this text still manages to refine on and even to modify certain of the contentions or positions taken above, not least in respect of the evaluation of class on a more axially specific basis which helps, I believe, to clarify the distinctions between noumenal and phenomenal, noble and plebeian, in such fashion that one could never again accept anything less comprehensively exacting for gospel or fail to understand just how different the two axial positions really are.... As in the case, for example, of their contrary social and moral fates, not least in respect of salvation and damnation, and who or what is saved or damned, counter-damned or counter-saved, and how that should be morally or socially interpreted.  But I would be understating the achievements of this text if, quite apart from its contribution to our understanding of literature from a more axially comprehensive point-of-view, I were to ignore the original contribution it makes to an understanding of how civilization progresses or regresses on both positive and negative terms in an alternation, stemming from primal action, between reaction and attraction which takes it through successive stages of devolutionary or evolutionary development on both liberal and totalitarian terms towards the possibility of a culmination which, antithetical to how it began, will signify a sort of omega freedom that contrasts with the alpha freedom as the most positive psychic reaction with the most positive somatic action, having passed through several intermediate phases of reaction and attraction in soma and psyche which both confirm and advance a dualistic alternation between pluralistic and monistic systems.


THE DIALECTICS OF SYNTHETIC ATTRACTION: As suggested by the title, this work carries on my investigation of the dialectical process in terms of successive stages of civilization from alpha to omega, and does so in considerably more detail than THE CLASSLESS SOLUTION, not only correcting but expanding certain of the theories put forward at the tail-end of the above-mentioned work, with a consequence that what was virtually embryonic there has come to something approaching full maturity here, even down to the way in which the outcome of the historical process is envisaged.  For this work leaves nothing, so far as that is concerned, to be desired, and I can confidently say that I have achieved here the summation of my life's work, bringing to a very confident conclusion matters that were first broached several years, if not decades, ago, but with nothing of the logical certainty and sophistication which has since ensued.  It is even good to be reminded that one's texts are cyclical in character, spiralling up towards an ever-more comprehensively exacting summit which brings to a centro-complexifying head things that, in the very nature of such matters, it was only possible to introduce in more general terms earlier on or, rather, lower down the work's inner structure.  In that respect, what I have achieved here with regard to the interaction and interrelativity of psychological and physiological factors on either a female or a male basis, depending on the elemental context, surpasses, by far, whatever had been achieved before, and not only, I wager, by myself!  For this final working out of such psychological/physiological dualities puts everything in perspective, and it only remains for those who are capable of reading and appreciating my work - in all probability a tiny minority - to confirm me in the correctness of my vision and the accuracy of my truth, a truth which should endure for ever.


THE DIALECTICS OF CIVILIZATION: This work proves like no other that the use of certain colloquial expressions can, if revaluated on a sufficiently comprehensive basis, with one or two original additions thrown-in for good measure, lead to startling insights and enable one to deepen and/or broaden one's philosophy in such fashion that it ends-up doing greater justice to the truth (in both specific and comparative terms) than had been the case hitherto.  Thus with this text I have carried what was achieved in THE DIALECTICS OF SYNTHETIC ATTRACTION to a new and, I would suppose, altogether more definitively comprehensive level, a level which plots the development of civilization, in the broadest sense, from its alpha-most inception to its projected omega-most consummation, and does so with respect to both linear and axial perspectives which combine to permit of yet another fresh perspective that takes my theorizing to an all-time peak of dialectical insight, a worthy culmination to my philosophical quest!  For in this text I have achieved a well-nigh definitive insight into the distinctions between Space and Time which should leave one in no doubt as to the path that leads to Eternity and thus to a definitive resolution of life, the culmination not only of all civilization but, in a deeper sense, of that which transcends civilization in truly post-historical terms.


THE DIALECTICS OF GENDER AND CLASS: As the logical successor to the above, this text delves more profoundly into the distinctions between 'historical' and 'post-historical' civilizations, not least in respect of the shift from a genuine phenomenal and pseudo-noumenal status in the one to a pseudo-phenomenal and genuine noumenal status in the other proportionate to the degree of post-historicity actually obtaining.  With that in mind, we also find, in this work, a more definite sense of the relationships between gender and class, as well as the extent to which the seemingly complementary co-existence of the genders on a given class basis requires a hegemonic/subordinate dichotomy between them which, however it pans out, enables such a co-existence to prevail in the first place, quite apart from the modification of relations which results from the interactivity of antithetically complementary classes when once axial polarities have been established, with their gender paradoxes, as also described in one or two previous texts but with less methodical exactitude than here and certainly with less overall certainty as to the specific class status of a given elemental position, be it phenomenal or noumenal.  For the linking of class with element and/or of anti-element with anticlass is now brought to a conclusive resolution which reaffirms the standing of gender in relation to each, making the relationship between gender and class complementary to an elemental persuasion, whether in sensuality or in sensibility, that is the basis from which all gender and class distinctions spring.  Yet my philosophy would not be true to its genius if it did not also, and categorically, affirm an ideological bias in respect of a specific elemental and anti-elemental persuasion, thereby bringing to the plethora of options and findings a destiny which, for the seeker after ultimate truth, would leave him in no doubt as to the correct solution to the problem of choice and reality of options - a solution which can have only one outcome, and that of divine devising!


Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin