76.  Similarly, disillusionment on the part of chemical females with the relatively fictional insanity in strength/pride of free chemical psyche in the Antidaughter of Antiwoman/the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory under the relatively truthful sanity in knowledge/pleasure of free physical psyche in Man the Father/Earth the Holy Soul may lead to the falsely subordinated reality of Antiwoman the Antimother/Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit rejecting such an upended paradox, in which there is a relatively modest (good) acquiescence in chemical punishment, in favour of the relatively factual sanity in weakness/humility of free chemical soma in Woman the Mother/Purgatory the Clear Spirit and its bound psychic corollary of the Daughter of Woman/the Clear Soul of Purgatory, the former aspect of chemical sensuality constituting a relatively cursed deliverance from the relative salvation of bound chemical soma, the latter ... a relatively damned rejection of the relative blessings of free chemical psyche.


77.  Either way, whether in metachemistry or chemistry, there is a disillusionment with the enforced subjection under a male hegemony of bound soma to free psyche, and a regressive liberation struggle diagonally back up from sensibility to sensuality, as from repetitive time to spatial space, heart to eyes, in the case of metachemistry, and from massed mass to volumetric volume, womb to tongue, in the case of chemistry. 


78.  Again, in neither context could it be said that females ceased to be creatures for whom soma precedes and predominates over psyche when they were blessed/saved through free psyche/bound soma, which is why the possibility of disillusionment with their virtuous/moral predicament was always there and likely to lead, if seriously acknowledged, to a rejection of it in favour of loyalty to not-self - as indeed to the female reality of soma preceding and predominating over psyche - in terms of either the ugliness/hatred of the Devil/Hell or the weakness/humility of Woman/Purgatory, as the class or elemental case may be.


79.  But any regressive liberation struggle on the part of females from sensibility to sensuality within metachemistry or chemistry, fire or water, can only be at the expense of males within metaphysics or physics, air or vegetation, and therefore either to the detriment of God the Father/Heaven the Holy Soul in the one class and/or elemental context or to the detriment of Man the Father/Earth the Holy Soul in the other, neither of which would continue to reign over their respective bound somatic counterparts in the Son of God/the Holy Spirit of Heaven or in the Son of Man/the Holy Spirit of the Earth but, rather, to suffer the indignity, following sensual transmutation, of being subordinated, in paradoxical vein, as Antigod the Antifather/Antiheaven the Unholy Soul to the Antison of Antigod/the Unholy Spirit of Antiheaven under the diabolic female hegemonic reality, in metachemistry, of Devil the Mother/Hell the Clear Spirit, and, likewise, as Antiman the Antifather/Anti-earth the Unholy Soul to the Antison of Antiman/the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth under the feminine female hegemonic reality, in chemistry, of Woman the Mother/Purgatory the Clear Spirit.


80.  From a strictly virtuous/moral standpoint, wherein one is concerned with what could be termed the superior blessedness/salvation of male grace/wisdom holding leadership sway over the inferior blessedness/salvation of female punishment/modesty (goodness) in sensibility, there can be no basis for allowing or encouraging the above regressive scenarios towards the vicious/immoral realities in cursedness/damnation in which female crime/evil rules, in superior cursed/damned vein, over the inferior cursed/damned sensual realities of male sin/folly, and freedom, ever rooted in the active principle, becomes equated not with truth, whether absolutely or relatively, metaphysically or physically, but with fact, on both absolute (ugly/hateful) and relative (weak/humble), metachemical and chemical, grounds. 


81.  A society, civilization, or whatever that is typified by the rule of somatic freedom, under female hegemonies, is one that has either 'gone to the dogs' in decadent bourgeois fashion or, if young and more proletarian in character, not yet evolved towards a virtuous/moral plateau from which it should be possible, all the more so as things approximate truly divine criteria in metaphysics, so to arrange matters that regressive tendencies on the part, especially, of reactionary females and pro-female elements generally become all but impossible, and society simply advances on ever-more progressive terms towards a maximum development of its virtuous/moral potential, whether in primary or secondary, superior or inferior, male or female, vein.


