1.   In contrast to the above, power can take one of eight principal negative forms, viz. of cosmic (un-universal) spatial space (outer ugliness), of cosmic repetitive time (inner ugliness), of cosmic sequential time (outer falsity), of cosmic spaced space (inner falsity), of impersonal volumetric volume (outer weakness), of impersonal massed mass (inner weakness), of impersonal massive mass (outer ignorance), of impersonal voluminous volume (inner ignorance).


2.   Likewise glory can take one of eight principal negative contents, viz.  of cosmic sensual doing (outer hatred), of cosmic sensible doing (inner hatred), of cosmic sensual being (outer woe), of cosmic sensible being (inner woe), of impersonal sensual giving (outer humility), of impersonal sensible giving (inner humility), of impersonal sensual taking (outer pain), of impersonal sensible taking (inner pain).


3.   The 'nature' of negative power in both cosmic spatial space and cosmic repetitive time is noumenally objective, and hence evil in its primal super-unnaturalism to primal sub-unnaturalism, whereas the 'nature' of negative power in both cosmic sequential time and cosmic spaced space is noumenally subjective, and hence wise in its primal subnaturalism to primal supernaturalism.


4.   The 'nature' of negative power in both impersonal volumetric volume and impersonal massed mass is phenomenally objective, and hence good in its primal upper-unnaturalism to primal lower-unnaturalism, whereas the 'nature' of negative power in both impersonal massive mass and impersonal voluminous volume is phenomenally subjective, and hence foolish in its primal lower-naturalism to primal upper-naturalism.


5.   The 'content' of negative glory in both cosmic sensual doing and cosmic sensible doing is metachemically materialist, and hence vicious in its primal super-unconsciousness to primal sub-unconsciousness, whereas the 'content' of negative glory in both cosmic sensual being and cosmic sensible being is metaphysically idealist, and hence virtuous in its primal subconsciousness to primal superconsciousness.


6.   The 'nature' of negative glory in both impersonal sensual giving and impersonal sensible giving is chemically realist, and hence virtuous in its primal upper-unconsciousness to primal lower-unconsciousness, whereas the 'nature' of negative glory in both impersonal sensual taking and impersonal sensible taking is physically naturalist, and hence vicious in its primal lower-consciousness to primal upper-consciousness.


7.   Whereas ugliness corresponds to evil negative power in both cosmic spatial space and cosmic repetitive time, as one descends the space-time axis from outer ugliness to inner ugliness, hatred corresponds to evil negative glory in both cosmic sensual doing and cosmic sensible doing, as one descends the axis of metachemical materialism from outer hatred to inner hatred.


8.   Whereas falsity (delusion) corresponds to wise negative power in both cosmic sequential time and cosmic spaced space, as one ascends the time-space axis from outer falsity to inner falsity, woe corresponds to wise negative glory in both cosmic sensual being and cosmic sensible being, as one ascends the axis of metaphysical idealism from outer woe to inner woe.


9.   Whereas weakness corresponds to good negative power in both impersonal volumetric volume and impersonal massed mass, as one descends the volume-mass axis from outer weakness to inner weakness, humility corresponds to good negative glory in both impersonal sensual giving and impersonal sensible giving, as one descends the axis of chemical realism from outer humility to inner humility.


10.  Whereas ignorance corresponds to foolish negative power in both impersonal massive mass and impersonal voluminous volume, as one ascends the mass-volume axis from outer ignorance to inner ignorance, pain corresponds to foolish negative glory in both impersonal sensual taking and impersonal sensible taking, as one ascends the axis of physical naturalism from outer pain to inner pain.