Phenomenal Ethical Antitheses.  Chemistry and antiphysics at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass are symptomatic of relative immorality (sensual amorality) and what could be called relative antimorality (antisensible amorality), whereas physics and chemistry at the southeast point of the said compass are symptomatic of relative morality (sensible amorality) and what could be called relative anti-immorality (antisensual amorality).  For the former context is characterized, in female hegemonic vein, by free soma and bound psyche (if paradoxically with psychic emphasis in overall axial terms), whereas the latter one is characterized, in male hegemonic vein, by free psyche and bound soma (if paradoxically with somatic emphasis in overall axial terms), since gender factors-in to the way in which each of these positions are estimated.  The relative immorality turned alpha amorality of chemistry has to be contrasted with the relative morality turned omega amorality of physics, no less than the relative antimorality turned anti-omega amorality of antiphysics with the relative anti-immorality turned anti-alpha amorality of antichemistry.