Metaphysical Philosophy

As Revised and Reformatted Philosophical Weblogs by John O’Loughlin



Copyright © 2012 John O’Loughlin






01. Axial Divergence

02. Heat, Motion, Force and Light

03. Pitch and Antirhythm

04. Rhythm and Antipitch

05. Melody and Antiharmony

06. Harmony and Antimelody

07. Space and Time

08. Antitime and Antispace

09. Volume and Mass

10. Antimass and Antivolume

11. Noumenal Absolutism vis-à-vis Phenomenal Relativity

12. Noumenal Ethical Antitheses

13. Phenomenal Ethical Antitheses

14. Relativistic Amorality of the World

15. Contrary Fates of the Antiphysical and Chemical vis-à-vis the Metaphysical and Antimetachemical

16. Contrary Fates of the Metachemical and Antimetaphysical vis-à-vis the Antichemical and Physical

17. The Church-hegemonic/State-subordinate Axial Polarities

18. The State-hegemonic/Church-subordinate Axial Polarities

19. The Respective Gender terms of Existence on the Church-hegemonic/State-subordinate Axis

20. The Respective Gender terms of Existence on the State-hegemonic/Church-subordinate Axis

21. Time Flies Metaphysically

22. Time Drags Antimetaphysically

23. Where One Finds Heaven

24. Low and High Divisions within both the Phenomenal and the Noumenal

25. Noumenal Lowness and Noumenal Antihighness

26. Noumenal Highness and Noumenal Antilowness

27. Phenomenal Lowness and Phenomenal Antihighness

28. Phenomenal Highness and Phenomenal Antilowness

29. Axial Subversion and Inversion doesn’t change the Fundamental Status of Phenomenal Hegemonic Positions

30. Sanity and Freedom

31. Elemental Sanity vis-à-vis Anti-elemental Antisanity

32. The Madness of Antisanity

33. The Really Interesting Question

34. Perpetuation of Antisanity in the interests of Axial Stability

35. How We Perceive Space

36. Space as Spatial Vacuum or Spaced Antivacuum

37. Protons and Antiphotons

38. Photons and Antiprotons

39. Electrons and Antineutrons

40. Neutrons and Anti-electrons

41. Axial Overview of Subatomic Elements and Anti-elements

42. Protons to Anti-electrons and Antiphotons to Neutrons

43. Antineutrons to Photons and Electrons to Antiprotons

44. The Protons of Space vis-à-vis the Antiphotons of Antitime

45. The Photons of Time vis-à-vis the Antiprotons of Antispace

46. The Electrons of Volume vis-à-vis the Antineutrons of Antimass

47. The Neutrons of Mass vis-à-vis the Anti-electrons of Antivolume

48. Spatial Pitch vis-à-vis Sequential Antirhythm

49. Repetitive Rhythm vis-à-vis Spaced Antipitch

50. Volumetric Melody vis-à-vis Massed Antiharmony

51. Massive Harmony vis-à-vis Voluminous Antimelody

52. Supremacy and Primacy

53. Supremacy vis-à-vis Primacy in Metachemistry

54. Supremacy vis-à-vis Primacy in Chemistry

55. Supremacy vis-à-vis Primacy in Physics

56. Supremacy vis-à-vis Primacy in Metaphysics

57. Elemental Partialities to Will, Spirit, Ego, or Soul

58. Order of Rank of Metachemical Partialities

59. Order of Rank of Chemical Partialities

60. Order of Rank of Physical Partialities

61. Order of Rank of Metaphysical Partialities

62. Metachemical Supremacy of Beauty and Love

63. Chemical Supremacy of Strength and Pride

64. Physical Supremacy of Knowledge and Pleasure

65. Metaphysical Supremacy of Truth and Joy

66. The Standings of Will and Spirit in Metachemistry and Chemistry

67. The Standings of Ego and Soul in Physics and Metaphysics

68. Antisupremacy and Antiprimacy in the Anti-elements

69. Antimetaphysical Antisupremacy and Antiprimacy

70. Antiphysical Antisupremacy and Antiprimacy

71. Antichemical Antisupremacy and Antiprimacy

72. Antimetachemical Antisupremacy and Antiprimacy

73. Paradoxical Inversion of Gender Emphasis with Axial Polarities

74. Close Proximity of Low with High and of High with Low

75. Supreme Noumenal Lowness with Primal Noumenal Highness

76. Supreme Phenomenal Lowness with Primal Phenomenal Highness

77. Supreme Phenomenal Highness with Primal Phenomenal Lowness

78. Supreme Noumenal Highness with Primal Noumenal Lowness

79. Antisupreme Noumenal Antilowness with Antiprimal Noumenal Antihighness

80. Antisupreme Phenomenal Antilowness with Antiprimal Phenomenal Antihighness

81. Antisupreme Phenomenal Antihighness with Antiprimal Phenomenal Antilowness

82. Antisupreme Noumenal Antihighness with Antiprimal Noumenal Antilowness

83. Position of Anti-elements more than merely Anti-elemental

84. Shadow Supremacy and Primacy of Antimetaphysics

85. Shadow Supremacy and Primacy of Antiphysics

86. Shadow Primacy and Supremacy of Antichemistry

87. Shadow Primacy and Supremacy of Antimetachemistry

88. Hope and Fear in Supremacy and Primacy

89. Lesser Hope and Greater Fear of Shadow Supremacy and Primacy

90. The Totality of Metachemical Factors

91. The Totality of Antimetaphysical Factors

92. The Totality of Chemical Factors

93. The Totality of Antiphysical Factors

94. The Totality of Physical Factors

95. The Totality of Antichemical Factors

96. The Totality of Metaphysical Factors

97. The Totality of Antimetachemical Factors

98. Somatic Precedence of Psyche with Metachemistry and Chemistry

99. Psychic Precedence of Soma with Physics and Metaphysics

100. The Paradoxical Justification of Axial Stability

101. Apologia for Social Theocracy