1.   Since music is never more musical than when religious, and hence metaphysical, the most musical kind of music will be Folk, especially that which utilizes pipes, while Classical, Pop, and Jazz will respectively stand to this as more (in relation to most), less (in relation to least), and least musical kinds of music, bearing in mind their vegetative, watery, and fiery departures from air.


2.   There is no kind of music beyond solo piping, since pipes are what most approximates to the lungs in their bag-and-bellows construction, and hence to a meditation parallel in which one, as superman, is one with metaphysical being of a sensible nature or, more correctly, supernature.


3.   All other kinds of music are 'bovaryized' departures from a musical per se, and thus stand closer, as has been argued, to economic, political, or scientific alternatives to music in its properly religious mode.


4.   If folk music is the 'voice' of the spirit, then classical music is the 'voice' of the intellect, pop music the 'voice' of the id (instinct), and jazz music the 'voice' of the soul, the latter three of which exist at physical, chemical, and metachemical removes, respectively, from the metaphysical essence of music per se, viz. pipe-centred Folk.


5.   Vocal music is not, and never has been, strictly religious, since the voice, properly considered, corresponds less to air than to water in its utilization of the tongue for purposes of singing songs.


6.   Vocal music is as distinct a category from wind-centred solo music as dance music from strings-centred instrumental music, and suggests to this thinker the bending of a political mode of music towards religion when utilized in connection with the latter.


7.   Such a 'bending' might be described as humanistic or Marian, and will be even less religiously credible than strings-centred instrumental music when it, too, is 'bent' away from its economic platform towards religion.


8.   Rock is effectively a subdivision of pop music which stands to Pop-proper as its masculine counterpart, one necessarily less vocal, overall, and correspondingly more instrumental, if usually in connection with electric guitars.


9.   There is indubitably a division, in pop music, between vocal Pop and dance-oriented Pop, the former standing to the latter as, say, Puritanism to Dissenterism, or Conservatism to Labourism (Fabianism), or Rugby Union to Rugby League ... in terms of dispassionate and passionate manifestations of a feminine wateriness.


10.  In this regard, we are returning to the notion, expressed in some earlier texts, of an inverted triangle in which two kinds of femininity 'lord' or, rather, 'lady' it over a correlative mode of masculinity down below, which serves as 'fall guy' for negative criticism within a broadly British, and hence heathenistic, structure.


11.  The 'fall guy' in this context is of course rock music, particularly Soft Rock, which stands to our pop-music alternatives as Anglicanism to Puritanism/Dissenterism, or the Liberal Democrats to the Tories/Labour, or Association Football to Rugby Union/Rugby League, or even pale ale to white and/or red wine.


12.  Hence rock music is itself divisible between that which would appear to accord with so-called 'Protestant solidarity' in relation to an inverted triangle and that which, being 'hard', would seem to be at loggerheads with such a watery predicament in one avowedly more vegetative, and hence masculine overall, with, in consequence, a Catholic or quasi-Catholic connotation such that, in more radical cases, causes the music to break away from vocals altogether, thereby drawing closer, albeit from an electronic base, to instrumental music per se, viz. Classical.


13.  Such Hard Rock would accord with the notion of 'bullshit' as opposed to 'cowshit', and although it would not amount to an economic mode of music per se, it would be sufficiently masculine to be removed from the inverted triangle in which Soft Rock languishes, in 'cowshit' fashion, under the combined assault of pure Pop and dance Pop in what effectively amounts to a feminine hegemony in which 'cowpiss' and 'cowpuss', corresponding to dispassionate and passionate approaches to water (vocals), rule a heathenistic roost.