82.  Such an advance, I contend, is possible and can be implemented within the context of ongoing globalization, provided there is a will to genuine universality on the basis of religious sovereignty and the overcoming of Man in terms of the cyborgization of human life - now, with the majority-context urban proletariat, in a post-humankind phase of its development - which alone can permit the godly to develop to its maximum potential in relation to the synthetic artificiality of a civilization which even now, in being neither specifically Western nor Eastern but effectively global, has outstripped all previous religions and their respective deities, whether genuinely godly (at least, less, and more evolved levels of metaphysical sensibility), or falsely godly (at least, less, and more devolved levels of, for instance, metachemical sensuality), the latter mode of falsehood of course having reference to what would literally be the Devil, i.e. Devil the Mother, in successive (barring the most devolved) metachemically sensual manifestations.


83.  However that may be, global civilization has need of its 'messiah', its religious leader or teacher or prophet who is manifestly not God, because no individual person ever really is, but one who points up the desirability, if global catastrophe is to be averted, of what would be God (the Father) at His most evolved manifestation, the manifestation according with the synthetic artificiality of the urban proletariat of global civilization and thus with the Cyborg rather than with the non-synthetic artificiality of Humankind or the synthetic naturalness of Nature or the non-synthetic naturalness of the Cosmos in their metaphysically sensible manifestations.


84.  Such an advocate of God (the Father) in His most evolved and therefore most perfect manifestation is no Second Coming of Christ for the simple reason that Christ was, in historical terms, a Jewish activist for whom the sanctity of Judaic Law had been violated by Roman rule under King Herod and others of a like-persuasion, and to whom the task of restoring Israel to its rightful 'high estate' necessitated Messianic intervention of the sort which could only lead to a restoration of Jewish freedom under the Law through the agency of the long-awaited heir of King David, the Warrior King, who would establish a sort of Davidian monarchy which might or might not - though I would like to give Christ and his Nazarean followers the benefit of the Judaic doubt - prove detrimental to the Sadducee status quo, particularly since anything Davidian emerging in a post-compromise context of revolutionary ferment would be likely to conflict, sooner or later, with the sanctity of Jehovahesque primacy in effectively neo-Buddhist fashion, environmental impedimenta to such a 'rebirth' notwithstanding, and thus threaten the sensually hegemonic metachemical nature of the Judaic status quo, with its Jehovah-to-Saul over Satan-to-David gender antagonism in both cosmic and natural spheres, from an upper-class standpoint centred in humankind. 


85.  Whether Judaic conservative of a traditional purist order or neo-Buddhist revolutionary in an environmental context so sun-drenched and open to the night sky as to be unlikely to encourage a more hegemonically metaphysical approach to religion, Christ was perceived as a threat to the status quo by the Romans and their Herodian collaborators and accordingly crucified, which makes it seem rather unlikely that were he ever to return from the dead such a failed Messiah, derided for his kingly pretensions, would have any applicability to gentiles and their rejection of Judaism, whether compromised by Roman rule or otherwise.


86.  No, but then it must be said that the Pauline invention, the saviour of gentiles as Son of God who ironically becomes identified, in Western temperate middling-down criteria, with a sensible rebirth in physical as opposed to metaphysical terms, that is to say, in Christian as opposed to Buddhist vein, would be even more unlikely to come back, insofar as he had never actually existed in the first place except in Paul's reborn imagination and would have nowhere literally to return from, much less return to.


87.  If we are truly serious about a new order of religion that has global applicability, we have to ditch notions like the above which either have no basis in reality or would be irrelevant to Jews and gentiles alike.  Indeed, one might as well speak of a Second Coming of Mohammed for the sake of Moslems as harp upon the possibility of a Second Coming of Christ for the sake either of Jews or Christians, and in neither case will one be doing the global development of religion a service but, rather, excluding a whole host of people for whom Christ is no less irrelevant, in whatever permutation, factual or fictional, than Mohammed.


