


51.  Thus it presupposes the rejection not only of cosmic and natural manifestations of godliness, not to mention the traditionally more prevalent devilishness and antidevilishness characterizing the sensual and sensible modes of metachemical monotheism, but also the human manifestation of godliness in transcendental meditation, which in its respiratory sensibility is only the upper-class male counterpart, in Eastern civilization, to the effectively lower-class male reality, in cerebral sensibility, of Christian prayer, and therefore something no-less anterior to People's civilization, especially in its proletarian or international modes, than the egocentricity of Man, bearing in mind its reliance if not on non-synthetic artificiality then, in almost subhuman and pre-human terms, on synthetic naturalness and/or non-synthetic naturalness instead.


52.  In sum, the cosmic roots of Buddhism render it and kindred transcendental religions no-less unsuited to the religious self-realization of People's civilization than those other religions whose deities go back to the same roots, if rather more on metachemical than on metaphysical terms.  As a loose guide to future religious progress, transcendental meditation may not be without significance; but as an alternative or successor to the more worldly devotions, it must altogether fail to convince one, like prayer, of its proletarian credibility in relation to synthetic artificiality.


53.  Therefore the transcendentalism that effectively 'resurrects the dead' will need to develop a much more synthetically artificial approach to religion than anything hitherto imagined, an approach in which the gradual cyborgization of life will completely transform the terms by which godliness not only exists but achieves its redemption in Heaven, in the spinal-cord life of the soul, which is the only eternal life and true end of religious striving in the utmost joy.


54.  For compared to the eternal life of the soul, the egocentricity of Man is a death-in-life, a brainstem-centred shortfall from the full gamut of self in the unfettered soul of the free spinal cord which, with Man however, is subverted from the standpoint of ego in terms of pleasure, a second-rate order of soul having reference to the rule, in knowledge, of the brain stem, and thus to the utilization not of the lungs but of the brain-proper, as in prayer or, for that matter, cogitation generally. 


55.  Thus while the masculine dead-in-life are at least, as males, on the side of life, of self, their approach to it, being physical rather than metaphysical, is effectively an egocentric dead-end which, appertaining as knowledge to relative truth, precludes the absolute pleasure of joy, which is alone commensurate with Heaven.  The dead-in-life, appertaining more physically to the mundane world, tend to hype both the ego and soul of physical sensibility towards a metaphysical status, wherein man is deemed equivalent to God and the earth to Heaven.  But, in reality, they are at a Christian shortfall from any such soul-centred height, and effectively subvert religion, in typically worldly vein, in consequence.


56.  But bad as that is, it is indubitably worse when the relative importance of psyche and soma from a male standpoint is itself subverted and effectively inverted through undue emphasis, via 'the Son', on bound soma at the expense of the free psyche that metaphorically accords with 'the Father', whether in relation to Man, as in Christianity, or to God, as in religions more characterized by transcendental meditation than by prayer.


57.  The male reality of psyche preceding and predominating over soma,  which should grant prominence to the concept of 'the Father' at the expense of 'the Son', insofar as the one can be said to precede the other, is rendered more difficult of acknowledgement when the religion in question has an almost fatalistic tendency to grant greater prominence and significance to 'the Son' in relation to Jesus Christ than to His 'Father'; although it must be remembered that a metaphorical exemplification of the male reality of psyche preceding soma is not necessarily what such terms imply in Christian usage, bearing in mind the linear progression in which 'the Son' is thought of as superseding 'the Father' pretty much as Christ superseding Jehovah or the New Testament superseding the Old Testament, or the world (of Western civilization in which Christianity flourished) the netherworld (of Middle Eastern civilization in which Judaism flourished), so that the result is an idolatrous worship of a 'person', viz. Christ, as 'Son of God' or even, in more radically worldly Christian traditions, as 'God the Son'.


58.  But even when a sense of psyche preceding soma as male reality is attached to the concepts of 'Father' and 'Son', history shows that the emphasis on the Crucified, as on the Crucifix, does little to shift the focus back up to 'the Father' but, rather, focuses attention on a paradigm of bound soma at the expense of free psyche in almost female vein - a paradox doubtless owing not a little to the traditional dominance of females in Western civilization, in which the importance of both will and spirit, power and glory, force and motion, as applying, in particular, to the metachemical and chemical modes of free soma, is exaggerated out of all proportion to their actual worth from a male standpoint, and compounded by the generally lower-class appeal and nature of Christianity as a religion not merely in which the masses have a major part but a religion for the masses, in which the development of psyche at the expense of soma must seem a very uphill struggle, assuming it to have any relevance at all, in view of the kind of mundane environmental climate - Celtic-type mountainous exceptions notwithstanding - in which it developed.


