The Totality of Antiphysical Factors.  To contrast the anti-ignorance (coupled to false, i.e. carnal, knowledge) of the Antison of Antiman and the antipain (coupled to false, i.e. carnal, pleasure) of the Unholy Spirit of Anti-earth in low phenomenal antisupremacy with the antiknowledge (coupled to false ignorance) of Antiman the Antifather and the antipleasure (coupled to false pain) of Anti-earth the Unholy Soul in high phenomenal antiprimacy, as one would contrast the free antiwill and antispirit (coupled to false will and spirit) of antiphysical antisupreme antidoing and antigiving (coupled to false doing and giving) with the bound anti-ego and antisoul (coupled to false ego and soul) of antiphysical antiprimal antitaking and antibeing (coupled to false taking and being) at the subservient position of the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass which, being phenomenally antisubjective, corresponds to massed mass, or antimass.