101.   For one must not forget that there is besides a gender division - so often overlooked or underestimated by liberal thinkers whose androgynous theorizing causes them to behave as though what applied to the one sex was equally applicable to the other - a class division between the diabolic and feminine orders of female on the one hand, and the masculine and divine orders of male on the other hand, such that enables one to distinguish the metachemical from the chemical, not to mention the antichemical from the antimetachemical, and the physical from the metaphysical, not to mention the antimetaphysical from the antiphysical, the latter of whom tend to be the generality of Catholic males who, besides being circumcised, may not be as partial as their physical male counterparts on the Protestant side of the worldly divide to the use of rubber sheaths, or male condoms, and largely because there is something not quite congruous about or exactly parallel between the phallic openness of circumcision and the phallic enclosedness, as it were, of recourse to male contraception, always likely to be more congenial to a non-circumcised male whose own physical disposition is much more akin, as already remarked, to a worldly omega point than to anything antiphysically pending divine transmutation in metaphysical salvation.


102.   But it is thanks to this unfortunate tendency to act and conceive of oneself as a worldly omega point, laterally superior to any worldly alpha of sinful sensualists, that the physical/antichemical generality of puritan/parliamentary people falsely believe that they are the solution to life's problems and that the world should be fashioned in their image, so that everyone, without exception, may be brought to democratic liberalism in order to allow what is in effect an economically-based state-hegemonic view of the world to have its somatic way and dictate the terms of life for ever more, reducing the entire globe to some earth-bound naturalism and antirealism, not to mention humanism and antinonconformism in church-subordinate vein, in which immorality is virtuously triumphant, and triumphant, at that, over evil and crime, pseudo-folly and pseudo-sin, or what are perceived to be such.


103.   But they are deluded when they conceive of such virtue as an end-in-itself rather than as a retort to the immorality whose viciousness in metachemistry and antimetaphysics, but especially the former, effectively 'calls the shots' and determines the scope of their justification 'down below' in the damnable parliamentary/puritan depths of the diagonally descending axis.  They are deluded to suppose that what they stand for could ever be more than a sort of secondary extrapolation from the overall primacy of authentic somatic freedom 'on high' in the autocratic sphere of a metachemical hegemony, and when, from a radical proletarian standpoint, they seek to extend their delusions beyond the liberal framework into something social democratic and effectively Marxistic, they can only reap the totalitarian whirlwind of their own elemental and class limitations by reinstating a type of autocracy which victimizes them rather than stands aloof from the democratic/plutocratic masses in authentic fear of damnation, of descent from free soma to bound soma, from evil to good, and in church-subordinate vein, from pseudo-folly to pseudo-wisdom, the psychic corollaries in each case being subordinate to the overall emphasis on soma in what, compared to any psychic hegemony, can only be described as the rule of darkness.


104.   Therefore it is as well that such people should be disabused of their hideous self-delusions concerning the universal validity of virtuous immorality when such immorality - incapable though they are of seeing  it like that - cannot but exist in the overall shadow of its vicious counterpart, whether 'on high' or, presuming upon the collapse of evil civilization and the gradual social-democratic transmutation of the good 'down below', in some neo-autocratic dictatorial vein which brings evil a whole lot closer to the masses than they would have been accustomed to in the more genuinely autocratic and aristocratic past, and forces them to punish themselves in what can become one of the most obscene ironies of history and, indeed, of state-hegemonic society in general!


105.   But you do not disabuse the tail-end of the descending axis, the democratic/plutocratic Many, simply by spelling out the implications of their delusions, or even by exposing the nature of their society as one characterized by immorality and the dominance, whether constitutionally or otherwise, of evil, which, frankly, has every right to prevail at the expense of good and, in some sense, to cynically triumph over it when no other concept of civilization exists than one rooted in the lying and altogether false sanctity, from a female hegemonic standpoint, of somatic freedom, specifically with regard to metachemistry though, for the antimetaphysical male 'fall guy', with a secondary commitment, no less freely somatic, to what has been described as pseudo-folly, whereof a subordinate church trails somatically behind the state-hegemonic dominance of society in terms of evil.