59.  No, it is clear to me that a religion which stresses the equality of all souls is somewhat reductionist in its approach to life, reductionist in an overly worldly way which, conditioned by temperate environmental factors having especial applicability to Western Europe traditionally, cannot possibly be expected to do justice to those for whom, quite apart from gender distinctions, soul is manifestly joyful through transcendental meditation in some Eastern mountain retreat, or even proud or loving through other factors than those appertaining to the mental pleasures of prayer, and can therefore be regarded from a variety of standpoints, not least negative, which suggest that more is at large here than simply what typifies Man in his Christian surroundings.


60.  In truth, the only soul that accords with God, and then less in relation to his egoistic truth than to the achievement of a heavenly redemption, is the joyful soul that is only possible in relation to self-unity in the spinal cord, as the ego recoils (from the self-annihilating threat posed to it by the out-breath of the Holy Spirit of Heaven) to self more profoundly at the level beyond the brain-stem egoism of God the Father which has been identified with Heaven the Holy Soul, the ultimate grace with which one, as a meditating ego, can be blessed.  Anything else, which can only be less or contrary to this, is not godly but either manly, in the case of pleasure, womanly or, rather, antiwomanly (in sensibility) in the case of pride, or devilish or, rather, antidevilish (in sensibility) in the case of love, the emotion of soul which is least essential by dint of its association not with the self, whether directly self-subvertingly or otherwise, but with that not-self which is called the heart and which causes the emotion of self (as germane to the spinal cord) to be projected out in typically female vein.


61.  Now this may not, in its sensible positivity, be of eternal death, but it is certainly not germane to eternal life, like joy, except insofar as we allow to females a paradoxical psychic emphasis which approaches truth through beauty and therefore joy through love, the love, we may be sensibly confident, of the Unclear Soul of Antihell as affiliated to the Antidaughter of the Antidevil which is not only distinct from the so-called 'spiritual love' of Antihell the Unclear Spirit affiliated to Antidevil the Antimother, but, more significantly, from the joyful purity of Heaven the Holy Soul as affiliated to God the Father in relation to metaphysical sensibility.


62.  In short, love has been hyped in Western civilization as something which was allowed, under female pressures, to eclipse and effectively exclude joy, and the concept of 'spiritual love', which in reality does not accord with metachemical sensibility, insofar as such love is manifestly antispiritual (or germane to unclear spirit) granted undue prominence under the timeworn convention of a metachemical godhead.


63.  Frankly, love is a very inferior thing to joy, not even a second-rate order of soul but effectively fourth-rate in its metachemical departure from metaphysics (joy), physics (pleasure), and chemistry (pride), the latter having more reference to the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory as affiliated to the Antidaughter of Antiwoman in relation to that paradoxical psychic emphasis of feminine females under a masculine male hegemony which approaches knowledge, and thus pleasure, through strength, and thus pride, something just as distinct, in this lower-class context, from pleasure as, in the upper-class 'above', love is from joy.


64.  Granted we shall not confuse the Antidaughter of the Antidevil with God the Father or, 'down below', the Antidaughter of Antiwoman with Man the Father, neither will we confuse the Unclear Soul of Antihell with Heaven the Holy Soul, nor the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory with Earth the Holy Soul.  Indeed, neither shall we confuse Earth the Holy Soul with Heaven the Holy Soul nor, for that matter, Man the Father with God the Father, nor any of their somatic counterparts in either the chemical/physical 'below' or the metachemical/metaphysical 'above'.


65.  For there is just as much difference between Antidevil the Antimother and the Son of God as there is between Antihell the Unclear Spirit and the Holy Spirit of Heaven, not to mention, 'down below' in volume and mass, between Antiwoman the Antimother and the Son of Man on the one hand, and Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit and the Holy Spirit of the Earth on the other hand.


66.  In fact, now that I have reintroduced these terms, always bearing in mind that soma precedes psyche and is of more importance than psyche with females, whereas psyche precedes soma and is of more importance than soma with males, I should point out that terms like the Unclear Soul of Antihell, intended to define emotional love for metachemical females, could just as logically be written as the Antisoul of Antihell, just as Antihell the Unclear Spirit, intended to define spiritual love for metachemical females, could be written as Antihell the Antispirit. 


67.  Frankly it makes little difference which way one approaches these and other such terms as long as one remembers that the principal factors are always in soma with females (even under pressure of a psychic emphasis from sensibly hegemonic males) but in psyche with males (even under pressure of a somatic emphasis from sensually hegemonic females), so that, for instance, Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit expresses the primacy of metachemical free soma and the Daughter of the Devil/the Clear Soul of Hell the secondary, or subordinate, reality of metachemical bound psyche, in contrast, reverting to male sensibility, to God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul expressing the primacy of metaphysical free psyche and the Son of God/the Holy Spirit of Heaven the secondary, or subordinate, reality of metaphysical bound soma.


68.  Hence, by extrapolation, Antidevil the Antimother/Antihell the Unclear Spirit (Antispirit) is still primary in metachemical bound soma and the Antidaughter of the Antidevil/the Unclear Soul (Antisoul) of Antihell secondary in metachemical free psyche, while, conversely, Antigod the Antifather/Antiheaven the Unholy Soul (Antisoul) is still primary in metaphysical bound psyche and the Antison of Antigod/the Unholy Spirit (Antispirit) of Antiheaven its secondary counterpart in metaphysical free soma. 


