Close Proximity of Low with High and of High with Low.  It has been said that the low and the high or, conversely, the high and the low ‘hang together’, in elemental proximity to each other, and, to be sure, that is absolutely the case.  Even if we account for the Devil and Antigod noumenal lowness and noumenal antihighness at the northwest point or, conversely, the God and Antidevil noumenal highness and noumenal antilowness at the northeast point of the intercardinal axial compass, we soon find, on closer inspection, that such distinctions amount to generalizations concerning the more characteristic, according to gender, aspects of each position, be it elemental or anti-elemental, hegemonic or subservient.  For such juxtapositions of lowness and highness accrue, as we have seen, to the same element, be it metachemical, chemical, physical, or metaphysical, and even their corresponding anti-elements reflect such a dichotomy both in terms, always more significant, of what they are against and, with what little remains to them following the rejection (consciously or unconsciously) of their gender ideal, the extent to which they defer to the prevailing ideal, be it somatic (and female) or psychic (and male).