106.   That axis exists and has long existed and will continue to exist until such time as its shortcomings, its real nature in somatic darkness, have been exposed not simply in relation to itself, which is only a negative precondition of anything further, but in relation to the light-biased psychic nurture, if you will, of the ascending axis, the other diagonal, in which, by contrast, things are church-hegemonic and state-subordinate, and it is not the fate of the Few to fear descent into the Many, ever guilty of over-estimating their own moral value from a contrary somatic standpoint to the free, but the destiny and even privilege of the Many to hope for and actually achieve ascent towards the Few, joining with them in the triumph of God over the world, with specific reference, needless to say, to that specific manifestation of it which is both antiphysical and chemical, antihumanist and nonconformist, the sinful and pseudo-criminal sphere of antiman and woman, of the ignorant and weak 'meek', in which primary and secondary modes of bound psyche are the viciously moral preconditions of anything psychically free and hence virtuously removed from worldly vice, whether on the transcendentalist basis of God the Father or on the antifundamentalist basis of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, whose pseudo-punishing free psyche must ever remain not only distinct from but secondary to the graceful free psyche which is more than a beautiful approach to truth but truth itself, the raison d'être of which is the achievement of joy in Heaven the Holy Soul.


107.   The reader may recall from previous texts how I differentiate not only between God the Father and Heaven the Holy Soul but between these polar manifestations of metaphysical free psyche and their bound somatic corollaries in the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, which at the more (compared to 'least' in the Cosmos or 'less' in nature) evolved level (of mankind) implies recourse to lungs and breath in what has been described as transcendental meditation.


108.   That, in relation to a human stage of religious evolution, a Buddhist and/or New Testament stage beyond anything cosmic or natural in the Old Testament, is what effectively exists as God and Heaven, both as Father and Son, Soul and Spirit of psychic and somatic holiness, up above the priestly intercessor or intermediary between God/Heaven and the penitential confessee, but scripture precludes the priest from 'coming clean' in regard to that situation and holds him, as described in the last text, to less than truly godly references, not least in respect of the Old Testament.


109.   And yet every Catholic is in some sense a rebel against the Old Testament and its alpha 'take' on God, on Devil the Mother posing as God in Jehovah as far as the Cosmos or, more correctly, cosmic First Mover is concerned and, I suppose one could say, in Saul as far as a sort of sensual first mover in nature is concerned, if we allow him to metaphorically stand over David as something rather more blossom-like than, in the case of Jehovah over Satan, stellar-like in character vis-à-vis fruit-like or solar-like 'fall guys' for diabolic denigration. 


110.   For such grace and wisdom as is vouchsafed to the confessee through a priest's verbal absolution cannot come from Devil the Mother, the source of evil in metachemically free soma, or from the Daughter of the Devil, the source of crime in metachemically bound psyche, even if these are falsely identified by Scripture with wisdom or grace, but comes, in effect, from what corresponds, in metaphysical sensibility, to transcendentalism and idealism, the absolute antithesis of anything materialist and fundamentalist in metachemical sensuality.


111.   As soon as you have a rising axis, an axis diagonally rising from sin in antiphysics to grace in metaphysics, as from phenomenal sensuality to noumenal sensibility, you put yourself in opposition to anything materialist and fundamentalist, to anything alpha-based in metachemical sensuality, the somatic freedom of which subordinates psyche to itself as a criminal acquiescence in evil.  You are a rebel, implicitly if not explicitly, against Devil the Mother, for you are on the side of God the Father, of that transcendentalist psychic freedom in metaphysical sensibility which requires an idealist corollary in somatic binding of a like-elemental persuasion, which has been called the Son of God. 


112.   Such a rebel, let us say a Catholic priest, is Christian in only a rather special and limited sense, being the religious antithesis to metachemistry and to anything evil and criminal, ugly and hateful.  If he grants grace in God's name, it is with God the Father in mind, not something completely antithetical to God the Father who has been falsely identified, in the Old Testament, with God though she is, in point of fact, Devil the Mother, at whatever stage of devolution, of somatic freedom - most in the metachemically sensual aspect(s) of the Cosmos, more (compared to most) in the metachemically sensual aspect(s) of nature, less (compared to least) in the metachemically sensual aspect(s) of mankind, or least in the metachemically sensual aspects(s) of Cyborgkind, of which cameras are the contemporary manifestation par excellence.