88.  For while the notion of a Second Coming may be of some relevance to Christians, it can do nothing more than perpetuate the delusions of Western civilization at the expense not merely of Eastern civilization, whether Judaic and Moslem or non-Middle Eastern, but of global civilization and its development towards a more genuine universality than anything possible to religions whose starting-point and even finishing-point is the Cosmos, and to whom the metachemical subversion of metaphysics has long been the norm - indeed, so much so that they would be blissfully unaware that any such subversion had taken place, including those, not least, for whom God was cosmic 'First Mover' and effective ruler of 'the Universe' from whom everything stemmed, the Satanesque 'Fallen Angel' not excepted.


89.  But then in my book, so to speak, that would be Devil the Mother at its least devolved manifestation coupled to the Antison of Antigod, a sort of stellar/solar parallel, in terms of galactic monotheism, to the blossom/fruit on trees that I have tended to link, in less (relative to least) devolved fashion, with Saul/David as the more natural successors to Jehovah/Satan, the original Christ himself seemingly germane to a line of descent from Satan through David to himself as Jewish Messiah and therefore a manifestation not of Devil the Mother but of the Antison of Antigod, which is the nearest Jews get to anything godly, the metaphysical sensuality one needs, as an upper-class male, to reject, from disillusionment with somatic emphasis under a hegemonic free soma on the part of a metachemical female reality (be it Jehovahesque in Cosmos  or Saulian in Nature), before any possibility of psychic freedom in metaphysical sensibility can become one's blessed reward, the reward of God the Father, and not merely now at His least evolved manifestation in the Saturnalian sphere, as it were, of the Cosmos, nor in His less (relative to least) evolved manifestation in winged seed-pods on trees in Nature, nor even in His more (relative to most) evolved manifestation in transcendental meditation for upper-class otherworldly males in Humankind (which might even have included the original Christ and his subversive threat to the Judaic status quo), but of His most evolved, and therefore definitive, manifestation in the Cyborg sphere, as it were, of global universality, wherein everything appertaining to metaphysical sensibility will be synthetically artificial and artificially synthetic, and God, or godliness, will accordingly peak in a context that will eventually take universality as far from the non-synthetic naturalness of its cosmic inception as it can possibly go or, rather, be.


90.  For in what could be called the fourth manifestation of God (the Father), the one that exists not in relation, generally speaking, to a more prevalent metachemical background, nor in relation to a more prevalent chemical background, nor even in relation to a more prevalent physical background but, rather, in relation to a more prevalent, compared to everything else, metaphysical foreground, godliness will achieve its universal summation in which being will be not merely supreme but most supreme, the supremacy of the most evolved universality that will leave the more (relative to most), less (relative to least), and least evolved manifestations of universality in its global wake, as all the people and peoples of the globe are brought, democratically and rationally, to acknowledgement of the One True God in its most evolved, and therefore most perfect, manifestation, an acknowledgement that in some cases - the cases one might say of the privileged Few - will involve actual participation in the supreme beingfulness of this order of universality, whilst in others - doubtless the great majority - it will involve deference towards such beingfulness and either a 'bovaryization' of it in relation to taking or giving or, in the case of the administrative servants of the triadic Beyond, in relation to doing or, more correctly for sensibility, to antidoing, since the female aspects of the totality of 'Kingdom Come', including those appertaining to chemistry, would be emphasizing psychic positivity in beauty/love (metachemistry) and strength/pride (chemistry), so that antidoing and antigiving would be the secondary virtuous complements to being and taking, soul and ego, with the latter, duly modified in deferential vein, of course subordinated to the former on what would be the properly male side of life, a side in which, for virtually the first time ever, the eternal life of godliness took precedence not only over the death-in-life of man but, in sensibly transvaluated terms, over the antilife-in-antideath of antiwoman and the antideath-in-anti-eternity, so to speak, of the antidevil, the latter being that which would serve the antilife-in-antideath, death-in-life, and eternal life, both tier by tier and in subsectional vein, of the triadic Beyond.


