126.   Cursed, on the other hand, are the vain, the 'good and the just', the unself-righteous somatically bound; for they shall continue to battle primarily against evil in the guise of Devil the Mother, and secondarily, as pseudo-wise subverted males, against the Antison of Antigod who trails pseudo-foolishly in the somatic wake of such metachemical freedom as proclaims itself God but is not even illusory and woeful but ugly and hateful, the noumenally sensual 'first mover' in the cosmic, natural, human, and cyborg scheme of things metachemically dark and life-destroying.


127.   I wrote at the beginning of this testament, this free testament to the God that dares to speak its graceful name, that twelve seemed a dubious religious number in view of my own division of things into sixteen.  But, frankly, even sixteen was an understatement and an underestimation of the numbers alternatively involved from a religiously significant standpoint.  For what begins as two, as yin of a descending axis from fire to water-subverted earth and as yang of an ascending axis from earth-subverted water to air, soon divides into four as we plot the antithesis of noumenal objectivity with phenomenal objectivity on the one hand, that of vicious immorality with virtuous immorality, and of phenomenal subjectivity with noumenal subjectivity on the other hand, that of vicious morality with virtuous morality, which in turn subdivides into metachemistry and antimetaphysics as antithetical to antichemistry and physics on the descending axis, and into antiphysics and chemistry as antithetical to metaphysics and antimetachemistry on the ascending axis.


128.   But out of the eight elemental and anti-elemental positions, four on each side of the gender divide, come the sixteen psychic and somatic polarities within any given element or anti-element, as we divide metachemistry between materialism in free soma and fundamentalism in bound psyche, likewise dividing antimetaphysics between anti-idealism in free soma and antitranscendentalism in bound psyche, which we then contrast to the division of antichemistry between antirealism in bound soma and antinonconformism in free psyche, not forgetting to divide physics between naturalism in bound soma and humanism in free psyche as we acknowledge the eight subdivisions of the descending axis, before proceeding to divide antiphysics between antihumanism in bound psyche and antinaturalism in free soma, not to mention chemistry between nonconformism in bound psyche and realism in free soma, both of which are antithetical to the division of metaphysics between transcendentalism in free psyche and idealism in bound soma, and to the division of antimetachemistry between antifundamentalism in free psyche and antimaterialism in bound soma as we conclude the eight subdivisions of the ascending axis, thereby achieving our initial figure of sixteen.


129.   But in practice each of these somatic/psychic or psychic/somatic subdivisions of our elements and anti-elements is further divisible between two somatic and two psychic or two psychic and two somatic subdivisions.


130.   As in the case, where metachemistry is concerned, of materialism between the ugliness of Devil the Mother and the hate of Hell the Clear Spirit, and of fundamentalism between the ugly approach to illusion of the Daughter of the Devil and the hateful approach to woe of the Clear Soul of Hell; as in the case, where antimetaphysics is concerned, of anti-idealism between the illusory approach to ugliness of the Antison of Antigod and the woeful approach to hatred of the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven, and of antitranscendentalism between the illusion of Antigod the Antifather and the woe of Antiheaven the Unholy Soul: both of which further subdivisions rather contrast, in regressive descent, with the subdivision, in antichemistry, of antirealism between the strength of Antiwoman the Antimother and the pride of Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit, and of antinonconformism between the strong approach to knowledge of the Antidaughter of Antiwoman and the proud approach to pleasure of the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory; as, in physics, with the subdivision of naturalism between the knowledgeable approach to strength of the Son of Man and the pleasurable approach to pride of the Holy Spirit of Earth, and of humanism between the knowledge of Man the Father and the pleasure of Earth the Holy Soul.


131.   As in the case, where antiphysics is concerned, of antihumanism between the ignorance of Antiman the Antifather and the pain of Anti-earth the Unholy Soul, and of antinaturalism between the ignorant approach to weakness of the Antison of Antiman and the painful approach to humility of the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth; as in the case, where chemistry is concerned, of nonconformism between the weak approach to ignorance of the Daughter of Woman and the humble approach to pain of the Clear Soul of Purgatory, and of realism between the weakness of Woman the Mother and the humility of Purgatory the Clear Spirit: both of which further subdivisions rather contrast, in progressive ascent, with the subdivision, in metaphysics, of transcendentalism between the truth of God the Father and the joy of Heaven the Holy Soul, and of idealism between the truthful approach to beauty of the Son of God and the joyful approach to love of the Holy Spirit of Heaven; as, in antimetachemistry, with the subdivision of antifundamentalism between the beautiful approach to truth of the Antidaughter of Antihell and the loving approach to joy of the Unclear Soul of Antihell, and of antimaterialism between the beauty of Antidevil the Antimother and the love of Antihell the Unclear Spirit.


