The Totality of Antichemical Factors.  To contrast the antiweakness (coupled to false strength) of the Antidaughter of Antipurgatory and the antihumility (coupled to false pride) of the Unclear Soul of Antipurgatory in high phenomenal antisupremacy with the antistrength (coupled to false weakness) of Antiwoman the Antimother and the antipride (coupled to false humility) of Antipurgatory the Unclear Spirit in low phenomenal antiprimacy, as one would contrast the free anti-ego and antisoul (coupled to false ego and soul) of antichemical antisupreme antitaking and antibeing (coupled to false taking and being) with the bound antiwill and antispirit (coupled to false will and spirit) of antichemical antiprimal antidoing and antigiving (coupled to false doing and giving) at the subservient position of the southeast point of the intercardinal axial compass which, being phenomenally anti-objective, corresponds to voluminous volume, or antivolume.