91.  For whereas in sensuality, under a female hegemony, one has in spatial space and sequential time either the eternal death of Devil the Mother coupled to the antilife-in-anti-eternity of the Antison of Antigod or, 'lower down' in the lower-class contexts of volumetric volume and massive mass, the life-in-death of Woman the Mother coupled to the antilife-in-antideath of the Antison of Antiman, in sensibility all this is turned around, in the above-mentioned manners, so that the antideath-in-anti-eternity of the Antidaughter of the Antidevil is coupled to the eternal life of God the Father in the repetitive time/spaced space class context and the antilife-in-antideath of the Antidaughter of Antiwoman is coupled to the death-in-life of Man the Father in the lower-class context of massed mass and voluminous volume.


92.  Be that as it may, eternal life is only possible in relation to God (the Father), and one can believe that the most evolved manifestation of God in the synthetic artificiality of global universality will imply the most eternal life, a mode of eternity beyond the least, less (relative to least), and more (relative to most) manifestations of eternity which could be said to have characterized godliness in its cosmic, natural, and human manifestations when beingfulness was least, less (relative to least), or more (relative to most) supreme rather than at or near its eternal peak.


93.  Yet one is not concerned with God the Father (in egoistic free metaphysical psyche) simply for the sake of godliness but, rather, in relation to the achievement of Heaven the Holy Soul (in psychocentric free metaphysical psyche) which is the raison d'être of God's existence, an achievement, amounting to a redemptive resurrection of the self from ego to soul, form to contentment, which could not transpire without recourse, on the part of the godly ego, to the Son of God (in consciously-modified instinctual bound metaphysical soma) and the Holy Spirit of Heaven (in subconsciously-modified spiritual bound metaphysical soma), so that God the Father cannot be considered as having any intrinsic value independently of Heaven the Holy Soul, which deeper order of intrinsic value accords with the psychocentric redemption of ego-eccentricity as God pushes consciousness through the consciously-modified unconsciousness or, rather, unnaturalness (quasi-naturalness) of the Son of God and the subconsciously-modified superconsciousness or, rather, supernaturalness (quasi-subnaturalness) of the Holy Spirit of Heaven in order to achieve the sublime subconsciousness of Heaven the Holy Soul, the spinal cord redemption of brain stem in which joy is the graceful reward for the blessed truth of a metaphysically sensible ego.


94.  Therefore there is besides what could be called a 'fourth coming' or fourth manifestation of God the Father, fourth manifestations of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit of Heaven and, most significantly of all, Heaven the Holy Soul, in relation to the synthetic artificiality and artificial synthesis, so to speak, of the most evolved orders of metaphysical sensibility in the, for want of a better term, godly cyborg, the ultimate level and type of cyborg that would accord with the top tier of our projected triadic Beyond in 'Kingdom Come', where not man, still less antiwoman or, in the administrative aside, the Antidevil called the cultural/civil shots but, to all intents and purposes, God, the godliness and heavenliness, on both primary and secondary, self and not-self, terms of however many cyborg units were universally engaged in the synthetically artificial transcendentalism of the utmost supreme being, and were therefore providing a lead for everyone else to follow on their own, necessarily lower and 'bovaryized' terms, whether in relation to taking and antigiving or, indeed, to the antidoing of those entrusted with the protection and advancement of the Beyond in question.


95.  You could say that I am the advocate of this fourth manifestation, this 'fourth coming' of God the Father, coupled to such a coming of His Son, the Holy Spirit of Heaven, and, above all, Heaven the Holy Soul, without which there would be no point in discussing God at all, not even on the necessarily more restricted terms of transcendental meditation for those males in humankind who were 'up to' metaphysical sensibility in their conscious exploitation of the lungs and the breath towards a subconscious goal.