132.   That gives us, I believe, twenty-eight subdivisions in all, sixteen to each axis, and those sixteen subdivisions of soma and psyche on the descending axis of state-hegemonic and church-subordinate society have to be contrasted with the sixteen subdivisions of psyche and soma on the ascending axis of church-hegemonic and state-subordinate society, but, more significantly, these twenty-eight overall subdivisions have to be multiplied by four in order to accord, notwithstanding differing ratios and emphases, with the principal stages of death and life, of 0 and 1, of female and male, of soma and psyche, of dark and light, of immorality and morality, of objectivity and subjectivity, which, alternating between death and life, we have defined in terms of the Cosmos, nature, mankind, and Cyborgkind, the latter of which is only formative in largely sensual terms at present and not at all that sensible apotheosis of life which accords with Eternity and the reign of God ... the Father in 'Kingdom Come' (the Social Theocratic Centre) in the name of Heaven ... the Holy Soul, in order that timeless bliss may prevail as the reward for Truth and confirmation of global universality.


133.   Therefore twenty-eight multiplied by four equals 112, which is doubtless a more religiously significant number, overall, than twelve, even if what really counts is not the twenty-eight subdivisions of the Cosmos, nor even of nature and mankind respectively, but the gradual extension to twenty-eight such subdivisions of the Cyborg, and the subsequent refinement and transmutation of them towards a stage of eternity in which the sixteen subdivisions of sensibility prevail over their sensual counterparts, and these in turn are fine-tuned or whittled down to that which is commensurate with the utmost godliness and heavenliness (for metaphysical males), coupled, as necessary, to the utmost antidevilishness and antihellishness (for antimetachemical females), so that the divine/antidiabolic circle of truth and joy coupled in metaphysics to a truthful approach to beauty and a joyful approach to love necessarily continues to embrace and co-exist with the beauty and love coupled, in the secondary free psyche of antimetachemistry, to a beautiful approach to truth and a loving approach to joy in what must be the ultimate manifestations of yang and yin, male and female or, rather, antifemale, in relation to the noumenal subjectivity of an upper-class sensibility commensurate with metaphysics and antimetachemistry, as the logical consequence of the disposition of grace and pseudo-punishment to draw up from the sinful and pseudo-criminal depths of the worldly meek unto itself to the end of eternal salvation for all in what becomes an unbroken circle, subdivisible eight ways, between God the Father and his antidiabolic bride, the Antidaughter of the Antidevil, whose respective modes of soulful redemption embracing Heaven the Holy Soul and the Unclear Soul of Antihell cannot come to pass without the co-operation, in bound soma, of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven in metaphysics and Antidevil the Antimother and Antihell the Unclear Spirit in antimetachemistry, the truth of metaphysical ego achieving the joy of metaphysical soul via the truthful approach to beauty of metaphysical will (bound will, or antiwill) and the joyful approach to love of metaphysical spirit (bound spirit, or antispirit), the beautiful approach to truth of antimetachemical ego achieving the loving approach to joy of antimetachemical soul via the beauty of antimetachemical will (bound will, or antiwill) and the love of antimetachemical spirit (bound spirit, or antispirit), so that primary and secondary forms of psychic freedom will eternally co-exist with primary and secondary forms of somatic binding, the raison d'être of the latter being to support the former for all Eternity.


134.   So may it be!  Let that which as existence begins as the alpha perfection of Eternal Death in the evil and pseudo-folly of yin and yang or, more correctly, anti-yang end, contrary to the former, in the omega perfection of Eternal Life in the grace and pseudo-punishment of yang and yin or, more correctly, anti-yin, as the world is duly overcome and both the death-in-life of imperfect life, of sinful and pseudo-criminal antilife, and the life-in-death of imperfect death, of good and pseudo-wise antideath, cease to prevail in relation to either eternity but have succumbed to the fate and destiny of the temporal before the triumphant progress of global universality towards its most perfect resolution in the utmost being of a circle supreme, an unbroken circle in which, risen to its full metaphysical heights, yang sensibly has the divine better of anti-yin, its antimetachemical and effectively antidiabolic complement, for all Eternity.



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)