69.  The emphasis, to be sure, may be on psyche in sensibility or on soma in sensuality, but the genders nevertheless remain 'true' to their respective dispositions for either nature (if female) or nurture (if male), soma or psyche, and for this reason one can infer the possibility of disillusionment with somatic emphasis on the part of males and, conversely, with psychic emphasis on the part of females, the bound realities in each case thrust into a falsely secondary position which does not accord with their actual gender status and fundamental dispositions.


70.  Thus disillusionment with the absolutely illusory insanity in falsehood/woe of free metaphysical soma in the Antison of Antigod/the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven under the absolutely factual sanity in ugliness/hatred of free metachemical soma in Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit may lead to the falsely subordinated reality of Antigod the Antifather/Antiheaven the Unholy Soul rejecting such an upended paradox, in which there is an absolutely foolish acquiescence in metaphysical sin, in favour of the absolutely truthful sanity in truth/joy of free metaphysical psyche in God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul and its bound somatic corollary of the Son of God/the Holy Spirit of Heaven, the former aspect of metaphysical sensibility constituting an absolutely blessed deliverance from the absolute damnation of bound metaphysical psyche, the latter ... absolute salvation from the absolute curse of free metaphysical soma.


71.  Likewise disillusionment with the relatively illusory insanity in ignorance/pain of free physical soma in the Antison of Antiman/the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth under the relatively factual sanity in weakness/humility of free chemical soma in Woman the Mother/Purgatory the Clear Spirit may lead to the falsely subordinated reality of Antiman the Antifather/Anti-earth the Unholy Soul rejecting such an upended paradox, in which there is a relatively foolish acquiescence in physical sin, in favour of the relatively truthful sanity in knowledge/pleasure of free physical psyche in Man the Father/Earth the Holy Soul and its bound somatic corollary of the Son of Man/the Holy Spirit of the Earth, the former aspect of physical sensibility constituting a relatively blessed deliverance from the relative damnation of bound physical psyche, the latter ... relative salvation from the relative curse of free physical soma.


72.  Either way, whether in metaphysics or physics, there is a disillusionment with the enforced subjection under a female hegemony of bound psyche to free soma, and a progressive liberation struggle diagonally back up from sensuality to sensibility, as from sequential time to spaced space, ears to lungs, in the case of metaphysics, and from massive mass to voluminous volume, phallus to brain, in the case of physics. 


73.  In neither context could it be said that males ceased to be creatures for whom psyche precedes and predominates over soma when they were damned/cursed through bound psyche/free soma, which is why the possibility of disillusionment with their immoral/vicious predicament was always there and likely to lead, if seriously acknowledged, to a rejection of it in favour of loyalty to self - as indeed to the male reality of psyche preceding and predominating over soma - in terms of either the truth/joy of God/Heaven or the knowledge/pleasure of Man/the Earth, as the class or elemental case may be.


74.  But any progressive liberation struggle on the part of males from sensuality to sensibility within metaphysics or physics, air or vegetation, can only be at the expense of females within metachemistry or chemistry, fire or water, and therefore either to the detriment of Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit in the one class and/or elemental context or to  the detriment of Woman the Mother/Purgatory the Clear Spirit in the other, neither of which would continue to reign over their respective bound psychic counterparts in the Daughter of the Devil/the Clear Soul of Hell or in the Daughter of Woman/the Clear Soul of Purgatory but, rather, to suffer the indignity, following sensible transmutation, of being subordinated, in paradoxical vein, as Antidevil the Antimother/Antihell the Unclear Spirit to the Antidaughter of the Antidevil/the Unclear Soul of Antihell under the divine male hegemonic reality, in metaphysics, of God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul, and, likewise, as Antiwoman the Antimother/Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit to the Antidaughter of Antiwoman/the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory under the masculine male hegemonic reality, in physics, of Man the Father/Earth the Holy Soul.


75.  Which leads to the possibility, in due course, of disillusionment on the part of metachemical females with the absolutely fictional insanity in beauty/love of free metachemical psyche in the Antidaughter of the Antidevil/the Unclear Soul of Antihell under the absolutely truthful sanity in truth/joy of free metaphysical psyche in God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul, and of the falsely subordinated reality of Antidevil the Antimother/Antihell the Unclear Spirit rejecting such an upended paradox, in which there is an absolutely modest (good) acquiescence in metachemical punishment, in favour of the absolutely factual sanity in ugliness/hatred of free metachemical soma in Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit and its bound psychic corollary of the Daughter of the Devil/the Clear Soul of Hell, the former aspect of metachemical sensuality constituting an absolutely cursed deliverance from the absolute salvation of bound metachemical soma, the latter ... an absolutely damned rejection of the absolute blessings of free metachemical psyche.