Elemental Partialities to Will, Spirit, Ego, or Soul.  Although will, spirit, ego, and soul are to be found in every elemental position, as at every point of the intercardinal axial compass, they do not exist on the same terms or with the same emphasis in every element, since that which, as metachemistry, is conditioned by the noumenal objectivity of space will be more partial to will (and subsequently to spirit) than to soul or ego; that which, as chemistry, is conditioned by the phenomenal objectivity of volume will be more partial to spirit (and subsequently to will) than to ego or soul; that which, as physics, is conditioned by the phenomenal subjectivity of mass will be more partial to ego (and subsequently to soul) than to spirit or will; and that which, as metaphysics, is conditioned by the noumenal subjectivity of time will be more partial to soul (and subsequently to ego) than to will or spirit.  In fact, in all cases, the principal and subsequent partialities will be free and the remaining attributes or factors bound.