113.   Doubtless Christians are more New Testament than Old Testament, and therefore their 'take' on God the Father can only be humanized, and should appertain, above the priest, to the practice of transcendental meditation in Buddhist vein, even if, for religious and scriptural reasons, this is the truth that dare not speak its name, or have its name spoken of in relation to the penitentially contrite confessee of worldly sin (in the case of males) and/or pseudo-crime (in the case of females).  I alone can speak its name, but I do so as an outsider in the Catholic Church, someone who is 'beyond the Catholic pale', though one who also considers himself beyond transcendental meditation in any Buddhist sense and therefore universally beyond the human approach to religion from both Western and Eastern standpoints.


114.   For I speak not on behalf of mankind but on behalf of Godkind, on behalf of the cyborgization of contemporary life to a level which brings the free metaphysical psyche of God the Father and Heaven the Holy Soul, not to mention the bound metaphysical soma of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, to a definitive evolutionary manifestation as that which is not merely more metaphysically evolved in contrast to anything least or less metaphysically evolved in the Cosmos or nature, but most metaphysically evolved in comparison with mankind, as to the humanized stages and types of genuine religion in both lower-class Catholic Christianity and upper-class Meditative Buddhism, West and East. 


115.   And it is the urban proletariat that, being post-human in relation to the contemporary sensual cyborgization of life and in contrast to anything bourgeois and liberal, is the category of 'persons' who are most qualified and justified in embracing this ultimate manifestation of godliness and heavenliness, together with its female and lesser male (celtic protestant) corollaries or deferential shortfalls, as previously described in relation to the structural pluralism of the triadic Beyond, duly subsectioned, of our projected Social Theocratic Centre as the blueprint for 'Kingdom Come'.


116.   But they must be of the rising diagonal, they must live in a society, a civilization which, no matter how anterior to them or incapable of truly appealing to them as urban proletarians, has given them a taste for a tradition of sin and grace in primary terms and, for females, pseudo-crime and pseudo-punishment in secondary terms, so that, when it comes down to it, this proletariat, this urban post-humanity, are still more religiously minded, and likely to be enthused by religious considerations,  than politically minded and effectively the offspring of state-hegemonic criteria in overly Protestant-derived vein.


117.   I am returning here to an Irish proletariat, not a British proletariat, and certainly not an English proletariat, no matter how apparently religious in church-subordinate secondariness some of them may happen to be.  For what is of the descending axis cannot be expected to relate to doctrines which appertain to a church-hegemonic society or tradition and appeal, above all, to those who truly wish religion to progress from some implicit God the Father to a much more explicit God the Father whose truth is alone capable of exposing and ultimately defeating the lie of Devil the Mother, and not only in relation to the Cosmos and nature, much less simply in relation to mankind, where implicit New Testament parallels to the Old Testament engender the notion of a Risen Mother above a so-called Father who, in that context, is really the Antison of Antigod (in somatic emphasis under a female hegemony) at a certain level of secondary devolution corresponding to mankind, but, more contemporaneously, in relation to cyborgization, where, as already remarked, she takes the form of cameras as the synthetically artificial mode of the eye beyond anything non-synthetically artificial and therefore human. 


118.   Even at its least devolved or somatically free level, it is fair to say that Devil the Mother can still play - and be taken for - God!  But we who go against the Old Testament and beyond the New, also go beyond the secular Heathenism, as it were, of the New World inspired commitment, in synthetically artificial terms, to metachemical sensuality and its antimetaphysical 'fall guy', so often taking a Democratic as opposed to Republican guise in American politics, and we cannot but reject this final manifestation of the Lie that would have us believe, in quasi-Biblical vein, that it stands for and is synonymous with truth - nay, with the Truth.


119.   Only God the Father is synonymous with the Truth, and at its most evolved level the psychic freedom of that metaphysical truth is antithetical to anything rooted, camera-wise, in the least devolved manifestation, in synthetic artificiality, of the metachemical lie of somatic freedom, just as spaced space is antithetical to its spatial counterpart.


