Noumenal Absolutism vis-à-vis Phenomenal Relativity.  In the absolute/relative distinction between the noumenal and the phenomenal, we have a contrast not only between immorality and morality in the alpha and omega of the noumenal, viz. metachemistry and metaphysics, but between these reflections of an absolutist commitment and their phenomenal counterparts within the relativity of chemistry and physics, which rather make for opposing types of amorality when once inter-class axial criteria have been brought to bear on what would otherwise be either relatively immoral in the phenomenal objectivity of chemistry or relatively moral in the phenomenal subjectivity of physics.  Hence, in overall axial terms, the worldly positions will tend towards amorality rather than reflect the immorality or morality, according to axis, of the free and therefore conditioning factors ‘on high’, in either noumenal objectivity (metachemistry) or noumenal subjectivity (metaphysics), the former of which is effectively netherworldly and the latter otherworldly.