1.   Sensual doing in spatial space for the superfeminine self of the 'once-born' soul in relation to supreme outer metachemistry, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of external beauty and love.


2.   Sensual antidoing in spatial antispace for the superfeminine antiself of the 'once-born' antisoul in relation to primal outer metachemistry, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of external ugliness and hatred.


3.   Sensible doing in repetitive time for the subfeminine self of the 're-born' soul in relation to supreme inner metachemistry, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of internal beauty and love.


4.   Sensible antidoing in repetitive anti-time for the subfeminine antiself of the 're-born' antisoul in relation to primal inner metachemistry, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of internal ugliness and hatred.


5.   Sensual giving in volumetric volume for the upper-feminine self of the 'once-born' id in relation to supreme outer chemistry, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of external strength and pride.


6.   Sensual antigiving in volumetric antivolume for the upper-feminine antiself of the 'once-born' anti-id in relation to primal outer chemistry, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of external weakness and humility.


7.   Sensible giving in massed mass for the lower-feminine self of the 're-born' id in relation to supreme inner chemistry, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of internal strength and pride.


8.   Sensible antigiving in massed antimass for the lower-feminine antiself of the 're-born' anti-id in relation to primal inner chemistry, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of internal weakness and humility.


9.   Sensual taking in massive mass for the lower-masculine self of the 'once-born' ego in relation to supreme outer physics, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of external knowledge and pleasure.


10.  Sensual antitaking in massive antimass for the lower-masculine antiself of the 'once-born' anti-ego in relation to primal outer physics, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of external ignorance and pain.


11.  Sensible taking in voluminous volume for the upper-masculine self of the 're-born' ego in relation to supreme inner physics, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of internal knowledge and pleasure.


12.  Sensible antitaking in voluminous antivolume for the upper-masculine antiself of the 're-born' anti-ego in relation to primal inner physics, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of internal ignorance and pain.


13.  Sensual being in sequential time for the submasculine self of the 'once-born' mind in relation to supreme outer metaphysics, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of external truth and joy.


14.  Sensual antibeing in sequential anti-time for the submasculine antiself of the 'once-born' antimind in relation to primal outer metaphysics, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of external falsity and woe.


15.  Sensible being in spaced space for the supermasculine self of the 're-born' mind in relation to supreme inner metaphysics, from least to most via less and more supreme manifestations of internal truth and joy.


16.  Sensible antibeing in spaced antispace for the supermasculine antiself of the 're-born' antimind in relation to primal inner metaphysics, from most to least via more and less primal manifestations of internal falsity and woe.