1.   Broadly the elements of fire and water provide us with contexts in which negativity is primary and positivity secondary, while the elements of vegetation and air provide us, by contrast, with contexts in which positivity is primary and negativity secondary.


2.   Negativity may be predominant or subdominant in its particle basis, but it will always be that which is primarily characteristic of both the metachemical and the chemical elements of fire and water.


3.   Positivity may be subponderant or preponderant in its wavicle advancement, but it will always be that which is primarily characteristic of both the physical and the metaphysical elements of vegetation and air.


4.   Negativity is a consequence of the nothingness of both noumenal and phenomenal objectivity as metachemical and chemical elements diverge (externally) and/or converge (internally) in direct (straight line) fashion, due to a vacuous precondition.


5.   Positivity is a consequence of the somethingness of both phenomenal and noumenal subjectivity as physical and metaphysical elements diverge (externally) and/or converge (internally) in indirect (curved line) vein, due to a plenumous precondition.


6.   Free will attaches to the absence of a plenumous precondition and is testimony to the negativity of nothingness, as metachemical and chemical elements diverge and/or converge in due objective fashion.


7.   Natural determinism follows from the presence of a plenumous precondition and is testimony to the positivity of somethingness, as physical and metaphysical elements diverge and/or converge in due subjective vein.


8.   Objective divergence and/or convergence, which is direct (straight line), is primary in metachemistry and chemistry but secondary in physics and metaphysics, where it is tempered by subjective factors to a degree which precludes primacy.


9.   Subjective divergence and/or convergence, which is indirect (curved line), is primary in physics and metaphysics but secondary in metachemistry and chemistry, where it is tempered by objective factors to a degree which precludes primacy.


10.  Broadly, direct divergence and/or convergence attaches to the particle aspect of an element, whether the particle element be primary, and objective, or secondary, and subjective.


11.  Broadly, indirect divergence and/or convergence attaches to the wavicle aspect of an element, whether the wavicle element be primary, and subjective, or secondary, and objective.


12.  There is objective (direct) divergence and/or convergence in all elements, but only in the metachemical and chemical elements of fire and water will this be primary.  In the physical and metaphysical elements of vegetation and air, by contrast, it will be secondary.


13.  Likewise, there is subjective (indirect) divergence and/or convergence in all elements, but only in the physical and metaphysical elements of vegetation and air will this be primary.  In the metachemical and chemical elements of fire and water, by contrast, it will be secondary.


14.  Hence the negativity of objective divergence and/or convergence is only primary in fire and water, where it is untempered by subjective factors to anything like the extent obtaining with vegetation and air, whose negativity is accordingly secondary.


15.  Hence the positivity of subjective divergence and/or convergence is only primary in vegetation and air, where it is untempered by objective factors to anything like the extent obtaining with fire and water, whose positivity is accordingly secondary.


16.  By and large, primary negativity and secondary positivity accrue to the female side of life in metachemical materialism (fire) and chemical realism (water), whereas primary positivity and secondary negativity accrue to the male side of life in physical naturalism (vegetation) and metaphysical idealism (air).


17.  The female, conceived in terms which embrace both noumenal and phenomenal levels of objectivity, is accordingly one for whom negativity is primary and positivity secondary, and specifically with regard to the metachemical and chemical elements of fire and water.


18.  The male, conceived in terms which embrace both phenomenal and noumenal levels of subjectivity, is accordingly one for whom positivity is primary and negativity secondary, and specifically with regard to the physical and metaphysical elements of vegetation and air.


19.  Females cannot embrace primary positivity to anything like the same extent as males, neither in physical nor in metaphysical contexts, since they remain rooted in primary negativity.


20.  Conversely, males cannot embrace primary negativity to anything like the same extent as females, neither in metachemical nor in chemical contexts, since they remain centred in primary positivity.


21.  There are of course male elements in females and, conversely, female elements in males, but these are necessarily subordinate to the presiding elements, which condition gender and ensure that the sexes remain at perpetual loggerheads, the females predominantly objective and the males preponderantly subjective, with contrary orders of divergence and/or convergence in consequence.