1.   To the superman (the Son of God) is the Kingdom (of the inner metaphysical self), the Power (of inner metaphysical selflessness), and the Glory (of outer metaphysical selflessness), as the mind of sensible being sacrifices itself to the will of sensible being in order to achieve (unity with) the spirit of sensible being, thereby attaining to full enlightenment.


2.   From the kingdom of the Son to the glory of the Holy Spirit via the power of the Father, as superconscious mind plunges into the in-breath of the inner metaphysical will in order to be transported up by the out-breath of the inner-to-outer metaphysical spirit, passing in sensible being beyond universal self to universal selflessness, the heavenly goal of all metaphysical striving.


3.   For the universal self of existential being to achieve unity with the universal selflessness of experiential being via the universal selflessness of experimental being is the fulfilment of its metaphysical quest, rendering holy (through selfless joy) that which was profane, since experience transcends existence, as Heaven transcends the kingdom of the inner metaphysical self.


4.   The Son becomes holy not in the Father but in and through the Holy Ghost, the out-breath of the sensible spirit which delivers unto glory that which was of the self, and therefore profane.


5.   Thus the inner metaphysical self of existential being is enlightened by the outer metaphysical selflessness of experiential being to which it gladly surrendered itself via the inner metaphysical selflessness of experimental being, the power of the Father to will the sensible mind of the Son, the superman, towards the glory of the Holy Spirit wherein it is redeemed in blessed unity with the Infinite, enlightened by the lightness of spirit to a joy sublime.


6.   The superman has the capacity to become subliminally holy in the transcendence of his existential self through the spirit of Heaven, passing from the divine power of ultimate God to the sublime glory of ultimate Heaven, as experimental truth is superseded by experiential joy, the joy (bliss) that comes upon the ultimate self when it is enlightened by that which stands beyond it and to which it is inexorably drawn, as to its source.