Relativistic Amorality of the World.  Hence, in overall axial terms, the worldly hegemonic positions are effectively amoral, whether on alpha or omega, sensual or sensible, terms, with their upended gender counterparts being anti-amoral in relation to the hegemonic amorality across the ethnic divide between the sensual southwest and the sensible southeast of the intercardinal axial compass.  Relative immorality and relative morality are uncharacteristic of either church-hegemonic or state-hegemonic axial criteria, because the subversion to psychic emphasis of chemistry by antiphysics at the behest of metaphysics over antimetachemistry in the one case, and the subversion to somatic emphasis of physics by antichemistry at the behest of metachemistry over antimetaphysics in the other case ensures that amoral binding remains more characteristic of the phenomenal positions in polar relation to their noumenal counterparts and effective controllers.