120.   Only when the United Kingdom is democratically dismantled in the interests of Celtic liberation from Anglo-Saxon control, of religious liberation from political dominance, of church freedom from state control and subversion, and detached, piece by piece, from America, not least in respect of a wedge of Gaelic culture in between England and its arch-ally, and Europe, led by the 'Kingdom Come' of a Gaelic federation, enters more fully into that supra-national integration which the grace of an ultimate manifestation of religion can alone bring, will it be possible for Europe to stand up to America and, in conjunction with its friends and allies overseas, deliver the world from the curse of American freedom, the freedom that, like Britain's, dare not speak its name but which is everywhere and always synonymous with metachemical soma, with civilized barbarity and civility riding roughshod, in state-hegemonic fashion, over philistinism and culture, which it necessarily transmutes and corrupts in defence of somatic freedom and in keeping with the church-subordinate disposition of Protestantism.


121.   Even Catholics, I do not doubt, can be and are caught up in this process, this societal reality, and go along with it if not as a matter of course then in consequence, it may be, of an inability to do otherwise....  Which is the reverse, after all, of how Protestants are often caught up in the opposite process in Ireland and similar countries to esteem philistinism and culture, in church-hegemonic vein, over barbarity and civility, which are transmuted towards a state-subordinate pseudo standing in deference to the prevailing ethos of psychic emphasis which necessarily subordinates anything somatic to itself.


122.   But the time is fast approaching when, to get the better of the evil civilization of the descending axis, whether it has an emphasis on somatic freedom, as in America, or on somatic binding, as in Britain, barbarity or civility, the graceful civilization of the ascending axis must renew itself in Social Theocracy in order to have something new to offer the peoples of the world, something more than the overhauled and despised Catholic tradition that will alone expose the shortcomings of the crusading zealots and bigots of the descending axis whose intention is to make the world safe for democracy and plutocracy, and thus to reduce everything to the lowly parameters of their state-hegemonic secularity, notwithstanding the hegemonic role that has to be played by autocracy and aristocracy, no matter how disguised or transmuted, in order to facilitate an evil/good polarity with the masses that prevents the axis in question from sliding into the totalitarian chaos of Social Democracy.


123.   Only the renewal, the resurrection, if you will, of the ascending axis in Social Theocracy will give the world an alternative to the immorality-dealing advance of liberal autocracy and liberal democracy in which evil and good - which some people still associate with religious values! - having first crippled, will then sweep away the last vestiges of sin and grace, reducing life to a secular death presided over by a triumphant - and even triumphalist - materialism.


124.   There is no life other than the life of the male psyche, the life of sin and grace, with especial emphasis on the free metaphysical psyche of grace; for that which is somatic is neither anti-life nor pro-life but either pro-death or anti-death, freely somatic or unfreely somatic, evil or good, pseudo-foolish or pseudo-wise, and until and unless the ascending axis of church-hegemonic society is renewed in the resurrection of grace to an altogether new and post-human level with 'Kingdom Come', with the triumph of Social Theocracy in the event of a majority mandate for religious sovereignty as the ultimate type of republican sovereignty for those countries which are especially capable of it and, what's more, morally entitled to it, the descending axis will continue to rush in where angels fear to tread and to behave like a bull or, rather, bully in a china shop, convinced of its own crusading justification to rid the world of ignorance and weakness in the names of knowledge and strength not simply as ends in themselves but as tools in the struggle constantly - and eternally - being waged with illusion and ugliness which, however, to its upper-class devotees, is scripturally synonymous with truth and beauty, but to the likes of us, who are neither strong nor knowledgeable, ugly nor illusory, is the born enemy of truth and beauty, the truth and beauty that require of the masses, of the worldly meek, that they be not too knowledgeable or strong if, in ignorance and weakness, they are to have any possibility of securing, through salvation, the blessings of truth and beauty as the eternal rewards of the faithful of church-hegemonic morality, of the faithful meek who would formally ... and often or sometimes still do ... flock to their Catholic churches for some such rewards.


125.   Blessed are the meek, for they alone shall 'see' God ... the Father, not to overlook the Antidaughter ... of the Antidevil for the risen weak of the female sex whose reward is the pseudo-punishing psychic freedom of a beautiful approach to truth and, in the Unclear Soul of Antihell, a loving approach to joy as the antimetachemical complement to such truth and joy in God the Father and Heaven the Holy Soul as are alone commensurate with metaphysical sensibility, the omega-most point in life at any given time.