96.  Yet such males are more germane to Eastern civilization in its genuinely divine mode traditionally, even though there may be quite a substantial number of people in the West, these days, who, under Eastern influence, practise transcendental meditation on a regular basis and would regard themselves as 'spiritually' superior to their Christian counterparts without, however, being properly germane to Eastern civilization and its Buddhist (where applicable) traditions.  


97.  But are such converts to transcendental meditation of global civilization as it devolves and/or evolves, according to gender context, within the urban proletariat in terms of an atheistic rejection of traditional gods and conventional religions?  One would have to doubt that they could be, fine fellows (and even females) that they often are!  For it seems to me that traditional civilization, whether Eastern or Western, and the sort of global civilization which we see in various stages of development about us in the contemporary world are two quite distinct things, and that while the latter may have come to pass on the back of the former, it did not emerge out of it as its logical conclusion but, rather, in class opposition to it, as a secular and effectively atheistic rejection of the sort of God-bound traditions typifying both the East and the West, few if any of which had a proper concept of God and His destiny or justification, and which, for that reason, are often inimical if not contrary to what would be godly and therefore constitute a sort of ongoing obstacle to His 'fourth coming', His fourth manifestation in the Cyborg of a more advanced synthetic artificiality, as germane, I contend,  to the urban proletariat.


98.  No, if the class in question, involving as it does both lower and higher, 'blue' and 'white' collar, plebeian and noble, phenomenal and noumenal, corporeal and ethereal elements, are definable as anything, it is not only in the negative terms of what they are against, both in the West and the East, but in the positive terms of what they are for or about, the terms of ongoing globalization in the development of universality towards a synthetically artificial peak or resolution which, whilst indubitably subject to further refinement in the course of time or, rather, eternity, will bring the globe to a sort of supra-national or, as I prefer to say, centrist unity in or under the leadership of a godliness which, being both genuine and at its most evolved life stage, is alone qualified and entitled to achieve any such thing, thereby establishing what Marxists of old were fond of calling a classless millennium but which I, at this point in evolution, will simply call the ethnic totalitarianism of 'Kingdom Come' in which the Cyborg, as the logical outcome of a religiously sovereign proletariat, reigns supreme for all eternity.


99.  It is the task of Social Transcendentalism, the ideological face of this ultimate Communism or Communalism, to wake the proletariat of global civilization up to their godly potential and to induce them to vote, once the paradoxical opportunity of utilizing the democratic pluralism of People's liberalism to a religious end comes judgementally to pass, for religious sovereignty, so that what was and is post-humankind with them may become more self-consciously cyborg and able to embrace a future in which, in the interests of genuine universality, what remains of 'man' is overcome in the ongoing development of God in the fourth manifestation of His evolution towards ever-more perfect universal heights of supreme beingfulness in the Holy Soul of Heaven, the raison d'être of genuine godliness for those who, blessed with metaphysical sensibility in the synthetically artificial terms of global civilization, will inherit the ultimate grace of a joy sublime in the eternity of perfect self-unity.


100.   Thus it is to wake the urban proletariat up to their divine destiny that I have keyed-in these lines, and it is my hope that one day they will have democratically triumphed over their class enemies of both the West and the East to bring global civilization a stage closer to its universal summation in the utmost centro-complexification of a synthetically artificial paradise.  What matter if, in the meantime, the West and the East tear each other apart over traditional or conventional values?  We, who can have no truck with either because we are revolutionary and unconventional, can only gain by any weakening of the old civilizations which makes it easier for us to strengthen this new and ultimate civilization which will put an end to both West and East alike, as it advances its virtuous cause towards a joyful end on the self-righteous upper-class male high-way of Truth.            



LONDON 2003 (Revised 2012)