Apologia for Social Theocracy.  However, as the reader may already have gathered from other examples of my compendious writings, axial continuity and stability is not something that I personally or vocationally subscribe to, since, quite apart from its worldly status, the relativity of contrary axes is symptomatic of exploitation, specifically of the church-hegemonic by the state-hegemonic, and is therefore unacceptable from a divine standpoint such that, in otherworldly fashion, upholds metaphysics and its antimetachemical complement in the interests of the deliverance of the preyed-upon Many at the southwest point of the intercardinal axial compass from those who, whether metachemical/antimetaphysical or physical/antichemical, noumenal or phenomenal, commercially prey upon them and thus constrain them to the worship of, amongst other things, evil and crime.  Whether the antiphysical/chemical can be delivered from such an unchristian if not heathenistic worship remains to be seen; but it has long been the objective of my Social Theocratic teachings to support and advocate, to the best of my intellectual ability, such a deliverance, thereby holding out the possibility of salvation and counter-damnation from the southwest to the northeast points of the aforesaid axial compass on what would be revolutionary church-hegemonic/state-subordinate terms, with the long-term objective of defeating the state-hegemonic/church-subordinate axis and bringing divine righteousness and antidiabolic counter-justice to bear on those who are the superheathen and anti-superchristian enemies of God and the Antidevil.  All it will take - and this is not to be underestimated - is a majority mandate for religious sovereignty from out a paradoxical election in countries with, like Eire, a church-hegemonic/state-subordinate axial tradition.  That, for me, is commensurate with Judgement.  For only the paradoxical utilization of the democratic process to a revolutionary theocratic end can lead to the traditionally church-hegemonic being delivered from the quasi-state-hegemonic paradox of deference to all that is most ungodly in its devilish and antigodly freedoms - the freedoms not of psyche but of soma, not, in gender representative terms, of truth and antibeauty but of beauty and antitruth, not of righteousness and counter-justice but of vanity and pseudo-meekness, not of the One and the Anti-Not-One but of the Not-One and the Anti-One, not of Peace and Antiwar but of War and Antipeace, not of Heaven and Antihell but of Hell and Antiheaven.  Let judgement decide and, under the leadership of righteousness, let counter-justice be done, in order that the theosophical truth of eternity may reign supreme in the self-illumination of everlasting blessedness!



LONDON 2007 (Revised 2012)