1.   Monarchy in Britain is only credible in relation to the UK, the United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, not in relation to England alone, since it symbolizes English control, through historical domination, of the so-called 'Celtic fringe', as embodied by the parliament at Westminster.


2.   Devolution of Scotland and Wales from parliamentary control is premised upon a certain degree of regional autonomy for the countries concerned, not on complete independence from England, and hence  the dissolution of the United Kingdom.


3.   However, should there come to pass what I have elsewhere, in relation to the concept of a Social Transcendental Centre, termed a Centrist federation ... of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, possibly even the Isle of Man ... in due democratic course, commensurate, so I believe, with 'Kingdom Come', then it is probable that the most likely political corollary of that for England would be a democratic republic, since such a Centrist Federation would be premised upon the recognition and acceptance of religious sovereignty via a Messianic figurehead, effectively equivalent to the Second Coming, and no such figurehead, approximating to a 'god-king', should be expected or indeed would wish to co-exist with secular kingship in England, the sort of kingship which is closer, in the blood, to diabolic than to divine criteria.


4.   Hence the dissolution of the United Kingdom is only likely to happen, it seems to me, on the basis of the coming to pass, via devolution for Scotland and Wales, of a Federation of Social Transcendentalist Centres ... in which Ireland, Scotland, and Wales would enter into a regionally autonomous federation premised upon the acceptance of religious sovereignty by the People, thereby parting company with secular traditions, including, not least of all, those appertaining to the British monarchy.


5.   Without a United Kingdom to constitutionally rule over, it is inconceivable to me that the British monarchy could survive, since it is too deeply associated, historically, with the United Kingdom to be capable of passing muster on the basis of England alone, and would prove incompatible with a purely English nationhood such that should be turning away from the feminine (watery) character of parliamentary democracy towards the masculinity (vegetation) of democratic republicanism in the interests of evolutionary progress towards what would, in effect, be the next best thing to a Centrist Federation.


6.   For if the Centrist Federation would be affiliated, through its Messianic figurehead, to a truly supermasculine (ideal) level of religion, then a masculine democracy for England would be the only mode of political administration that would permit it to peaceably and harmoniously co-exist with the federation in question in a broadly male-oriented subjective order of society.


7.   Thus one is envisaging a transformation from a female-oriented objective order of society in the monarchic and parliamentary traditions of the UK to a male-oriented subjective order of society in the coming republican and messianic revolutions of England and the Gaelic countries, in what would amount to an Anglo-Gaelic transmutation of the British Isles from fire and water to vegetation and air.


8.   Such a revolution can, I believe, be democratically and peaceably achieved, but it will hinge upon the willingness of the Gaelic countries - and Ireland in particular - to take a lead in furthering, through the assumption of religious sovereignty, a federation of Social Transcendentalist Centres, thereby effectively obliging England to adjust itself to such a revolution on the necessarily more mundane terms that would more fittingly suit it in the absence, historically well-documented, of strong idealistic impulses.


9.   Certainly, I would have no interest, in the event of becoming Messianic figurehead of a Centrist Federation, in expanding it to include England, since it is a mechanism for Gaels to enable them to develop culturally to the idealistic heights to which they are capable of rising, when given sufficient encouragement.


10.  Hitherto their capabilities and aspirations have been blocked and held in check by England through the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  However, the Centrist Federation to which I subscribe would offer all Gaels, whatever their denominational backgrounds, the opportunity to break away from English control and assert their own destiny in pursuance of idealistic, and hence genuinely religious, ends.


11.  It is the difference, for Gaels, between remaining enslaved to England through the United Kingdom and democratically breaking free of England via a Centrist Federation, in order to pursue not only what is best for them but, no less significantly, what is right for them.