1.   That which is supernatural lies beyond nature, in the sense that metaphysics lies beyond physics, or the superman beyond man.


2.   In very basic terms, air is the supernatural element that lies beyond (and above) vegetation, the earthy or natural element per se.


3.   There is also a supernatural self which is superconscious, as well as a supernatural will which is superpowerful, and a supernatural spirit which is superglorious.


4.   The supernatural self, the superconscious mind, is akin to the Son (or committed devotee of God through transcendental meditation) which attunes itself to the supernatural will, the superpower, of the Father in order to be redeemed in and by the supernatural spirit, the superglory, of the Holy Ghost.


5.   Hence the supernatural self becomes holy (saved) through abandoning itself to the supernatural spirit of the Holy Ghost, wherein it is selflessly universalized in sublime being.


6.   This is the logic of the Ultimate Trinity, the True Trinity, and it begins in the Son, proceeds to the Father, and culminates in the Holy Ghost, from whence things must revert to the Son in order that the other two components of this Ultimate Trinity, corresponding to the Father and the Holy Ghost, may be embraced afresh, and so on.


7.   For transcendental meditation is an ongoing process in which there is a cyclical recurrence of self-power-glory, or mind-will-spirit, or superman-supergod-superheaven, or profanity-divinity-sublimity, within the metaphysical framework of supernature.


8.   Supernature has nothing to do with the fiery Behind, the cosmic, and everything to do with the airy Beyond, the universal, though the two have often been confounded.


9.   That which is of the fiery Behind is behind not vegetation, or nature, but water, or unnature, and is accordingly super-unnatural (in sensuality) and sub-unnatural (in sensibility).


10.  Just as metaphysics is beyond physics, as air lies beyond vegetation, so that which, as fire, is behind water is as metachemistry behind chemistry, both of which are unnatural compared to or, rather, contrasted with their natural counterparts, since the unnatural is that which is objective, and hence female, as opposed to subjective, and hence male.


11.  One does not look for God or Heaven in metachemistry but, very literally, for the Devil and Hell there, since fire is the element of the metachemical Behind, and fire, particularly in its light/blood manifestations, contrasts absolutely, in noumenal apartness, with the metaphysical element of air.


12.  One can - and should - distinguish, more pedantically, between evil fire and wise fire, metachemical fire and 'metaphysical fire', since the former is akin to light, while the latter has kinship with heat.


13.  In other words, we have here a basic distinction between the stellar plane of stars and the solar plane of suns, with specific reference to the sun, which exists, so I maintain, in an evolved relationship to the stellar plane as that which 'fell' from it, in Biblical parlance, as a body primarily of heat rather than of light.


14.  Heat only exists as a primary entity because of the air upon which fire burns, without which it would remain, in vacuous isolation, as light primarily, and thus as something anterior to what I have called 'metaphysical fire'.


15.  Such an anterior position is signified by the stellar plane, which therefore constitutes a properly metachemical alternative to and even precondition of the solar one.


16.  In Biblical parlance, it is, to repeat myself, Jehovah which, as 'First Mover', corresponds to the metachemical manifestation of fire (light) and Satan, as 'Fallen Angel', viz. the sun, to its 'metaphysical' manifestation.


17.  Hence heat fell from light as wisdom from evil, or subnature from super-unnature, or submasculine from superfeminine, or, simply, solar from stellar, the Satanic so-called Devil from the Jehovahesque so-called God.


18.  This is the 'transvaluation of values' that needs to be accepted, especially by Jews, if there is to be any prospect of substantial metaphysical progress beyond such primitive, and basically scientific, postulates to a position properly commensurate with 'rebirth', and hence metaphysical sensibility, the sort of sensibility that has a Saturnalian backdrop and revolves, in due cyclical vein, around the relationship of the inner metaphysical self, the superconscious mind, to both the lungs and the breath in due process of meditating, via supernatural will and spirit, beyond lungs and breath to ultimate God and Heaven.


19.  Reject my teaching, and one remains enslaved to Biblical delusion for ever, with no prospect of true sensibility through true religion in 'Kingdom Come', following 'the Last Judgement'.